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Ok boat trailer will be fixed friday, got a good friend at highway patrol thats why things have stepped up. I was one ticked off marine. I know people and sure not gonna let it happen to anyone else so lets get on with fishing yesterday was yesterday lets all move on and have each others back.


Well I have went from not seeing anyone to everywhere I look I see enforcement ?




whos your HP friend?

TinBoats BassClub. Ā An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM.Ā 


I saw a patrol Friday evening at CC as well. That was the first time in as along as I can remember.

Remember - If at first you DO succeed, try not to act surprised & quit while you're ahead.

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Had my license and live well checked last two times in a row when I pulled out at cc, can't remember last time before that I had been checked.


I'm glad to hear they're all out in the field and doing their jobs.

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