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dennis boatman

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by dennis boatman

  1. I just go out to the chicken coop and gather some neck hackle...works great, and its cheep...get it...cheep?
  2. What happens on OAF, stays on OAF...
  3. I'll drink to that...
  4. I'll just stick to "smiling and waving"...less trouble that way...
  5. OAF scrutiny again rears its ugly head....nice fish....
  6. Needle nose pliers from the Dollar Store. I buy them by the dozen...
  7. I'm sure that statement will wake him up!!!
  8. ...and by CC you mean Greenfield and NOT Crabtree Cove?
  9. I spend most of my time fishing Stockton, I would assume CC is Crabtree Cove ... as far as the flats, i would think anywhere on the lake, but to me when I fish the "flats" it would be in the Ruark Bluff area...Maybe someone else can be more specific...good luck. AND, I went to the Black Hills fishing last summer and had a blast!!!!!
  10. You're on your own on this one....good luck!
  11. I may head to State Park area today. Worms have been the ticket for me the past few weeks, so I would assume they still are. I'll try to give some kind of report. I'll take a few night crawlers and do some trolling for walleye. As long as they aren't deeper than 15 to 18 feet i can usually catch a few. Don't do so well deeper. Trip today depends on the wind...
  12. 1mph is slooooooooooooow. If you think you are going slow enough...go slower...totally agree with Stoneroller. Not sure it really matters what lure, just slow and consistent...
  13. I voeted California, but that is where I have the most experience...
  14. Little Bass VS Big Bass....I've fished Stockton for 30 years, and I would have to say this is the best bass fishing this year ever, at least for me. HOWEVER, I don't usually target bass, so who knows. I've had a blast the past few weeks. A good average would be right at 15" with a few up to 18". Yesterday, before the wind got to going!, fishing was a little slow. Got on the lake about 7am and caught a few right off the bat. Wind started picking up, and for me, that always spells trouble. I hate fighting the wind with the boat. The bass weren't as aggressive yesterday and were a little deeper, 12 to 15'. May try again today, but definetly tomorrow.
  15. I was curious...How many people did you see in 3 days?
  16. fished up and down from the bridge near Morgan last Wednesday. Caught ONE 5" smallmouth! hmmmmmmm Hadn't been there in many many years. Water looked good. No goggleye either....Just me, or have things changed?
  17. It was overcast yesterday, but I started at 8am. I almost always put in at Hartley Boat Launch. I was thinking if the sun had come out, earlier would have been better. Monday, if it is forcast for sun, i will probably be out there by 6am.
  18. Had my BEST day ever on Stockton yesterday. I've been fishing this lake since it was opened. Bass were surfacing for about 2 hours in a cove and I would catch one EVERY time. Caught 20+, most being in the 15" range in less than 2 hours. Didn't matter what I threw at them they Slammed! it. Headed back Monday morning. BTW, waded the Osage Fork near Morgan on Wed. and got SKUNKED! Anyone been in that area lately. I hadn't been there in probably 15 years. I was very surprised to say the least.
  19. I'd guess zero are in McDaniel Lake...
  20. Compare units? Sounds fishy to me...
  21. Never fished Devils Lake, but have gone by it on our way to Flin Flin, Manitoba...It's cold even in June there!!!!
  22. Point B-4 and along the bluff on the main lake side...start at 12' and work your way out till you find them...
  23. I almost always fish a spinner rig with a crawler. I use the whole crawler with a 2 hook rig. Caught 3 last evening, biggest 19", in what everyone is saying 15 to 20 feet. All 3 hit hard. Guess what's for dinner tonight? It's all about what your confidence is in.
  24. Pink 6" worm on an unweighted hook always works. Let it sink till it goes out of sight, twitch it up to the surface, let it sink back down and repeat....lots of fun too...
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