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We're going to stay at the dam area this weekend. (picking up my dads new BCB)

It appears theres some water in the bushes, by lookining at the chart.

Any suggestions on how deep to focus my efforts, water temps, etc?

Mainlake points, secondary pear gravel points or flats?

From the looks of the map, theres about 10,000 points to choose from. I just need a starting point.

any help will be appreciated. thanks


The fish by the dam ARE not doing what the fish up lake are doing. The lake is so long and varied in depth a lot too. The fish by the dam are a week or two behind the other fish. Jimmy Creek is slow to warm up as well, but there are lots of fish there to be caught.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I fished Little Sisters Creek not too far from the dam, and caught a few on top water and also got into some big whites chasing shad. A couple of bass were caught out of the shad as well.


The areas on the map with secondary pea gravel points & rod beds that got my attention include:

back of Jimmy Creek, Gunnel fork Cove, Ozark Isle/Barnes Bay

Barnes bay has some real nice looking mainlake gravel, the road going to Ozark Isle recreation area has rip rap along that could be cranked.

Something that's confusing, Little Sister & Sister Creek are across the lake from each other. So I never know which one to look at. Lol


Barnes Bay has ALWAYS been a disappointment to me. I KNOW ppl must catch them there sometimes, but when conditions are right and it is happening in other locations close by, I can not get but there.

Sister to the east, Little Sisters to the west.

I love Gunnel Fork areas. You could fish multiple days in and around there, but that's a little bit of a boat ride from your launch point.

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


I wish it had 2008 shown on that graph

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish


Two years ago, during the first week in April, my buddy and I caught 50 nice 1.5-3.5 pound bass on 1/2 ounce FB jigs in the eastern most arm of little sister's creek. Most of the fish were in 10-15 fow. Last week we got on some topwater fish and some great action on bass and whites chasing shad.


Hey Ed! It's Roy. Remember when I told you I thought the fish were relating more to shad a few weeks ago? Man I feel smart now haha!!

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