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As part of my Political Science class, we were asked to log on to the link below and take a "test" to see where we actually lie politically. Many of us feel we are either "conservative" or "liberal" and many are. However, after going through the tutorial and test, I think some of you will be surprised just where you DO stand...

Click on www.idealog.org and hit the "Run IDEAlog" link at the left. Then, click on the "Run IDEAlog" link on the next page unless you do not have the plugin and can't see the link. Just follow the instructions if you don't.

Go through the indroduction and tutorial section before you do the self-test. At LEAST do the tutorial first. When you complete the self-test, let us know if you were surprised at the results. You don't have to tell where you "landed" but just if you were "right on" or "very different" from what you THOUGHT you were...



"There he stands, draped in more equipment than a telephone lineman, trying to outwit an organism with a brain no bigger than a breadcrumb, and getting licked in the process." - Paul O’Neil

  • Root Admin

Couple of the questions were alittle tricky- like prayer in schools. I would have answered differently if it said prayer and Bible reading were offered as an option instead of required. Other than that, I wasn't too surprised.

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  • Members

I took the test several times, (with many different slants) and find it pretty interesting how some questions would have a weighed score to one camp or the other. A 'correct' score may send you very far in one direction, but an 'incorrect' score would not move you at all. Many of which can be considered by some as core beliefs.


I thought you wanted to know which turkey feathers to use for arrow fletching.


I'm shocked! Always thought I was conservative. Score???????? Libertarian leaning to conservative! Thought I'd share the results. Seems others were stunned also since they only gave opinions of the test. Guess I stand for what it was built for..... Freedom!




Another Beautiful Day In The Ozarks


I also scored Libertarian leaning consevative. I do think they need to work on some of their questions, for example there was one asking if the death penalty should be applied to all convicted murderers. So, first degree, second degree? I favor the death penalty in certain cases depending on the circumstances. But the question was should all convicted murderers get the death penalty or life in prison? Not much nuance there.


I was rated a hardcore conservative as I am.....

I was born at night, but not last night.

Odds are with the prepared...

  • Root Admin

The death penalty is a shifting issue. I am "conservative" but don't favor the death penalty.

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I scored as a hardcore conservative leaning toward libertarian. No surprise there!

"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the very phrases which our founding fathers used in their struggle for independence." ---Charles Austin Beard


I appear to be purple. I wasn't too fond of the extreme right or extreme left choices for answers.

"Many go fishing all their lives without knowing it is not fish they are after." Henry David Thoreau

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