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That little rain has the lake graph going straight up...rain coming again Wednesday. So two guesses, how high will the lake go this spring and how far down stream will the mud line go? I think this will be an over the flood gates spring, then I always guess that.


Jeez I hope not. I'm ready for a wadable white bass run. I felt like I got hosed last year on high water. Every time I could make a trip, the river was jacked up. The few times conditions were perfect I couldn't go. I caught fewer white bass last year than I did on my one best day in 2013.


I know its taken some getting used to from when I left off last year. But it would not matter to me, where I fish, if it stayed low or rose up.

I believe its been proven that high water years are very beneficial to the lake and all as far as helping out the fish. But I do not know what they consider high, normal, low.

I am going to guess its going to be an even year myself, not too high, but not too low....just right :)


I say it gets to full pool at 1120, I doubt it gets into flood pool unless we get another frog croaker.

This is exactly why I dont like fishing the rivers, unless its a normal year. Too much volatility for my liking.


Mudline is Hard at Monte Ne but stained to Blackburn as of today.

Lake level will probably hit 1122.00 if this weeks rain is hard.

Fishing SUCKED TODAY, Been a while since I had the black n white kitty on the boat but he crawled in and slept in it today.


F and F:

That little dude has been really busy the last week or so I hope he is about done boat Rodin for a while

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