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Lunds are great boats! I hope you enjoy it for years.


If you ever get interested in fishing bass tourneys with us aluminum boat only guys, let me know and I will send ya info for our club. Enjoy the boat, it's a dandy. 

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Looks like those girls  had a great day.      Any age group requirements for that club. Ketchup ?




No there's not D. We do have a few restrictions tho.  Basically same as most clubs/tourneys. Functioning livewell. All coast guard rules "safety equip".  Alum. Only boats with nothing over a 150. That's about it

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Glad to hear it ....clubs are a heck a lot of fun   Lots of potential friends and great way to learn bodies of water and  fishing 



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10 hours ago, Ketchup said:

No there's not D. We do have a few restrictions tho.  Basically same as most clubs/tourneys. Functioning livewell. All coast guard rules "safety equip".  Alum. Only boats with nothing over a 150. That's about it

So I would not be allowed because I have a deep-v fiberglass Lund? Why not change that from deep-v alum. to just deep-v boats?


When I set out to start the club, my intention was to give the guys that have the smaller aluminum boats "any and all aluminum" who weren't comfortable fishing with/against the big glass boats, and a place they could go and feel at home. This part of the country there are a lot of glass as well as aluminum boats, and mulitple avenues for the glass boat guys to fish against and where they want, but not so for the aluminum guys.  We have some great guys that fish with us, a few on this site, and have a few joining this season. If you ever get an aluminum boat, or know someone who does and want to fish, I will send ya info. 

TinBoats BassClub.  An aluminum only bass club. If interested in info send me a PM. 


Nice fish and nice boat! I bought a Lund boat back in 2002. I go to Canada every year and like to fish Stockton a lot in the summer. Handles rough water extremely well. Mine is only a 16.5 with a 40hp. Would really like to upgrade to one like yours. But would have to hit the lottery!! Thanks for the report.


nice boat . . . nice fish . . . nice family . . . nice day:)

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