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Everything posted by Ham

  1. awesome stuff! Those trout need to go on a diet. Fat little pigs!
  2. Yep, Chain Pickerel. That one was 20 inches.
  3. Free firewood!
  4. That's Ghost Chartreuse Shad, but whatever. I'm just Happy, Happy, Happy that BSL may drop a little faster now.
  5. Pretty little guy.
  6. Lol Pete, SO far the year I have caught a grand total of 5 trout. I'll post the one trout pic I have taken this year.
  7. I'll have to check the River Rubber when I get home. I'll post the model number etc then. The sizes smaller than 30 are too small IMO, but the 30 works nicely for me. I have a couple of 35's on Ned rods.
  8. The Pflueger President is a good buy at $60. I get the 30 size, but try to look at one in person to make sure that the size in right for you. The President will never be confused with a Shimano Stella, but its a very functional reel that tends to hold up to some abuse. The Air Stream is a very different rod than the River Runner. The River Runner could be called the "River Rubber" because it is so soft. I have a river runner and I would swap it in a heartbeat for an Air Stream if ANYONE wants to take me up on that offer!
  9. CajunAngler has found a diamond in the rough. For those of you that are looking for a Light rod for trout or crappie, take a look at the Browning Air Stream 7 foot 2 piece Rod. They call it a UL, but it fished like a "L" and it is not a buggy whip. I got a chance to fish CajunAngler's Browning Rod yesterday and I found it to be very similar to my go to Rod the Dorber OMT. I am very fond of the Dorber OMT84UL AND I fully recommend them, but they are often out of stock and are 80 ish dollars. The Browning is listed at $59.99 thru Bass Pro. I have no need for one, but I'm sorely tempted to go buy two of them on put them back for whenever I do need them. Quite a nice Rod for $60. Very comfortable handle that secures the reel well. Light weight with pretty cosmetics. Heck of deal.
  10. Esox niger aka Toothy Bastard
  11. Dopey washed out LMB. He pulled though.
  12. Decent chunk Smallie.
  13. Pretty Shadow Bass
  14. I used to know about half the Yamamoto colors by number and name, but I don't know a single Wart color combo letter/number designation. It's funny. I threw a lot of Senkos back in the day and I've never been a wart guy.
  15. When I am a guest in another persons boat, I try to limit myself to 6 combos or less depending on boat size. On multiday canoe trips, I only carry three so it can be done. It helps to be sure on what's happening fishing wise.
  16. I wouldn't sweat having 10. I actually think you need 2 rods rigged and ready for some techniques and you didn't mention spinnerbaits. Tap the brakes at 20 combos. 30 seems like a lot to take, but I usually have 10 out on deck if Im fishing solo. I used em all too.
  17. Ham

    Ned Rig

    I have relatives that are excellent fisher many and their gear is CRAP. I wonder how good they could be with even decent gear. Scary.
  18. That's just crazy! I have literally caught 1000's of fish on 6 lb Nanofil and I have never broken off a fish where the Nano failed. Never. Not once. It will happen eventually, but clearly not an issue for me. I primarily use P Line CX Premium for my leader. I bought Seaguar Red Label specifically to be leader material. I went back to P Line after numerous mystery break offs with the Red Label.
  19. What's hybrid about it? don't be surprised by anything this crew of fisherman do. Not everyone continues to try different lines when they are happy with what they are using. I'm stunned that everyone doesn't love Nanofil like I do. Seriously, very puzzled by it. I want strength but I also want thin diameter. It matters more on small baits than large. It also matters more in current than flat water. McCoy plays the thick 8 lb game. It's super strong for 8 lb because it's 12 lb line labelled as 8 lb.
  20. This certainly has been an educational thread. I'm learning lots.
  21. 1) I have a no name knot that works just fine with 10, 15, and 17 Seaguar. That I use on baitcasting. 2) I have not found a fluro carbon anywhere close to P Line CX Premium or Silver Thread AN40. Not In VizX not Abraz X Not Vanish Not Berkley Trilene 100% Fluro. Nope. Not close. Although the Star Wars homage made me smile. 3) I'm using 6lb, 8 lb, and 10 lb Nanofil. My "superline" has NEVER failed on a fish and usually only fails on a dead straight pull at the leader knot. The breakoffs were in the fluro between leader knot and lure. 4) I don't buy coffee at all. Starbucks or otherwise. I would much rather spend money on my tacklebox than my lunchbox. 5) pshaw. I'm 100% convinced an expert in the front of the boat will outfish a beginner in the back of the boat regardless of line used. You fish the braid/leader combo in front and let the noob in your boat have the In VizX rod. If the guy in the back out catches you, I will revisit this issue. As we have discussed, I intend to run a straight fluro rod PRIMARILY for windy days. We'll talk about my experiences with it about June. I'll probably runa crappie pole with it as well.
  22. And besides, Super Dave rarely does much more than idle to a nearby bank where he fishes a 300 yard stretch for 8 hours at a time. I trailer close and go easy on the throttle using 6-10 gallons of gas a day. Dave uses ounces not gallons.
  23. Well J Doc, The conventonal wisdom is to use fluro. Given my previous experiences with using fluro and thinking it thru, I don't understand why people choose that option. I would like to hear why people prefer fluro over a mono or copoly. I've used both. Since that was the "preferred" setup of the "professionals", I bought some fluro for leader and gave it an extended whirl. I have more breakoffs and lost fish with fluro than I do with mono or a copoly. If others have used both and had a different experience, I would love to hear about it and see if there is something I need ot do differently to get the advantages out of using fluro without the negatives I have experienced. I'm trying to determine if the advantages of fluro are legit or is this another example of unfounded group think in fishing.
  24. I am about the biggest Nanofil pimp on the planet. I freaking love it and while I will admit it has some downsides overall I think it is the best thing I have ever tried on spinning and remains one of the very best things I've ever done to improve my fishing success. I fully reccomend it. I do not tie directly to my leader, but instead join a supple mono or copoly with an alberto knot. Many though are equally happy using any one of a number of braided lines. I wish them continued success and I will continue to listen to trusted opinions about new braided lines on the market and *gasp* even straight fluro on spinning. The pro ranks have almost universally gone to braid with fluro leader material, but I never see the reasons for why they use fluro as their leader. What I continue to long to have explained to me is the almost universal use of fluro as the leader for those that fish with braided line and leader on their spinning gear. To me, the downsides of fluro as a leader in this situation outweigh whatever advantage it might have. I am more than willing to give it another chance IF someone can make a compelling arguement. The disadvantages to me are that 1) fluro is picky about knots. If it gets hot during the knot tying process, it is significantly weakened 2) it is a thicker line than many other choices for leader and usually stiffer as well. It may be less visible, but the subtle effects on the bait may be more noticible. 3) the combination of no stretch mainline and no stretch on leader doesn't offer any advantages and may lead to more breakoffs. I don't think the stretch in 6 foot of mono is going to affect sensitivity negatively and may offer a tiny cushion on the hookset. The rod should give some and you don't have to gorilla the hookset, but still 4) the initial expense of the fluro leader is higher and 5) i'm not convinced that most fluro lines really offer a whole lot of extra abrashion resistence. Please enlighten me.
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