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I have to start by saying how much fun it was fishing today.  What a blast!!!! 

Launched at 8:30 with a light mist and a couple Bald Eagles flying right over me. What a sight. 

So I started with a jerkbait and jig for a couple hours and set the hook 2 times - once on a stick and the other on a rock I guess. 

So I ran down the lake a little and tossed around a Ned, Wiggle Wart, Jerkbait and jig. For the next 2 hours - it was the same story - but one less hook set -- so just 1 and it was on another stick. 

Ran down a little farther and I actually set the hook on a fish - I couldn't believe it. 1 in the boat that was 13 inches. It was great. In the next 3 minutes I set the hook 2 more time and 1 was a swing and miss but the other was another Beautiful 13 inch black. Total so far is 2 in the boat - both 13 inches. 

Ran down another 1/2 mile for the next 1.5 hours with no more hook setting.

I went home at 2:00ish. Fantastic day on the water with very little catching!!! But it was fantastic out there!!! 


Cheese, thanks for the information. Some days casting and enjoying the beauty and freedom is reward enough. 


  • Members

What part of Cape Fair did you fish? I usually fish Cape, its the closest drive for me. If you ever see a little red tracker.. say hello


Ok. I will stop if I see you. Please do the same - I am in a white and burgundy Triton, mostly have my bulldog with me.

I was up river a little past point 15 last weekend. 

  • Members

Sunday was tough for us. We fished between the marina and Buzzard Branch.

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