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39 minutes ago, Will S. said:

Elite 5. I have my unit on the dining room table, 2nd floor condo.  The transducer needs to be grounded for the touch screen to work. I am using a  cheap  110v power supply. Transducer plugged in. Apparently no ground.  Ive put the transducer on the floor, close to the outlet , in the sink (plastic pipes) but noting simulates a good ground for this to work. Anyone have an idea ? Be kind, the issue isnt WHY im doing this, its just because I want to use the touch screen INSIDE this winter.


Are you using a 3 prong plug in your power supply?  You could use the house ground, the circle at the bottom of most recepticles.  Where is the ground on the depth finder?  Or is that one of your questions? 

Money is just ink and paper, worthless until it switches hands, and worthless again until the next transaction. (me)

I am the master of my unspoken words, and the slave to those that should have remained unsaid. (unknown)


2 prong supply. I was thinking about the 110V outlet ground.. Then I would have to touch the ground to ground ME then I could touch the screen ( in theory)...This is my obsession for the day. Looking for an old 3 prong cord to sacrifice.


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