Upstream ,there is or at least 22+ or so years ago when I fished it ,some of the most colorful and wildest I ever fished at least without going to the creeks in Colorado
I used a 1650 Lund with a 40 mariner the past 3years ,worked great on most days.I did however stayed off the lake if the winds got 15 or more for safety and to be frank I don't like fishing when it's windy,I really enjoyed it so much that I have bought a 1775 Lund and just this week installed a Lowance 10 hds structure scan on it ,looking forward to hunting down walleyes this year.
P.S. FYI my 1650 is for sale
WM, I found a spot for my camper at RB RV Park . I had been waiting for a slot to open for a year,looking forward to getting it put in first week of April.
Don't waste your time in that mud hole, it's done been fished out
Check some past posts might help your search.I haven't fished it yet this year,but did well last year,lots of up and comers also, welcome aboard
Straw hat has a good point about looking at past posts. I have only fished Stockton for two years myself and have learned alot from this forum ,it has become one of my favorite lakes for eyes and smallys, Thanks to all of you for the help and looking forward to a great year
mainly used siow death on one pole, harness on one, and jigging a spoon on another in 16 to 30 ft. Going 1/2 to 3/4 mph. Fished mainly Mutton B5 toB7 flat
Fished fri., sat, sun, for us fishing was slow,got a few short walleye 2 keepers,4 keeper crappie, one 14" LMB and 8 or so blue gill, however nice weekend for being on the lake
Thanks wrt dogs , I'll check it out , and dittos kc bears. Nice area and people to be around. The eyeman and I stayin' at the Southwinds this weekend,hope to get Mr. Toothy to bite
Tell you all what I think of the area, I'm looking for a place or land to put my camper on with utilities, so if you know of some let me know,buy or rent.Thanks.
I fished for 2 to 3 hours on Sunday for "Toothys" caught 2 shorts on harness south of Masters, was trying new water for me, going to try agin this coming weekend on west arm of lake, nice time to be out now heat has let up some.