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merc1997 Bo
merc1997 Bo

still a few nice one biting

took linda fishing for a bit last night.  a bit slower bite, but if you have patience to fish for a quality bite there are a few out there.  pretty much the same.  the bite for the better ones seems to be out in 10 to 15 feet.  still throwing a 3/8 GrassJig with brown and blue skirt and a dark trailer.  

take in mind that the particular area of the lake you are fishing can be completely different.  we have fish that have spawned.  some that are on the nest now or just getting done, and a few that are still hanging out.  you really have to hunt and peck around until you get a feel for what is going on in your area.  there should be some areas of the lake that the bass spawned long enough ago to really be back on the feed, especially with the moon getting bigger.






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