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About Ryno

  • Birthday 08/16/1985

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  • Location
    College of the Ozarks Alumnus
  • Interests
    Fishing, Hunting, Baseball

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Ryno's Achievements

Banded Pygmy Sunfish

Banded Pygmy Sunfish (4/89)



  1. Structure like points? Or brush piles or timber? Would also like to see what you graphs look like when you find “what your looking for” it seems like I mark fish all over the place but have a hard time narrowing it down to a place I should fish!
  2. Oh sorry I copied from FB post l...asking 3750
  3. Cast and Blast Special - Jon boat is in great shape and been stored out of the weather. 2008 tracker grizzly 16' long. Trailer is a 2008 trailstar and is in great shape. The motor is a 25 hp Mercury 1988. Trolling motor is a newer MotorGuide proseries 46 lb thrust! The Beavertail boat blind was bought new last year and is still like new! Extras: stainless steel prop, extra aluminum prop, 2 spare tires, fire extinguisher, paddle, throw cushion, anchor, 2 seats and post, clip on dog stand, gas in the tank has been treated
  4. How deep were the crappie? I'm assuming about 15fow?
  5. May could check tan-Tara resort or VRBO?
  6. Anyone have any experience with a guide down there that they would recommend? I'll have one day to go for it while visiting family next month!
  7. Looking for a reliable and fair repair company to fix a dock! Our experiences have not been good so far with the particular person working on it.
  8. chapstick on the guides has helped keep the ice down on the rod guides
  9. i wish trout size was more of a concern for the MDC. I would like to see some reasoning. I'm assuming its because they dump more fish in and more are kept than places like Montauk (where fish were clearly bigger this year)?
  10. Thanks to those that participated in my survey a few weeks ago! I mentioned that I would post the results so here they are. Although it's not perfect I've already received my grade so general discussion about the results would be great (no need for criticism...unless you cant help that itchy trigger finger). BSSPsurvey.pdf
  11. Up the pay scale! Lol that's about it...maybe a move out of Education eventually though. I just didn't want to get the masters degree that ties you to teaching forever.
  12. I'll try my best to clarify here it goes...the invasive species scope came from a side conversation with my professor, so I decided to make that the main focus of the survey. The survey can be aimed at angler preference and satisfaction about invasive species management at Bennett springs, so it's not really a survey about fishing quality of Bennett it's a survey of "Bennett Springs Trout Park Angler Views on Invasive Species" which is whet the survey is titled. The entire survey is qualitative in nature due to the recall required by anglers. The survey is designed to start broad and narrow the focus down. Question 1 - designed starting broad to encompass any area you can fish for trout in Missouri. So the result would be to see How much time is spent outside of trout parks (when compared to Q2). Question 2 - I'm asking Bennett Springs anglers. Notice it wasn't posted anywhere else. Keep in mind I'm trying to make this easy on myself and do most of it on line, I know it's not the most scientific thing to do but it'll work! Question 4: is designed to be open-ended and the benefit of these types of questions is to uncover ideas or concerns that might be unknown at the time. So if the researcher get 50% "more trashcans" ...guess what the park needs. Or it may even be one response that sparks a conversation by the managers for "more trashcans." Thanks for the feedback I'm sure there are flaws ... I'll take my B and move on!
  13. The focus is "to assess the angling preference and satisfaction for anglers from a local fishery" I did want to include some aspects of invasive species in the survey as well. My degree will be in Biology from southern Illinois. But this class is a fisheries management through University Nebraska Kearny (thought it was a good fit my UG is in Wildlife Management)
  14. Thanks for the great response I may post the report once I'm done. In a few weeks!
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