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I posted this on the FB Beaver Lake page but I really don't like using it, so I'll try here too. I know this ain't Beaver Lake but figured there would be some good advice anyway.

I like to fish the White below Beaver a few times a year. Don't care for the 50 min drive from Bella Vista and I'd like to stay a couple of days in my camper.

Before I have taken my camper to Prairie Creek and then back home to get my boat. Not too bad as it's a 40 min drive each way.

So I started getting it in my head I could buy a 14' Jon boat with a 9.9 and keep it in storage close to either Housman or Holiday Island and go fetch that for the trip after I drop my camper. I'd probably go more often if this idea pans out like I got it in my head.

Plus, the Jon would be better on the river than my Lund 1775 Renegade with a 90 hp. Checked Google Maps and will check again for boat storage at either location. Fishing for SM, LM bass, Walleye or whatever. Would Holiday Island be a better choice for camping/launching? I ain't real keen on that Housman launch site.



If your not interested in trout....I'd skip houseman. I would not skip out on Beaver town proper as a location to put in and fish or camp either. 



Used to live in Holiday Island and extensively fished that area for 17 years. Storage units exist at Holiday Island plus near Beaver. I second the suggestion for Beaver town park and launch ramp. Another excellent alternative is Eagle Rock. Campground, ramp, marina, great fishing area with near by storage.

BTW I fished from the 62 bridge downstream in my Lund 1650 with a 90 hp with no problem.

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Ok, ya'll got me thinking now. I'm know I'm on the wrong forum for this question, but here goes anyway. If my goal is to have a two day get away and camp/fish maybe I should consider something closer to Eagle Rock as rps mentioned. 

I have to have a second boat in storage near by. My bass boat will stay home for these trips. 

Not going to buy a second bass boat and keep it in storage, so thinking an inexpensive 14' Jon rigged up will do me fine. 

Question - I choose the White because I know it's calm enough for a 14' Jon. How far up toward Table Rock should I consider if I don't want to get into "big water"?. I don't want anything to do with 1-2 foot waves and more in a Jon boat.

Early morning topwater bass fishing is by far my preferred fishing.

Thanks for the feedback.



I don't know the storage situation, but you might want to look at the Kings River area, if you're looking at smaller water.  Sweetwater launch, or Viola COE park.  Viola is 60 miles from where I live in BV.  Kings is good for spring crappie, bass fishing in general and there are walleye and white bass.  It does get a lot of pressure but still kicks out fish.  It would not be too far from Eagle Rock also.  There are neighborhood type launches in Viney creek to, though if windy you could face your bigger waves.  And in the warm months rec boaters are a plague on the White below the 86 bridge at Eagle Rock.


Jeff (Quillback) speaks truth.

Any more, no where is safe. When the wake boats and cigarette boats come out, nothing below the 62 bridge will be safe. However, upstream of Eagle Rock is rarely dangerous. The key is to pick your time. The rich kids with wake boats mostly don't hit the lake until noon. There are exceptions. When they do come out, you can fish good water in Jolmes Creek, Haddock Creek, Stubblefield Branch, and up Roaring River.


Just a quick word of caution --- be very, very careful running Roaring River. In fact, don't even try to run most of it. There's a lot of BIG underwater trees in that area just waiting to claim another lower unit. 


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