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After reading several Ned threads and mulling over this last years fishing with the Ned rod I built last winter, I decided to try something very different. I had success with the Ned but my spinning rod reminded me why I prefer baitcasting rods. Therefore the goal was to build an effective Ned baitcasting rod which will also serve as a drop shot and walleye baited jig rod.

I ordered a SJ8600-MHX blank that is designated as fast action, medium light power, 6-12 line, 1/16 to 3/8 lure, 7'2" long. I also decided to make it a spiral wrap microguide using PacBay Minima guides and tip top. Last of all, I ordered white silk thread that I will not color preserve. That should cause the thread to disappear (if I am lucky) or become translucent when the epoxy goes on.


When everything arrives I will put it together and put my Revo MGX on it. I sure hope this works as it would be an outstanding combination.


All ears on the blank. Specs put it right in the wheelhouse.

Did not know that about the silk thread. Does it handle quite a bit differently than regular size A?


All ears on the blank. Specs put it right in the wheelhouse.

Did not know that about the silk thread. Does it handle quite a bit differently than regular size A?

Same diameter, about, and I will find out. Silk is what everyone used until nylon.


Same diameter, about, and I will find out. Silk is what everyone used until nylon.

Just afraid I would shred it. I have a couple of antique fly rods wrapped with it.


I have a couple dozen spools of silk thread left if you want to add some color. Silk thread comes in a variety of sizes. Pearsalls Gossamer is super thin and hard to handle...usually used YL100 instead and it will still clear out easily with spar varnish. Its a tad thinner that most Size A silk or nylon.

The thinner threads clear out better than the larger sizes, and a thinner finish penetrates the thread better. Do some wraps on an old blank our dowel and perform a few finish tests with spar varnish & epoxy before you apply to your new rod. Good luck.


I'll be interested as well to see how this goes. I've got a sweet Abu 2500 that needs something to do...

I have read about the 2500. It seems strange that something so many have raved about stopped being made. Did you do the ceramic bearing upgrade on yours?


No upgrade...straight from Japan when Abu/Pure Fishing was doing their "global marketplace" marketing thing. The idea was that you could order any Pure Fishing product that was sold anywhere in the world through your local dealer. That gave fishermen access to gear that was made for the Japanese and European markets.


Whoa up Newt!

Thought the 2500 was one of the old itty-bitties like Don Iovino used to collect and sell. Is/was there a newer JDM version?

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