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I'm sure you already know this, but pick your camping spots with care.  The Buffalo has plenty of fine gravel bars, but make sure the spots you pick have easy access to higher ground...no islands or protential islands.  I always look for a bar that is highest where it goes up against the high bank, and acquaint myself with where the easiest spot is to get up onto the high bank.  You never know when you might have to retreat from quickly rising water, especially this time of year.

Also, when picking your bars to camp on, make sure there aren't any dead backwaters oor isolated pools nearby.  Not only are these places possible mosquito sanctuaries, but this time of year the frogs will be in full orgy mode.  You might think hearing lots of frogs chorusing woulld be a pleasant thing to fall asleep to, but when they do it all night it gets old after a while.

2 hours ago, 1969Larson said:

I believe you can walk up to a little store when you get to Gilbert to re-supply.  Food, ice, water.  Should be about half way.  

Yes, and I've never been on that section of the Buffalo so I've not been to Gilbert. It would be a nice break from the routine.  No need for ice and I'm filtering water. Burger and soda would be nice about that time though.  I'm also planning for a re-supply bucket to be left for me at Dillard's Ferry, although I'm hoping not to need it.  So if you see a 5 gallon soy sauce bucket at Dillard's Ferry around the 23,rd or 24th that's my re-supply. It'll have my name on it. 


Al, would you or anyone else advise me on where to put the weight in a solo canoe ? I've loaded it twice and can't get past one end being heavier than the other. I'm guessing heavier in the rear would be best but don't know for sure.  There won't be much time for testing if I launch at Ponca in high water. I'll just have to go with it. 


Al is the man, but for me I like a LITTLE more weight in the rear. It lets me move the nose a lot easier. It might be better if you could get it perfectly balanced, but I really do like it a tad butt heavy. 

Every Saint has a past, every Sinner has a future. On Instagram @hamneedstofish

57 minutes ago, Ham said:

Al is the man, but for me I like a LITTLE more weight in the rear. It lets me move the nose a lot easier. It might be better if you could get it perfectly balanced, but I really do like it a tad butt heavy. 



That was my thinking as well but the confirmation from guys more experienced than me sure does help. 

I really appreciate all of the help I've received from you guys! You're the best!




Slightly heavy in the rear is better than slightly heavy in front.  Best is level or VERY slightly heavy in rear.  I assume you've been testing it with yourself sitting in it as well.  This is another reason I like my seat to be very close to the center of the canoe...helps with leveling it.  But wherever your seat is, aim for getting it as close to level as possible without being heavy in front.  A front-heavy canoe is much more difficult to maneuver, and you'll need some maneuvering in the upper river.  On the lower river, it's not so critical, and in fact I sometimes weight mine a bit heavy in the front if I know I'm going to be facing a strong upstream wind on a wider river.


Thanks Al. Since my seat is mounted on a slide, I do have some opportunity to change weight distribution on the fly. The upper river, as you suggest,  is not the place to be experimenting. 



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