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About innova

  • Birthday 04/05/1965

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    Bella Vista, Arkansas

innova's Achievements

Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. This might help.
  2. I learned this 30 years ago fishing Lake Tenkiller in Oklahoma. Spinnerbaits at nights produce big fish, but you fish them different than you do in the daytime. Bait to use 1/2 oz or larger single Colorado blade Color Black Trailer Pork Uncle Josh #11 Black Where to fish. long points Bluff walls Creak channel bends Retrieve Long casts let the bait sink, ( I usually start of with a 5 count on the drop ) slow retrieve just fast enough to feel the blade thump. The bite usually is not like the typical spinnerbaits bite where they knock it out of your hand. Think more on the lines of the bait just stopping. I relate it to the bite you feel while swimming a grub. When your bait stops set the hook. Hope this helps.
  3. I use 2 bass pro and 2 Atwoods, they all use the same bases which is permanently mounted and the rod holder plugs into the base and can be adjusted left right and up and down. The Atwood holders are made better, but the were almost twice as much. Never lost a rod with either holder, and have caught up 28lb striper using them.
  4. I use yellow power pro 5 lb with a 10 ft leader of 6 lb floor leader attached with an Albright knot.
  5. Put in at RB at first light this morning and fished until noon. Trolled Shad Raps and Flicker shads the entire time. 8 Kentuckies biggest maybe 2lbs mainly dinks 6 smallmouth 5 dinks and 1 huge 22 inches 2 Meanmouth 1 20 inches 4 walleye 1 came home, 3 were within 1/4 of an inch. Fished RB to point 8 Majority of the fish came in front of the elevated roadbed in between the island and the east bank across from RB or off underwater humps. A number of boats fishing for striper just outside of RB at first light. Sorry no pics to windy today.
  6. I have a 2006 Etec 150 HO on the back of a 1991 Basscat Pantera II. I re-powered the cat in April 2007, Merc had a large hole in the side of the motor. The Etec was brand new at that time? Etec performs better than the 'Mercury 175 Efi that it replaced, plus uses half the oil and gas. At the time I purchased it, it was $2000 more than a new Mercury 150 2 stroke but I figured it would be worth it due to the $0 maintence for 300 hours and the extended warranty Evinrude provided at that time. Below are my maintenance / repair expenses for the past 7 years, and the motor still runs like it was new. 3/08 New lower unit - covered under warranty - cause braided fishing line 3/08 New fuel filter - covered under warranty - bad fuel 11/08 New trim buttons on throttle - covered under warranty 02/13 300 hour service around $400 don't remember exact cost. Computer history of the motor showed 337 total hours, with the majority of those hours in the 4500 - 5000 rpm range.
  7. I fish between Houseman and Holiday Island in the summer when it gets hot. Nothing feels better on a 100 degree afternoon than the cold cool air and the fog created by the cold water release when they start to generate. It also seems to turn on the bite in that area. I catch Walleye, Whites and the occasional trout using silver spoons.
  8. Go to Table Rock it is on Fire.
  9. This link will explain it better. Or search for 3 way rigging for walleye. Just replace the weight with the 1 3/4 ounce spoon
  10. I have used the following 3 way swivel rig with success on whites, large mouth, Kentuckian, and wall eyes in the fall. 3 way swivel 3 foot lead going down with 1 3/4 ounce white spoon - this is used at the weight end 5 to 6 foot leader with jerk bait attached Trolled the boat at 3/4 mph with eletric motor, bouncing spoon off bottom with occasional forward sweep of the rod to add action to the jerk bait. Usually fish this in 25 - 30 fow of water in Praire Creek in November and December. Work every time.
  11. Set up to use. Spinning rods medium action Reel spooled with 6 lb mono drag set on the light side 1/4 ounce darter jig head with 4 inch single tail grub - cloudy day salt & pepper, sunny day smoke with red flake Position boat off gravel banks or long gravel points with the boat sitting in 30 Feet of water, make long casts towards the banks letting your grub go to the bottom. Two different retrieves depending on what the fish want on any given day. 1st retrieve scrub the bottom which is a constant slow retrieve with grub maintaining contact with the bottom. 2nd retrieve is slowly swimming the grub back to the boat. Most bites will be light with the grub feeling heavy or just sort of stopping, light side motion swing will set the hook in the top of the mouth every time. Good luck and good fishing
  12. This is the set up I have gone to on all my spinning rods and reals. Rods St. Croix Mojo Bass or Shimano Crucial Reels Quantuam Or Shimano Line Power Pro 5lb Hi-Vis Yellow - getting old and eyes aren't what they use to be. Leader - this changes depending on the technique I am using. Leader length 10 to 15 feet attached to line with Albright Knot. Drop Shot / Split Shot - 8lb Seagur Invizx fluorocarbon Grub/Ned - 6 lb Suffix Mono green Drag set to 50 percent of the test lb rating of the leader. Side sweep hook set - you can hear the drag on most hook sets, windy days with the ned rig - make sure your line is wet and keep your rod tip low to the water.
  13. Kimberling City Report Fished 11:00 until 3:00 Air temp 43 - 50 degrees Water Temp 52 - 58 degrees Wind 15 mph with some strong gusts Caught 12 Mix of Kentucky and Smallmouth No Blacks Fished where we could do the Wind. 1 topwater fish Wake Bait 1 Drop Shot fish 1 Bustem Up Fish 9 grub/swim bait fish - Swam not scrubbed. Most fish caught in 10 to 15 fow swimming the grub. Now for the Fish Porn
  14. Seen 7up but never Mountain Dew, fish stopped bleeding and was still alive at weigh in.
  15. Pickled Carp / Pickled Buffalo Recipe (1) Cut Fish into small chunks (bones invluded) and soak over night in 1/2 vinegar and 1/2 water solution. (2) Boil fish in following solution (3 cups of vinegar, 1 cup of water, 1 garlic clove, 1 tsp salt, 1 tsp pepper. 1/4 tsp mustard seed) until done and fish flakes. 3 Place fish into canning jars with canning solution topping of jar with a paper thin slice of lemon and red onion Add jars to boiling water to seal the lids. Bones are broken down by the vinegar.
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