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Everything posted by Ham

  1. The White River below Bull Shoals is fishing Great right now. I don’t typically enjoy fishing in the summer ; Crowds and slower than average fishing combine to ruin the fun for me. But for whatever reason, there are a lot of really nice fish in the water. I suspect the extended periods of generation due to springtime high water levels in BSL has had the fish feeding a lot and growing a lot. Maybe the new regulations are letting some larger fish stay in the river longer also. Lately, there has been higher generation during the heat of the afternoon, but dropping down to 2300 ish CFS the rest of the time. I love that water level ( roughly 2500 CFS) for many sections of the river. I can really work on them with Zig Jigs on 4 and 6 lb line. 1/32 oz Zig Jigs have been doing most of the work lately and some 1/16 oz Jigs in the deepest and fastest stuff I am fishing. I haven’t even thrown the 1/8 oz Jig in quite a while. I’ve been starting with olive/ginger and have not needed to change colors all day. I throw the 1/32 oz on 4 lb P Line CX Premium and the 1/16 oz on 6 lb Nanofil with a 4 or 6 lb P Line CX Premium leader. The cherry on top for me is that I have found a couple “new” areas of the river to fish. I’m still working out some of the details, but they seem to be full of fish and set up well for the ways I like to fish. I’m not sure there is a bad section of the river to fish, but I do like getting away from the crowds and the boat traffic. I trust Kris Nault when he tells me the upper river has a much higher % of Brown trout, but I’m finding a few south of the Hwy 62 bridge. Still the vast majority of what I catch are Rainbow Trout. The Good Old Days are right now. Head to the White River and catch a bunch!
  2. Yeah, I’ve been terribly disappointed with Lew’s Spinning. I’ll fish the ones I have already until I can’t stand it and then I’m done with Lew’s spinning reels.
  3. I have not had any binding up. Last Shimano I owed did that. That’s why I won’t ever buy Shimano spinning again
  4. Will do John
  5. I’ve been fishing a couple of Supremes for a couple of years without any issues. Contact Customer Service and I am pretty sure they will make that right. Maybe you just got a Lemon.
  6. And chocolate milk comes from brown cows
  7. I do not. I mean small fish.
  8. Any fun micros?
  9. I have not personally spear fished, but I have a pretty good idea that it is far more difficult than most people realize. I don’t think I’m in good enough shape to start now. That water is cold and it takes effort to cover ground. Visibility is also often an issue. I know you don’t just swim down and pick out which 14 pound walleye you want to shoot.
  10. You’re a Hoot Marty! I wouldn’t want to miss out.
  11. I’m not blocking a dumb butt from being a dumb butt, but out of sight is out of mind. I’m much less annoyed by certain idiots if I get to ignore there content. Unfortunately, I see it when someone quotes them, but I can live with it. Good Grief, I am not blocking anubody for their differing viewpoints. I block ppl that are a-holes that stir the pot and troll ppl AND/OR they just annoy me by being inane. It does not impede that person in any way, I’m just happier that I don’t have to see their content. Clear as mud to some I suppose. I honestly think it is an awesome feature.
  12. Go to the menu and open up account and then set preferences.
  13. You’d have to ask around for a long time to find somebody that likes a fish kill. Hopefully, the people that should be asking questions (MDC) are asking the rights questions. not much we as fishermen can do about it. Sucks.
  14. There’s a reason I block ppl. 😉
  15. No disrespect to original poster, that’s a special Fish he harvested, but I’m not at all interested in trophy LES. #ZFG
  16. Please keep more Longear Sunfish! Please shoot or catch and keep the biggest you can find. There are literally 10’s of thousands of them ; Almost no one keeps them. I kind of feel like if there were a lot less of them, we would have larger individual fish. I’m not sure anyone if fishing for trophy long ear Sunfish. The large number of LES and Green Sunfish combined with the lack of shoreline cover reduces the effectiveness of the natural Walleye spawn. Eat some Sunfish, Save a walleye.
  17. This one ate a Ned in Bull Shoals this Spring, but I think his momma had a BlueGill in the Woodshed. Nice Fish!
  18. I won’t kill a Redfish to eat. Lots of better options out there. Love to catch them ZERO interest in eating one again. 🤮 The Black Drum I have caught were beasts to subdue. Gotmuddy caught a mammoth one that I can’t imagine the pull from.
  19. And I still think I was happier you caught it than you were. I still owe the Current river Goo some payback. Way too often they turn down my offerings.
  20. Heck Man, I love catching Drum. Gaspergoo are a fun fish to catch. I’m not disappointed at all when I catch one.
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