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Tom Tricamo

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Everything posted by Tom Tricamo

  1. Anybody know any fisherman in the area that catches them? I have a buyer.
  2. thanks for the reply guys. I've posted a more general thread in another sub-forum in regards to a "one size fits all" boat for Ozark streams http://forums.ozarkanglers.com/index.php?showtopic=32358 Thanks again! Tom
  3. Hey all, Hope your Friday is coming together nicely. I have a question with regard to navigating Ozark Rivers/Streams. I'm making my first move into Ozark Stream fishing this year. I'm wondering if any of the gurus on the forum would have thoughts as to a universal watercraft to use on the popular Trout and Smallie waters? I do intend to wade fish but I'd like to be able get down the stream via the water if need be. I'm looking for something I can fish most SMAs and Blue/White Ribbon trout areas with. Think Big River or Eleven Point all the way down to Tan Vat access and below on the Current. Ideally, this watercraft would be able to hold two people and some gear. Am I completely off base in thinking a large canoe would do the trick? An even more stupid question: Once I've floated this water, how do I get my gear, my boat, and my self back to where I put in? Is it as simple as paddling back up stream? Simple questions for some, mind-boggling for myself. Thanks, Tom Tricamo
  4. Whew! Thanks for the heads up! Either way, I'm anxious to finally get a peeky see on Montauk. I've heard nothing but great things about that place.
  5. What would you guys recommend for watercraft on the Current River? It seems as though there are restrictions in the Ribbon Trout areas. Just trying to figure out the best way to fish the Current. Jon Boat? Canoe? Either with stops along the way to fish pools? Any help is greatly appreciated.
  6. Holy cow! I have a crew of buddies heading down to Reeds in late April. Can we expect crowds like that? No offense, buy I don't actually see the point of fishing shoulder to shoulder with 1500+ guys. I thought trout fishing was something of a purists sport? That picture makes trout fishing look down right crammed!
  7. Good morning, All. Does anyone have a line on a large map of Missouri Rivers and Streams? I'd like to find one to frame and hang on a wall in my office. Thanks, Tom
  8. Good morning, Phil. Tom Tricamo here. Want to first say that the new forum is absolutely awesome. In another thread I had asked if you planned to link the forum back up with the Tapatalk integrator for smart phones. You had mentioned that you would enable this after the forum is up and running? Is this something you still plan to do? I only ask because I usually view the forum from my Iphone and the Tapatalk allows one to view the forum on a mobile device in a extremely awesome format. Thanks, Tom
  9. I came back to fishing about three years ago and was introduced to baitcasters by a good friend of mine who fishes a right-handed reel. It immediately struck me as odd that I would control my rod, feel my line, and thumb the spool with my non dominant hand (left). Thus, I purchased several Revos (S, ST, Winch) all in left hand models.
  10. That's Matt Allen from Tactical Bassin. I've been following his blog for a while. He does indeed fish out of CA and he loves swimbaits. He actually does a whole Youtube video on skipping these huge 1-5 oz swimbaits on Okuma saltwalter rigs. http://tacticalbassin.com/
  11. ^I know you didn't mean to, but the fatherly way in which you just described your fishing adventure with your daughter and your humbleness in thanking the fellas that gave you the insight on crappie fishing was very touching. I hope you and your daughter have a blast out there. Having just become a father last year, I can't wait to take my little one fishing for the first time. His mother has already outfitted him with a pretty nice Batman rig.
  12. Phil - I used to be able to access the forum via Tapatalk on my Iphone (this service is also available for Android phones). I'm not able to do this since the rollover. Any chance this functionality will return? For those of you who like to check the forum on the go, Tapatalk was very, very, very easy to use. Thanks, Tom Tricamo
  13. Phil - thanks for maintaining this forum. I was having a serious withdrawals as I could not log in and get the fishing scoop.
  14. Cabelas for hunting or fishing clothing BP for gear. I find the St Charles BP has a far superior bait selection to hazelwood Cabelas. Does anybody know of any mom and pop tackle shops in St louis? I think there is a nice fly shop on Manchester in rock hill.
  15. What's so bad about gar? I talk to a lot of guys my dad's age and they hate them!!!!
  16. Don't forget Hummingbird Hideaway. Lou and Linda run a great operation over there and Lou can put you on the Stripers. http://www.hummingbird-hideaway.com/
  17. I appreciate the clarifying question. I would like to fish the main lake, preferably with a fiberglass bass boat. I'm looking for largemouth and smallmouth bass. I've never been to Tablerock, thus I don't have a real hard opinion on what area of the lake we head towards. I'd like the cabin to be a couple notches below Big Cedar but nothing really shabby; my wife may be coming down with me and I'd like her to enjoy the digs while I'm gone (jacuzzi tub) in the morning fishing.
  18. Wanted to follow-up this post with a run down on what happened during my trip to Norfork. My family and I stayed for the entire week two weeks ago. Fishing was tough as it was hot and the lake was 15ft above pool. That said, I was able to have somewhat decent luck with black bass and tremendously awesome luck with Stripers. We stayed at Hummingbird Hideaway and it was AWESOME! Linda and Lou really know how to take care of you. They have a number of well appointed cabins, an in-ground pool, and plenty of options in terms of boat rentals. Proof that Lou is a great guy: We reserved one of their pontoons for the week. As my brother-in-laws and I were heading out one night for a fishing trip, the steering linkage on our boat disconnected. Lou came to pick us up (we had just made it out of the cove) and explained that the linkage had been tight and he had it loosened a couple days prior to our arrival. He was very apologetic and claimed that he owed us a fishing trip. Well three days later he made good on his promise. Lou took us for a 20 mile run down to the darn on his 20ft Skeeter center console with a 150horse four stroke. It was probably the smoothest most quiet ride I've ever had in a boat. Once we got down to the darn area, Lou fired up the Lowrance color GPS/Fish Finders and put us smack dab on top of a school of Stripers 65 ft down on the bottom of the lake. Then he busted out the 8lb test lined Shimano spinning gear on medium action 6ft rods. We're talking light rigs here. He loads the rod holders on the boat and baits them with shad. He then explains that the Thermocline is way off this season, and that there is a couple areas of "bad water" in the water column. It is blatently obvious that Lou does his homework. As I'm falling asleep next to my rod (we got up with Lou at 3:30am to go catch live bait - he caught a small bass during this process that he promptly returned to the water. Lou, afterall, is a conservationist and a law abiding American), Lou informs me I have a strike. I look up to see my 6'6" medium action rod completely doubled over. Lou instructs me to gently set the hook, which I do. For the next five minutes I had one of the greatest times of my life as I reeled up a nice 10lb Striper. I felt even better watching my brother-in-laws promptly do the same thing right after me. By the grace of the fishing gods, and by the magical touch of Lou at Hummingbird Hideaway, all of us landed nice sized stripers that morning. Lou ran us back up to the cabins, cleaned the fish, bagged them up for the Fish Fry we would later have, and was geniunely shocked when we offered him a tip. Afterall, he honestly thought he owed us this fishing trip because of the steering linkage issue. Nevermind the fact that Lou had the boat repaired the next day after the disconnection by 7am. Needless to say, I'll be returning to Norfork and Lou's place during high fishing season.
  19. Fellow forumers - I'm planning a fishing trip down to the Rock in mid October. Was wondering if anyone had any recommendations on lodging on the lake that had boat rentals? I'd like to find a place directly on the lake with bass boat rental that isn't Big Cedar Lodge. I look forward to your wise and sage like guidance. Thanks, Tom Tricamo
  20. Is there a particular reason why you wouldn't own property there? I'd really appreciate your perspective. Thanks, Tom
  21. Gents, Good Monday to all of you. Wanted to get your thoughts on owning property NEAR a Corp of Engineers Lake (Norfork, Table Rock, Beaver, Bull Shoals) vs owning property DIRECTLY ON the Lake of the Ozarks. I know everyone will have their own thoughts on the pluses and minuses of each situation, and I'd like to hear them. My take: Corp of Engineers Lake: Plus - 1. Cleaner Water 2. Less congestion and fishing pressure 3. More bucolic 4. Less likely to experience contaminated water Minus - 1. Cannot own land directly on the lake itself. 2. May or may not be able to obtain a deck permit (for instance, a quick phone call down to the Corp's office in Mountain Home revealed that their are no more dock permits for all of Norfork) 3. Premium pricing for properties with dock access 4. Less tourist/fisherman traffic, less "amenities" (grocery stores, places to take the kids, etc) Lake of the Ozarks: Plus - 1. You can walk from your bed in your lake house down to your boat in about 90 seconds 2. Tons of stuff for the non-fisherpeople in your family to do while your out tossing Senkos on docks and chunk rock 3. Relatively cheap housing prices 4. Pretty proximate to St. Louis Minus - 1. Tons of lake traffic during the high season 2. Escaping to nature can be difficult in a crowded cove 3. Because there is no land "buffer" between the shore and where one could own property, you definitely have septic run-off and a-less-than bucolic setting What is everyone's opinion? Do you agree with my pluses and minuses? I'm heading to Norfork in less then a month and I've been reviewing some maps of the area; I can't believe how few docks are on the lake!! I'm pretty excited to see what the boat traffic is because of this. My wife and I love the idea of one day owning a Lake house but she isn't too keen on swimming in "dirty" water. I think we both would like the idea of a more natural setting, yet the longer drive, lack of amenities, and non-water front location could effect our decision as well. A personal decision, no doubt about it, but was curious to know what you guys had to say. Tight Lines, Tom Tricamo
  22. Considering the time of the year, you'll need to go deep for LM and Spots. The docks should be good. Texas Rigs, Shaky Head, Jigs. The water temp will be way up there in August. Early, early morning is the deal. The Main Channel is jammming by about 10am.
  23. I imagine a "flat" is more or less an underwater plateau. The depth of a flat, to me, is shallow; I'm basing this on the idea of "spawning flats". By the way, I love fishing flats with a square bill crank, especially when shad have schooled up on them in the back of coves.
  24. Awesome! I was wondering were they hung their hats. Ironically, I was due east of Ocala last summer fishing offshore and some of the Estuaries. Had no idea I was in Largemouth Country.
  25. Good morning, all. My family and I are planning a week long excursion down to Norfork. I'm definitely the avid fishermen of the group (my family are avid waterfowl hunters from Southern Illinois). I'd like to show them a great time by getting on to some Largmouths/Crappie/Walleye. I'd like to avoid trolling. Any recommendations on guide services near the Teal/Mallard Point section of the lake? I figure I should hire a guide for my first time on the lake so we don't waste time trying to find a pattern none of us are familiar with. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Tom
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