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Everything posted by kwall

  1. kwall


    Thanks rps for info, I'm heading to the lake sat. I'll post how I do
  2. kwall


    Good question , I'd like to know also so I can take some young kids fishing next weekend for there first time. I catch quite a few while drifting for eyes in 15 to 25' of water , but never fished for'em shallow , sure would be nice to know.
  3. Powerdive, thanks for the info, used that same technique on BSL last July with Mike Worley in deep water we caught 3to5lb bass , crappie and two 7+ lb walleye , darn sure works
  4. WM, glad we got to meet , Go Huskers!! Looking at that Terrova , may have it next time if I can scratch up the coin, gotta' have it
  5. Thanks for the report , we went out on the 28th and my wife caught a 24" eye on a harness in 12' , guess we were working to swallow , only caught 3 other short ones rest of day. Nice day ,glad she got a good'in . Wonder if the fish were finicky do to all the boats and "sea skeeters" ?? Just a thought
  6. kwall


    You sold me, the eyeman has one and said it stays in one spot , that would be great on days with wind, set it and forget it
  7. Straw hat , that's what I do because I like to throw them straight on ice
  8. kwall


    WM, thinking of get'in one of those troll'in motors for my Lund "Ka' ching" Are they a good investment? Right now I have a 55 wireless Motorguide that works pretty well,but always having to constantly mess with it to stay in the zone,heard those motors free you up so you can keep your mind on fishing
  9. LOL,going to BSL for eyes this coming weekend , plan on being back to Stockton Memorial weekend , hope Weather irons out by then
  10. kwall


    LOL, sounds like you will have a great time , let us know how ya' do
  11. They are made by Stom lure , the Mad flash series is also good Dittos on hire'in Mike for the day , Eyeman and I got Him last July and we got two 7+ pounders and learned a thing or two about wally fishin' , thanks Mike
  12. kwall


    I would suggest talking to Dale at the Southwinds Motel 417-637-5505 just south of the ramp and it is also a good economical place to stay . P.S. Heard all Walleyes have to be returned to the lake unharmed this year. LOL
  13. Huck, if you got a good pic a good taxy D could make a really nice mount for ya' when ever you like, replicas are for life and real fish need redone eventually from what I have heard WD, I think I'd pea my pants if I brought in a 10 pound eye , 6.5 is the biggest I have to date on Stockton.BSL provides a better chance at the 10+ ones . I'm going to give it a wherl there the week after next.The Eyeman and I went with Worley on BSL last July and he got us a pair of 7+ eyes , it was a blast.
  14. WM , got the Eyes on a bluff. Used a swim jig tipped with a third of a crawler while drifting down the edge of it keeping the front of the boat in 14' to 16' and the back of the boat in 24' to 26'. The wind made it hard to get lined up , but when we did -- fish on!! We caught 20 or so short fish also on minnows drifting same bluff . The crappie came from the Maze creek area in 20' of water on minnows on the bottom with just hook and sinker , first time I ever fished either place,nice to find a new spot to fish, you can't have to many
  15. Yepper, finally got to come up ,friend I grew up with came up also to help set things up ,got'er done mostly then we went fishin' . Found the water to be up in the bushes fished all day Sunday (mothers day) and finally got our limits of Eyes 15 to17 inchers , sent him home with a nice walleye dinner and 10 or so crappie.I plan on coming up next time Memorial weekend also---hope to meet ya'
  16. I agree 100% and then some with you guys, I would just love the experience of hanging into one of those monsters , what a thrill it must be, and to hear of someone killing one --- well SHAME on them -- turn it loose to fight another day !!! How selfish to kill it !!! Thanks to the state for stocking them
  17. Wow Huck!!! Stockton is one of my lakes I fish for Eyes and largest I have caught to date is 6.5lbs , nice fish , guess I need to drag a blue guill behind the boat
  18. Thanks Gavin , looks like a nice place to get away
  19. Does it have utilities on it? Tryin' to find on map, close to hwy 160?
  20. Hurry up with the pic Huck, caint' wait to see it!! I haven't figured out how to put pics on here yet either , congrats on the catch.
  21. Follow the shad in the summer that is where the predator fish will most likely be
  22. Nice stringers guys!! I caint' wait to get in on the action 1st weekend in May , hope there still biting in the cricks' , thanks for the report
  23. I plan on comin' up to the lake 1st weekend in May . Thanks for the report Straw Hat, looks like fishin' just going to keep getting better.
  24. Thanx for the info, now if the wind would just settle some
  25. Can't blame ya' . I think I'd go home to and did when I got skunked on the lake in OK. That front and wind sure has messed things up, I only got 16 total crappie in the freezer after 3 trips .
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