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Everything posted by Ham

  1. That is a HOLE.
  2. Yeah, I don’t trust the Norfork.
  3. Phil and Duane are usually dialed in. I would definitely suggest swinging by The Landing to get advice and whatever odds and ends you need for a successful trip.
  4. Really? I guess I need to up my Brown Trout game. I’ve gotten a 20 inch Smallie at least 8 times in 11 years and have exactly one Brown Trout 24 inches or better.
  5. I think he’s just trying to get us agitated.
  6. That seems kinda high for the baits, but not sure how much shipping will be. How about $20 shipped ? I’ll PM you an addy ok?
  7. What’s a fair price? I barely used them. I didn’t like the knuckle ball casting and the epileptic walk the dog action.
  8. I still have a couple of Top Dollar Lures I’m willing to part with.
  9. Ham


    -------, I’m going to have to drag the cat out IF I have a cooler weather day.
  10. I think I had 221 one day on the White. I’ve had multiple 200 fish days on creeks. Popping bugs are your friend. the fish have to be really biting and you have to keep fishing hard. You can’t be satisfied with 150 if you’re gonna get to 200. BTW, I am finding more great areas to fish and learning where the fish hold at various water levels.
  11. This is the jig I caught the Brown with.
  12. Striper fishing is a Norfolk thing. A few are up by the Power Site Dam. i don’t fish the lake during tourist season. I would guess drop spotting on bluffs and fishing brush piles any and everywhere. Enjoy your stay!
  13. Below Rim Shoals and Above Ranchette. Triple Olive or Olive/Ginger
  14. So my wife had been out of town. I’ve been trying to keep up with the house work and tend the plants and pets, but I was trying to fish like I was single too. So, I caught 112 fish yesterday. It was a hoot. My back hurt and I was tired so I ALMOST did not Fish today. As it was, I did a little extra clean up and didn’t leave the house until 0930. Finally got the boat in the water around 10:00. First thing I ran into netboy and his wife on the water which was fun. They were catching them. I was catching fish at a 20 Fish an hour clip, but water was really falling out and I decided to run up river. Still trying to learn. I ran up to a big long shoal and the Fish were stacked in there. Zig Jig was too easy so I picked up my fly rod and proceeded to catch a dozen or so. Likely had 50 bites. Terribly inefficient. I could have stayed there, but decided to run further up river. I found another shoal around the corner where a high spot makes two riffles. I threw my 20 lb anchor out then jumped over the side. Swimsuit and water shoes is the way real men wade Fish the White River, During the summer anyway. Well, when the day started, I knew I would have low water so I was only hoping for 50 Fish. I was already at 50 when I started at the last riffle I would fish for the day. Snatched up my fly rod. I like to be frustrated. I caught the first fish while I was pulling line off the reel. Indicator disappeared so I lifted. Caught a total of 7 on the left. Shifted to the right side and caught 7 more. So now 100 isnt very far away. Grabbed up 1/32 oz Zig Jig and went back to the left side. I had bites for 40 something casts in a row. I got 18 to hand. Im starting to feel a little water logged so back in the boat I go and I start drifting the right side. It’s also stupid good, but fish are bigger. Then it happened. In the deepest darkest water, solid thump. Massive fish shoots off upstream. Reel screaming. I pull start the motor and give chase. First glimpse, I thought it was a monster Rainbow, but it was a Super Tanker Brown. It was a long fight. Minutes. I was sure I was going to lose it and took photos best I could of it swimming past the boat. I wanted something to show somebody. It took a long time to get it close to the boat and It did not like the net at all. It powered off many times after it saw the net. I was sure I was going to lose it. 6 lb line (Nano) with 6 lb P Line CX Premium leader. Using a Barbless 1/16 oz Zig Jig that has aleady caught a lot of fish. I was sweating it. But I caught it. I finally got in the big net. I got the jig out. Took a quick pic and transferred the fish to my measuring net. It barely fit. 28 inches long. Thick and Heavy. The fish was All tuckered out. I spent a little while reviving it before it pulled out of my hand and swam away. Fish number 87 of the day. It says a lot about me (both Good and Bad) that I stayed and caught more fish after that. I ran up and fished the left again and the right again. I finished with 108. I really enjoyed myself today.
  15. See you later Big Guy
  16. So my wife had been out of town. I’ve been trying to keep up with the house work and tend the plants and pets, but I was trying to fish like I was single too. So, I caught 112 fish yesterday. It was a hoot. My back hurt and I was tired so I ALMOST did not Fish today. As it was, I did a little extra clean up and didn’t leave the house until 0930. Finally got the boat in the water around 10:00. First thing I ran into netboy and his wife on the water which was fun. They were catching them. I was catching fish at a 20 Fish an hour clip, but water was really falling out and I decided to run up river. Still trying to learn. I ran up to a big long shoal and the Fish were stacked in there. Zig Jig was too easy so I picked up my fly rod and proceeded to catch a dozen or so. Likely had 50 bites. Terribly inefficient. I could have stayed there, but decided to run further up river. I found another shoal around the corner where a high spot makes two riffles. I threw my 20 lb anchor out then jumped over the side. Swimsuit and water shoes is the way real men wade Fish the White River, During the summer anyway. Well, when the day started, I knew I would have low water so I was only hoping for 50 Fish. I was already at 50 when I started at the last riffle I would fish for the day. Snatched up my fly rod. I like to be frustrated. I caught the first fish while I was pulling line off the reel. Indicator disappeared so I lifted. Caught a total of 7 on the left. Shifted to the right side and caught 7 more. So now 100 isnt very far away. Grabbed up 1/32 oz Zig Jig and went back to the left side. I had bites for 40 something casts in a row. I got 18 to hand. Im starting to feel a little water logged so back in the boat I go and I start drifting the right side. It’s also stupid good, but fish are bigger. Then it happened. In the deepest darkest water, solid thump. Massive fish shoots off upstream. Reel screaming. I pull start the motor and give chase. First glimpse, I thought it was a monster Rainbow, but it was a Super Tanker Brown. It was a long fight. Minutes. I was sure I was going to lose it and took photos best I could of it swimming past the boat. I wanted something to show somebody. It took a long time to get it close to the boat and It did not like the net at all. It powered off many times after it saw the net. I was sure I was going to lose it. 6 lb line (Nano) with 6 lb P Line CX Premium leader. Using a Barbless 1/16 oz Zig Jig that has aleady caught a lot of fish. I was sweating it. But I caught it. I finally got in the big net. I got the jig out. Took a quick pic and transferred the fish to my measuring net. It barely fit. 28 inches long. Thick and Heavy. The fish was All tuckered out. I spent a little while reviving it before it pulled out of my hand and swam away. Fish number 87 of the day. It says a lot about me (both Good and Bad) that I stayed and caught more fish after that. I ran up and fished the left again and the right again. I finished with 108. I really enjoyed myself today. This post has been promoted to an article
  17. You need to buy a kidney or what?
  18. Sculpin. Most likely an Ozark Sulpin. A protein packed snack for Brown Trout. They live in nooks a crannies trying to eat everything smaller than them and avoiding Brown Trout. Little Boogers are cannibalistic. FWIW, a little over 1600.
  19. While not particularly useful ones, I have Mad Skillz.
  20. I’m off the 15 th.
  21. I run one clicker in the Bass Boat, a second clicker in the trout boat, and a third in the yak so I spread the load around. I have a NIB backup should trouble arise. Another 112 caught today. I learned more about the area I have been concentrating on. I got another 19 inch Brown in High Current. It literally took minutes to land. We were both tired when I slipped the net under it, but I was Happy as well. Released of course. Fly rod would have been big fun today. Much lower numbers, but still. I may do that tomorrow. To the point at hand, I’m always interested in fishing with you Eric. Text me wheb we get closer ok?
  22. Look at the pic and measure against your rod. I’d bet you could get it within 1/2 inch accuracy anyway. Beautiful Fish. Cuties love to eat bugs off the surface.
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