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Everything posted by Ham

  1. I'd really rather wait for a little bit of falling water to move the big stuff closer to the shore line. Motoring thru lots of woody debris isn't a lot of fun for me in the Bass Cat. It might get pretty tough to find an open ramp. I'd go shallow into some flowing stuff and flip dark colored jigs or soft plastics. I might also try cranks or spinnerbaits. My bait selection gets a little limited. I don't think there is a whole lot of clean water to be found, but steeper banks and a Ned might be an option.
  2. Some of us are at work, but Thanks
  3. Bull is up 13.5 foot from when I last fished it. All the Beaver water has yet to arrive and only some of the TR water is here so far. And then you have all the normal runoff. I think we would have had about a 10 foot rise without any water from TR and Beaver. I thought Fish 24/7 was crazy when he said 680, but now I'm concerned they will open the floodgates again.
  4. #BlameChampNow
  5. Thank You!
  6. mic. You want a good paddle that fits you. I'm not a big modify and add on to my Yak guy, but I can certainly understand having to prioritize and wait on things a while. Tenkara isn't going anywhere.
  7. A little further explanation. It is my left arm that is in need of repair. I cast spinning and baitcasting with my left arm. I fly fish and will likely do the Ten Kara deal with my right arm. I'll get a shoulder impingment syndrome IF I use the fly rod a lot. The main nerve to my arm gets pinched because my shoulder joint has a little too much slack in it and the ball slides in the socket and pinches that nerve. It gets angry about it and swells up which just means it gets pinched some more. Good times.
  8. I'll risk it to wrestle with some of the copper demons that you captured.
  9. It may very well be shock from no stretch lines that has made this a re-occuring problem. I guess I should fly fish and do the tenkara deal a lot more than now to give that arm a chance to heal. And ice. And Nsaids. And the flexi. And shooting stars. And 4 leaf clovers. And....
  10. It might take the new daddy a while to notice so I'll jump in. That is part of my plan to strengthen and maintain the muscles around that tendon so that I don't always have nagging fishing elbow pain.
  11. I purchased the Theraband thingy. I got the green (Medium) one. I'm a few days in on my rehab. So far so good. That sucker could double as a personal defense item though. You could deliver a serious beatdown with it. I am hopeful that I can work out the soreness and then stay ahead of it.
  12. I've been to that Lower CC access. It seems like a terrible use of government money to me. I'm sure there are some decent fish to be had and I fully agree that it is a real workout to try and get at them and not for the faint of heart. I also COMPLETELY agree that there are a higher than normal amount of Cottonmouth on the lower reaches. I would expect the number of cottonmouth to be inversely proportional to the amount of people that use an area. People seemingly can not be intelligent and mature enough to not kill snakes on sight and especially snakes they deem to be deadly. Tough sledding = less people = more snakes.
  13. Thanks Zipper, I sure will !
  14. I hate that. Im stressing about the weather and I don't have near as much at risk.
  15. I'm old enough to have fished the first generation graphite rods. Graphite continued to be " improved" and refined, but I'm not sure I need more than a quality IM6 blank. Im probably more interested in the 7' "L" eyecon rod.
  16. Take a look at the Common Cents Data chart. I'm a little concerned the one I got is gonna be really wimpy. If I had it to do over again, I might lean a little heavier like one near 15 penny deflection.
  17. I have been known to tie it for the people I'm fishing with. It's just less frustrating for everyone involved.
  18. I am completely confounded that some people find Nanofil difficult to work with. Shocked.
  19. I'll still say that Nanofil has made me a better fisherman. Or at the very least a more successful one. Pete, I have a 6 foot 6 inch. I hope you got the right rod coming
  20. You're killing me Jeff.
  21. From your lips, to God's ears. That would awesome!
  22. Hush now bluebasser. No need to give it all away.
  23. I would much rather fish with a smallish bait that represents a lot of possible food items pretty well than a larger bait that is an exact duplicate of one food source.
  24. Mic, tim has all the practical knowledge here AND I certainly agree that there is a huge amount of fish able stuff out there. The Tenkara Bum guy Chris has made trips down to Sowbug and given talks. I've managed to miss all of those. http://www.tenkarabum.com has a section where he discusses rods a gives good descriptions of what rod for what fish and you can email him with questions about rod selection. I think you can get started for $180 for sure. Whole different world. I'm a complete noob again. Take your time and take a look at what's available.
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