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Sulphurs were thick this morning 6/25

Took the wife to the dam this morning to take advantage of a day of true minimum flow (which we may not see again for some time). Sulphurs were right on cue and started at 9am. We fished a very shallow area where you could see the trout cruising around and taking the bugs. It was mostly sightcasting with lots of lookers and quite a few takers. I lost a big brown that I would estimate was around 24". I saw him cruising and placed the fly about a foot in front of him and he came up and took it. He made a couple of jumps and then the hook pulled out. 
Here's a few pics...
Check out the coloration of the adipose fin on the brown. I have never seen the bright red tip like that. Also a couple of nice rainbows. We estimated around 60-70 caught this morning, all on dries.  

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