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About yummysmokedham

  • Birthday 01/25/1983

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  • Location
    Carthage, MO
  • Interests
    Fly Fishing, Storm Chasing,

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Bigmouth Buffalo

Bigmouth Buffalo (5/89)



  1. I am meeting the in-laws tomorrow for a couple of days of striper and walleye fishing on the Norfolk and figured once they go home Sunday that I would break out the fly rod and head down to the tailwaters. I have never fished the norfork tailwaters but I have fished the white and the beaver tailwaters before. With the rainy summer we have had how wadeable are the tailwaters, i have read the white is almost unfishable without a boat. I would rather not rent a boat if I did not have to. Any suggested spots I should check out?
  2. Wonder how this will affect the fishing on Hickory: http://www.joplinglobe.com/local/x1940319525/Neosho-officials-assessing-cause-of-basin-wall-collapse Where at on Hickory Creek is the sewage treatment facility that had the breech?
  3. I have found some tremendous deals on http://www.hotwire.com for Branson during the fall/winter months. Usually around 29 a night or so.
  4. LOL they suffered a humilating loss last week. You guys have a home game tonight or are you away? If you do not have to be up to do anything tomorrow we can go after you are done with the game tonight.
  5. Thinking about driving down this evening and doing some night fishing, looking at the corps site it looks like they are planning on running 25 MW all night. I take it that is one unit, is Taney still wadeable at that level? I usually fish the outlets at night.
  6. Should I bring my waders?
  7. Really??? Wished they stocked them that size everywhere I fish! Might come down if my schedule is free.
  8. This was the first time in probably 3 years I have been to Hickory Creek, and let me tell ya I am kicking myself now. I used only white glo-balls and white woolly buggers and flat tore them up. I fished from about 5 until 7 each evening, caught around 5 fish the first night and this evening I caught about 8 fish. Included are the photos of the fish that were semi photo worthy. The majority of them did not seem to be stocker sized fish so I am guessing they had been in there for a while. All of the fish were caught either near logs or brush or in swift water.
  9. I saw a pair of Korkers the other day at the Bass Pro Outlet in Springfield that had a fair price on them, and they were even my size. May have to make another run up there and check them out a little closer.
  10. I wonder what the difference between being in the water vs being on the shore makes on your back? I have no issues while I am fishing on the bank without my waders on, that is why I assumed it must be my footwear.
  11. And here all this time I thought those were just for keeping you from drowning. Will defiantly pick one of those up! Thanks for that info!
  12. I currently have some el cheapo wading boots, paid around 25 dollars for them at Bass Pro, that are just not cutting it. After a few hours in the water my lower back starts killing me and I am sure its due to the fact that my current wading boots have very little support in them. I am very picky about my shoes, 90% of the time I wear strictly tennis shoes with very good support. I am wanting to find a good pair of wading boots that offer some arch support. I have been looking at the Simms Guide series of wading boots, but they are quite expensive but if the work it will be worth the money to me. If you use another particular brand/style of boots I would love to hear your comments/recommendations as well. Thanks in advance!
  13. Glo-Balls and Elk Hair Caddis is where it's at boys, might throw a olive or white streamer and wollybugger on occasion as well.
  14. I am bad about wearing my PFD, but I always wear it while I have the outboard running and I also wear it when the water is especially choppy. If I had my 8 year old kid out on the water I would make them wear it at all times. I would be curious how many people have drowned in Stockton since in was impounded, I would say that it has to average around 5 a year or so it seems like. I am not a big fan of the mandatory seat belt laws, but I can maybe justify it when it comes to children. Should there be such a mandatory PFD law for children? Or maybe there already is and I am not aware of it.
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