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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. I am thinking of trying the park for some C & R. All I need is a current fishing license and trout stamp? And is fishing permitted all the way from the spring to the Niangua River?
  2. Do you think it will be down enough to wade and fish by Thursday? I'm thinking not...?
  3. www.(insert story you want here).com
  4. I need a fishing room!!!
  5. you did good...
  6. Iwas fishing the river on Monday, and saw some...
  7. I'm not sure I have 40 years left in me...
  8. I prefer the term "global weather cycle"...
  9. I fish a 6wt rod, and I have problems breaking off with 8X tippet when using dry flies...Yea I know, it's hard not to set the hook to hard, but is that my problem or would a lighter rod work better for dry flies...happened twice the other day on 8" browns...
  10. Well! I also found the post offensive...Sheep Head...Then I realized it was about fish...Keep up the good work...good to hear about the "other" fish...
  11. I guess it's time...
  12. Looks like I'll be packing a shovel with me...
  13. I've never seen a Wooly Bugger under a rock...but the fish love them and seem to hit them in most conditions...No Entymology needed...
  14. We ridded our household of satellite tv. Ch. 27, local FOX, went away, so we can't watch it. I was surprised when I turned on the radio, and the only feed was from ESPN. I miss Mike Shannon on the world series...GO CARDS!!! I'll be tying lots of flies while listening on the radio...may need a new fly box if it goes 7 games.
  15. Lowest I've seen it was in January of 2006...
  16. I've tied buggers on a 1/80th or 1/100 oz jigs...my go to fly when fishing is tough...any color will work as long it's black...
  17. 300 per mile sounds like a good estimate...On average I catch about 1 fish per hour...I rarely catch more than one fish out of hole...I still prefer this river for trout...you have to really work for your fish, and makes you appreciate it when you get to "real" trout water...
  18. right now, the lake is so low, I haven't even been taking the boat...fishing has been great...
  19. East side of hwy 215 Bridge...especially on the south side...
  20. ...been there done that...
  21. Has anyone ever heard of how many trout per mile the Niangua may have? I was reading where Hot Creek, in California had approx. 10,000 per mile. I remember that creek when I was a kid and it was full of fish. I know that is way above an average for a stream, and was just wondering of our local rivers, espcecially the Niangua. Hot Creek is interesting...it has hot springs mixing with melting snow and half of the creek is warm while the other is cold. They do mix together, but for quite a stretch, there is a definite division between warm and cold. the warm side is full of weeds, and I assume some type of crustaceans are in there and that's why there is such an abundance of trout...I never caught a fish there as a kid...
  22. Seems i hear alot about gigging. I have never gigged or known anyone who gigs. It seems to be implied, that giggers are poachers. I am not up on my gigging laws, but I assume that giggers are after suckers and such, and not Bass and Trout. So, I guess my question is, Are giggers really taking enough bass and trout to make a difference, or is it just perceived to be so? Seems everytime someone has a bad day on the river, they blame it on gigging...
  23. Has anyone ever fished the Niangua for Trout? With the full moon coming and the nice weather, i have been thinking about it...?
  24. We floated from bennett NRO and didn't catch a thing...beautiful day though...
  25. I may be wrong, but I believe he meant that a spinning rod with a bobber gives a long drift...
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