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Everything posted by Ham

  1. when?
  2. Hey BFT, I agree with your plan in principle, but it is going to require a little more effort than that. The elevation value is not all that useful. Different areas require different amounts of water to be passable AND You'll have to have YOUR boat on the river in various spots at various CFS rates and make notes of what is "doable" for you are what water levels. for example, I know that I can get around and catch fish at Cotter in my boat when they are running 700 CFS (minimum flow), but I'm not comfortable immediately below the dam at much less than 3000 CFS. Here's another example, I can get around to most areas at Rim ok with 1000 CFS, but I need about 1500 at Shipps Ferry. I have a decent working knowledge of what I am comfortable doing at various water levels, but it took a few trips on the river to develope that.
  3. There are definitely peak periods as well as prime locations. When we get lucky enough to fish a prime area during a peak in the bite, Good things happen.
  4. This really looks like a heck of a deal. Everything seems to be in really good shape. An old beat up boat, motor, and ragged out trailer goes for a couple of grand. This one is less than half the price of a new one. Someone should have snapped this up.
  5. NO worries on my end Rick. I call fish all sorts of names that locals wouldn't recognize. And no worries on that jighead. It worked for you, That's the most important thing. I'm confident that you are going to love Dave's jighead, but whatever works for you is fine by me.
  6. It isn't almost scary, IT IS ABSOLUTELY SCARY. If the meathog crowd buys into this sytem, they can catch and keep a ton of fish. kinda like the impact of snagging those flatheads gathered up in deep wintering holes. A few individuals can degrade things for everyone else. I guess just enjoy it while it lasts.
  7. After catching a few hundred fish (conservative estimate) on it last year, I am starting to have a hard time throwing other baits. You realize that you are costing yourself fish by trying other lures. Basically if the water is above 38 degrees or so AND not awful muddy, you ought to throw the Ned a bit.
  8. I think you might shoot those guys a email and say you'd be happy to seel them for $100 now.
  9. I don't fish the lakes in summer. so my stuff is fall and Spring thru post spawn. Lots of good suggestions; i don't want to repeat anything. My advice would be to not overstock all at once. 3 x Super Spook Jrs, a couple of some kind of poppers like the Academy ones or Yellow Magic, a couple of Lucky Craft KJ's or the fancier versions of those. a few buzz baits. I like the SK mini Pro Buzz and War Eagles
  10. Awww Man, I've got to set the hoook a little bit. Not like my flipping and pitching hooksets, but something. I'm not switching hands and I'm trying not to do the injection thing, but I might if I have to do so .
  11. I like them better raw and cold. Maybe you could give it 10-20 seconds a side on a low heat. I will admit they are awful chewy though.
  12. Everything eats a Ned.
  13. Your buddy caught one when he stopped working his bait to net your fish. Lol.
  14. Nope. Zig Jig 1/8 oz. olive and Orange if I remember correctly.
  15. . I've got Shadow Bass taken care of for 2015. Easy once you fish where they live.
  16. You know you're a man when you dub yourself "WinkieDoodles".
  17. Dave, I've been try not to blame you, Richard across, and Ned K. for my problems BUT since you brought it up. All the extra hooksets from the Ned Rig and the Zig Jig may have sent me tumbling over the overuse injury edge. I'll keep reading up on the subject and keep trying to work it out. I may find the right combination of therapies to get me pain free. Meds, stretching, ice, brace, and productive pillows for now. Massage therapy, steroid injections, and Maye even stem cell injections later on. One thing for sure, I can't just "not fish" for 8-12 months. I'd sooner cut the darn arm off than that. I hate to not fish for 8 days.
  18. Oh Man, Jamie is gonna have to add another name to the hit list.
  19. I kinda hope more ppl will switch to MLF format and CPR their fish immediately.
  20. I seem to aggravate it by sleeping on it wrong. I'm thinking about sleeping with my arm stuck down in a piece of PVC drain pipe to keep it straight and not crushed under me. But yes Les, I'd love to try whatever.
  21. I'm dealing with tendinitis in my right elbow. It has been waxing and waiting for a few months now. I can't remember exactly when it started, but I know I was fighting it in late October. I'm not at all sure what specifically caused the flare up. I did catch a lot of fish in Sept and Oct and it is considered an over use injury. I cast left handed and I have dealt with it in that arm before as well. It felt a little different, but similar enough. Here's what I've tried : I've tried to rest it, but I have to fish. I've used ice packs three times a day thru the worst of it, and that helped a bunch. I've been trying to remember to take ibuprofen three times a day scheduled to chemically reduce the inflammation. I might switch to Aleve so that I won't have to remember as often. The arthritis creams rubbed on the offended region have helped as well. I've taken to doing multiple forms of stretching for my hands and forearms and that has helped. I spoke to a MD about it and he suggested a brace and quit doing the activity that injured it (blasphemer) and if I wasn't going to do that get a steroid injection in the elbow. Three months in and it is much better. I'm getting closer to my max grip strength and It is less painful when I set the hook. IF I'm not 100% by March, I'll take the needle. This sucks though.
  22. Tip of the iceberg Bret. It gets so much better when the water is warmer. Crazy good.
  23. I would love to have attended, but I have to work. The weather might be tough, but it won't stop you guys and it sure won't get in the way of the fellowship.
  24. A multi day warming trend is always a good thing. Glad to see you got out there and that your new gear is paying off. I'd say it was money well spent.
  25. Dave, You Are Da Man!
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