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lilley you ever though about putting a light on that trout cam. i get off work later in the day and cant get a look at the cam during the day i would really like to see the action plus you might see some big fish swim through the area you don't normally see in the day :D

  • Root Admin

Jim is looking into lights but the problem is current. The camera is now at the end of a cable dangling down in the water. With all the debry drifting down like limbs and trees, one can catch the cable and bring the camera up. Also there aren't many fish under the dock like there are when there's no generation.

But we're working on some ideas.

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Where is the link for the trout cam?


Has the cam been down for a while? I haven't been able to watch it for a long time. It always comes up and says "Ready". I've got WMP 11 installed also.

  • Root Admin

One of my kids must have restarted the computer... I just started it up again. But it's dark now.

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I don't know that I've ever seen anything but "black" on the trout cam... maybe I'm doin' something wrong? Is there a certain plug-in I need or sumpin?

Hey Phil... you moved the cam in your office... Now I can't gauge the water level! :lol:



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

  • Root Admin

No- to the cleaning shack, inside. Thought you'd rather see a bunch of guys cutting up fish than moving water. But not a whole lot to see when there's no one in there. Thinking about just taking it outside and pointing it at the lake- but the iris isn't really setup for long distances.

Lilleys Landing logo 150.jpg

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