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For three years in a row now I have made it to the creek to fish on Christmas Eve. hopefully I can continue in the years to come.  This year was by far the coldest! Kind of an odd feeling when the spring creek water made my feet feel warmer than the rest of my body. Flurries started falling on my walk down to the creek and continued the rest of the morning which was a neat experience. Caught several small Trout in the creek, making the trip and battling the cold more than worthwhile.

Ever since I got the kick for Smallmouth and bought a jet boat I have not been on the creek but one time since last Christmas Eve. Lots of changes after the flood earlier this year. Some good holes and runs have been washed out, but others are starting to form which should make for some good fishing habitat this coming Spring.

Merry Christmas everyone!



Merry Christmas Matt, Yes the Creek has changed a lot because of the flooding but it is still a special place. I haven't fished it much after it warmed up and the dry weather has kept the levels low. Glad you caught a few. Have a Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy new year.



20 minutes ago, bkbying89 said:

Merry Christmas Matt, Yes the Creek has changed a lot because of the flooding but it is still a special place. I haven't fished it much after it warmed up and the dry weather has kept the levels low. Glad you caught a few. Have a Merry Christmas to you and yours and a happy new year.



Thanks Bill. Same to you and yours. You are right, water is super low, and also super clear. In the past when I fished the creek a lot I would typically stay away in these conditions. I really do think once Spring comes with rain and high water moving a little more gravel around, and also the typical Spring water levels and color come back there will be some really good fishing. One of my favorite riffle/runs got washed out but now it looks like it will turn that area into one large pool where the riffles used to be, and then also another pool less that 30 feet downstream once the water comes back up. 


During a trip to another of our precious little trout creeks, the water was drinking water clear. One thing I learned was that not all of the fish in that creek was small.




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