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Big Indian 5/4

My question was answered by 176Champ,that being if there was stained water elsewhere. Down near Baxter most of the water was unstained till I rounded the bend heading up Big Indian. I had to slow to an idle to get through one area of debris. Headed to the backs of coves and most had plenty of water coming in that was now clearing. Fish seemed to like that clear/stain interface. The clear water was cooler because once I ran my boat through the stain I could see clear water underneath. Lots of small to medium spots. One cove it was every cast had trouble hooking up so I downsized to a ned for awhile. had a 17" ,18" ,181/2"LM and a couple right at keeper size lost one other nice one trying to flip him in the boat.Went out on the main lake all I found were banks with boats on them. The cove I'd fished the other day I thought would be good but I went by it 3 times and it always had one or two boats in it. After that I headed back through the debris though it had dissipated for the most part.Used plastics for most of the day color didn't seem to matter as long as it was green. Caught 2 of the bigger ones on chatterbait.


Lots of debris a few big logs






found another Goggleye today

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