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Everything posted by Danoinark

  1. I'd say its a crap shoot on when they might start dumping more water. I'll try to get a first hand observation from a friend who fishes it most days.
  2. When I built my house in '98, (not on a lake)Septic was in the neighborhood of 6 to 7 grand. Dano
  3. Those old Catalpa's are pretty hardy JD. You might be lucky that some shoots will spring from it. Dano
  4. I am not going to spend my time editing this one either, so lets not be disrespectful and begin the name calling or I will shut this one down too.
  5. Its Over, I have tolerated the name calling and disrespect on this thread much to long. Its closed. I had hoped it wouldn't have gone this far but I must admit I am appalled at some of the posts. Blame me, not Phil!
  6. Thanks for joining and welcome.
  7. Thinking the same thing...
  8. OAF'er Steve Smith who fishes Roaring River regularly passed this information along and some pictures of the flooding in the Park. Thanks Steve. Roaring River State Park staff members are assessing widespread damage to campgrounds and fishing areas after the trout stream rose and submerged a large portion of the park on Monday. "We had extremely high water," said Dusty Reid, park superintendent. "The river got out of its banks and stayed out for approximately 24 hours." Although the rainy forecast kept many campers away from Roaring River on Easter weekend, park staff members were forced to evacuate a few campers on Sunday and Monday. "We evacuated campground #2 Sunday afternoon," said Reid. "Then we evacuated campground #1 at around 4:30 a.m. yesterday (Monday) morning. We had no personal property damage or injuries. We got everyone out safely before the water rose." There was major damage to the roadway near the bridge located in front of the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) Lodge. Reid said the road would remain closed until repairs can be made to the area. "Around 90 percent of the campgrounds are littered with heavy debris," said Reid. "Two campsite asphalt pads were washed away completely, the road in campground #3 is damaged and the fence around the pool was knocked down." Reid said all the campgrounds will be closed until at least Friday morning. After park staff members assess damages, it will be decided which campsites will be opened. Other campsites will remain closed for another week or two until repairs are made. "Park staff members stayed in the park closing roads as necessary," said Reid. "The staff stayed to make sure everyone got out safely." At one point on Monday, the water rose nearly to the park office. Reid and park campground hosts were stranded in the office for around four hours until the waters receded. "We moved everything off the office floor, because the water was getting so close to the office," said Reid. "We also had to close the Highway 112 bridge for around an hour and half yesterday (Monday), because Dry Hollow was running over the bridge." Park staff members began cleanup efforts after the river went down on Monday. "We started yesterday," said Reid, "but then the water began to rise again, and we went back into public safety mode until Tuesday morning."
  9. Hats off to you bobber! I'd use your canoe service and knowledge anyday. I need to drop by and visit one of these days since I am only about 10 miles from you..... Dano
  10. While Phil is busy with his own issues with the resort and flooding, this has prompted a question from a member who says he would like to see a pinned topic during times of disaster explaining areas where folks need assistance and a list of those willing to offer that assistance. Not monetary pledges or fund raising, but actual hands on help either physical or logistic. Let me know if you feel this is something we need to add during these times. I haven't spoken to Phil about this as I know he is overwhelmed at the moment. Give me some feedback. Dano
  11. Thanks Gavin.
  12. Black tungsten, but keep a few without beads to fish the film. Dano
  13. I think they were floating on their own. Buffalo River Outfitters are not allowed to rent equipment if the river is at flood stage or closed per the National Park. They left on Sunday and I am not sure what the conditions were at the time. Bobber can probably give a better explanation and he was there. Dano
  14. Sorry fellas I should have caught that when I titled it. Edit done.
  15. That's true Rubicon. Posted the word in General Angling a few ago. Thanks for the confirmation.
  16. The 17 year old missing floater has been found safe on the Buffalo River. His Grandfather was located yesterday alive.
  17. Please keep him in your prayers. If you have OAF questions please direct them to me at my inbox as he will have his hands full. Dano
  18. Just got a report from NOAA weather radio that Beaver is increasing the flood gates to 7 feet and expect flooding in homes at Beaver and Holiday Island. This was from Carroll County Arkansas Emergency Management.
  19. http://khozradio.com/ozark_news.php?id=7712
  20. Very few details at the moment: http://www.khozradio.com/ozark_news.php?id=7701
  21. Maybe consider asking the Sheriff if one of his floater / fishermen deputies might like to make the next trip with you (out of uniform)so he can get an idea of what you may encounter. That might solve the problem right there.
  22. I think I would contact the State Attorney Generals office for an opinion. Then send that opinion to the Sheriff and the landowner. (certified mail of course).
  23. Happy Birthday Rolan. I will never forget you teaching me the peppy one night at Phil's I still have some peppy put up! Dan
  24. I am not sure that is a solid rule. Many times I have walked upstream leaving the wooly in the water (trolling) and bang fish on.
  25. I love golf and golfers. It keeps more people off the streams.
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