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Everything posted by Smalliebigs
First off....Opium it's pretty similar to weed in it's buzz just a lttle more intense and dosen't last as long and you will smell like some old ladies perfume when your'e done with it. Second....taking LSD out in a field on the Current River is probaly one of the most safe enviroments to do acid. Our country is very hypocritical when it comes to the war on drugs.Alcohol use accounts for more deaths and money out of our pockets than all drugs combined.When it comes to the town drunk in Salem and he hits your mailbox you laugh it off.When a bunch of want to be hippies going to a Dead cover band in the Ozarks and smoke some weed and maybey sell some weed ,we have the goverment sieze their property and assets. The goverment better stay away from my Pinot Noir and my Sig Sauers or is already illegal to drink wine and shoot guns on your land???? I know that when I just got my Curios & Relics license last month the St. Louis County Sheriff actually checked my immediate families criminal records...one good reason to always have a good attorney that knows just about every prosucuting attorney in the area. SIEZE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
IT'S THE DEVIL WEED!!!!!!!!!! If we were talking about a property owner that held concerts and served whiskey who's land was siezed and his accounts frozen by the Feds most of you would be in an uproar. Ness I hate to say it Eric's right you my friend are naive....drugs are beeing consumed and sold at all venues in the big city during concerts....hell I smelt weed at the Sesame Street on Ice show @ Scottrade....bottom line is the guberment shouldn't be allowed to sieze anyone's property....the war on certain drugs is a joke!!!!!
I have to agree with Cricket, Wrench and Eric on this one. We don't know what was going on there....I camped there once like Cricket and it seemed much more clean than most state properties I have camped in. I don't like the Feds or State police taking anything from anybody.If it's some kids smoking a ton of weed, well that dosen't bother me. I also agree with Justin in the country unique events thru out the year are what drums up commerce in a already depleted commercial region. show me some evidence that would support such a siezure...if it's just a little weed smoking and people listening to the Dead and and camping, then that is just plain wrong. Our society is going up the craper with how PC we think we are.
nope, the biggest come on an Arkie, foxnfeather jig I add a little to, kinda what you and Nick fish.I agree with Nick...where's the rain??? I took my 17 ft /oldtown SS with a 5 hp on it and hit ground several times between Shady beach up to the state park in Sullivan on the Meramec.We caught some nice fish but the big dawgs were not in their holes yet.One thing I do like about these water conditions on the Meramec..is you can see everything when it's this low and clear, it's awsome!!!!
I do, slow and suttle all winter long.
Awsome....I love it.
Thanks Slider, but it wasn't much of accomplishment the area is way to over populated with deer.The shot itself was only about 25 yards, I will admit I was nervous as hell.I stuck him a little far back than I wanted to.I'm use to shooting carp in water.That deer is out at Swiss getting processed as we speak.
Outside, you got that right they ate everything in our yard...It sounds like you know the area...are you one of my nieghbors???
What up E, we have a 5 acre yard that backs up to about 80 some odd acres right above HWY 270 and 44.....tons of deer...too many deer.If anyone wants to come and get some backstraps for themselves pm me.there is still two 8 point brothers and a mule 10 pointer that is a hoss
Went home friday night after work, sat in the stand in our yard for 25 minutes and this dude strolled thru so I had to try to stick him and the new Hoyt is accurate and quiet. He was a nice old deer to remove from the area, I stuck him a 5:39 pm and had to wait a few hours to go drag him up my hill to the house with my nieghbor. This deer was taken in St.Louis County.
E, I know brother...I'm just bored in the office. Mitch, I love all types music and Spinal Tap is awsome it opened my eyes to amps that go up to 11
Ok you got me...I like that country!!!! and this cracker likes rap, Public Enemy, old school IceT, Biggiesmalls...duh check the web name and of course BeastieBoys....some would call me a wigger
I'm with Cricket, I wake up with some Sabbath, Tool, Megadeath, mabey some ACDC. then I even out with some funk, some old parliment, get the funk out my face and lots of reggae, Peter Tosh, lots of Marley and some zydeco..I graduated from Tulane cajun crept in to my blood. I usually end the drive back with as much Hendrix, Floyd and Zeppelin as my ears can take. NO COUNTRY!!!!! sorry fellers
Outside, I agree the Current River is beautiful in the fall and winter, but in the summer it's a joke!! full of freaks puking on sand bars and and fliping canoes left and right. Gene @ Akers has told me of the insanity that exist in the summer and I have witnessed it a few times myself.I will agree the hoosiers have basicly destroyed the Mineral Fork it's rediculous and full of trash compared to the Current.The Brazil Creek is still pristene and beautiful for most of it's length.I totally agree with you there are landowners who are guilty as hell of destroying the stream bed whether it's on purpose or due to their own ignorance. Do I want the feds to designate Brazil Creek as a national scenic waterway???? sure if they buy my land from me for a legit price. We already had to buy the land back from them when they took it thru iminent domain in order to darn up the Meramec. By the way we called the DNR and their response is oohhh so swift...give me a break state or federal agencies are not the ansewer to everything.We also own the land under the water on both sides or at least we are taxed on it, not just up to the stream bed. We have our own stream team it's our family and I will take any advocates I can get. I'm not holding my breath waiting for any state or federal agency to help in any fashion.
I'm right there with you Terry...keep the stupid goverment and it's pathetic regulations off my land and out of my life. The MDC is doing nothing for Brazil Creek and nothing about a gravel mining operation upstream from us. I stocked the 11 acre pond on our land not the MDC, we had a fish farm out of Salem,MO stock the pond. I find it hard to believe that people on this forum would think it's their right to fish our pond merely because it's there in Missouri and you have a fishing permit. We have a different situation than you we have a creek and a river.There isn't a darn thing I can do about the river other than watch the dung float down stream and shut my mouth. The creek on the other hand is not navigable in my opinion..others may disagree with me on that and I will protect MY section of the creek tooth and nail. I will say this again I wouldn't have problems with any OAF members fishing thru there just ask me first and tell me when you are going.I would like to meet you and share a beer or two or maybe five or six
Al, I totally agree you there is a very small percentage of people that are creating a bad situation for a lot of anglers. Personally I would love for people like you and just about everyone on this forum to come to my place and fish your brains out, especially if you brought your kids.There is nothing I would like more than a bunch of kids getting their shot a nice stream smallie on the Brazil creek.It's just that rare occasion when some pin head as you put it does something like dumping their used car batteries on my land or cut a hole in our metal barn we built with a torch to steal tools I could only assume, you get kind of vigilant about your land. I would never want to block off the creek from good anglers that only leave footprints and take only photos.I just like to know who's there and when, thats all. I have to admit Al, I have done the same thing you speak of and have fished what I know is private property and did not take the time to find owners....I'm guilty... sometimes it's down right impossible to find the land owner if they exist at all. I don't think some of my fishing buddies realize the process I have gone thru to get permission to access in some of the places I take them to.It can be very hard to find someone to get permission to access at all, but when you do show that respect you would be suprised what you will get in return.I found an old gentleman down on the Little Piney that owns thousands of acres of land in several counties on many streams. I guess he liked the fact that I sought him out and explained my backround and my agenda and he has given me keys to four of his farm gates that access the Little Piney, upper, upper Gasconade, Osage Fork of the Gasconade and the upper Big Piney.Now, I send him a large gift certificate to Citizen Kane's steak house every year at Christmas and he comes up to St.Louis with his wife and we go out for one of the best steaks in town, but is well worth it. Now, a lot of you are saying all of those streams are navigable, but knowing I have full permission to access thru Walter's farms make me feel better about it. Also Al, the fact that Montana's population is about the same as Clayton, Missouri lends to the fact that there are way less pin heads so the laws there can be the way they are, there just isn't as many people fishing up there as there is here.There are streams up there going untouched for years, I envy you buddy, going between Montana and Missouri, your are truly living the dream a lot of us on this forum have in the back of our minds.
Ozark, you are not the type of person I am worried about, I know you are a stuart of the river or stream. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. If you think Brazil creek is navigable your nuts and in my opinion your'e not thinking of the streams best intrest.If you were to take a canoe or a kayak down Brazil creek you would be dragging it 90% of the time tearing up the stream bed and silting the creek up, this type of behavior would not be helpful for any of the species of animals that live in the stream bed. If your law was to go into effect there has to be a true easement that is the states property that extends out from the river bed that exempts any liabilty to the land owner also the county shouldn't be allowed to tax you on the land underneath the water on either side of the stream bed.Hey I wade fish a ton just like you, I just take the time and energy to find the landowner and talk to them and get their permission to access. By us the Brazil creek has one bridge off HWY N it's apporox three miles up stream from us, it's a public highway there may be an easement??? to get my land you would have to hike a pretty good way down through many of my nieghbors land and I wouldn't recomend that considering their attitudes.Personally I don't care as much about people wading the Brazil to catch some smallies and releasing them, I care more about the gravel mining operation up stream from me that is destroying a beautiful creek's habitat for smallies.We will always diagree on this one Ozark sorry....if the laws change so be it I will abide by them, I just like to know the people who's land I am using and like to get their permission before I do it. p.s. right about now your saying hey you wade fish and your tearing up the stream bed....well I use all the cation I can and always go slow and always try to get out on a sand bar or the bank wherever possible so as to be the least disruptive to the stream bed as possible.I know I'm sounding like a tree hugger here but that is how I am...ask the people I fish with
Dude, anytime!!! I have trailers, canoes, kayaks and just bought a versa board it hasn't shipped yet though.The access on the Bryant isn't ideal but that is whay makes it killer if you ask me.PM me with some digits, let's do it!! my buddy is getting lazy these days, I'll go anywhere...especially Bryant, it's frigging sweet.
Sorry, as a landowner with a river running thru it I don't have confidence in people to treat my section of the river or Brazil Creek and Meramec River in my case as though it was their own property. I worked way to hard in maintaining and purchasing this property to allow any old gaper to trespass and stomp on thru my land.Come talk to me and let me get to know you and you will have access for a lifetime. I know virtually all of you on this forum are not the sort of people I am worried about. It's been a ton of hard work and time on my family's part to maintain this land and preserve it as it once was. I know this sounds brutal on my part but the land is a part of me and I take deep pride in it, I'm just saying walk a mile in another man's shoes and see how you feel about it.
Bryant Creek is a hidden jewel and well worth my effort, I just have a hard time convincing someone to drive a second vehicle down with me for the shuttle. I think I need new fishing buddies!!! It's my wife favorite stream I have ever taken her to, she hammered some smallies there....I love Bryant.
Sweet pics!! great report, very envious
Missouri Stream And River Fishing Questions
Smalliebigs replied to EddieRay's topic in General Angling Discussion
Mitch, you crack me up!!!! -
I guess I don't really know where I am going with this, but I do think that people need to be more careful in how they handle the fish they catch. I'm sure a lot of people just don't realize what they are doing or don't care. Maybe there is some way to educate people on the proper way to handle a fish if you intend to release it. Trevor, I feel the same way I wish there was a fishing safety course you had to take and pass before you can get license in Missouri, this test would educate you in the proper stream etiqutte, conservation, fish biology, and how to handle and release them, ect. Similar to the hunter safety course in Missouri. Man I sound like an old bitch!!! even though I'm only 42.
I agree!! I don't want to hurt anyones livelyhood....I guess I think off it from a purely selfish perspective, I just want the fishing to be as good as possible.Fishing always has some hypocritical opinions from someone like me... I'm a walking, talking, breathing oxymoron most of the time. Really I guess we should feel blessed that we get the oppurtunity to fish Taneycomo at all.