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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by SmallyWally

  1. Thanks for sharing LRF.
  2. Have a great time Whiskey Joe!!!!
  3. Welcome.
  4. Thanks Chief! That was a hoot to watch.
  5. Here is my 2 cents worth of opinion of this ongoing squabble. Both sides are right...plain and simple. Our rivers offer a lot of meat for the folks who want or need to eat from it. One thing though.....why can't the smallmouth be protected from the frying pan. There are many types of fish to eat so why can't the MDC simply take the smallmouth off the menu. Is anyone really gonna miss eating them? Bottom line from an economic point of view, people will come from all over to catch nice smallmouth....$$$$$$$. I am not the most intelligent fella but it sure seems to be a winner for ALL parties, to have a healthy and marketable resource in the state or all.
  6. Thanks for sharing.
  7. We don't get enough of these shared stories from days gone by. Thanks a lot Coldspring!!!!
  8. Right on Mark!!!
  9. Love those older pics. Thanks for sharing.
  10. Comment submitted here.
  11. MeatintheFreezer, I have run into rudeness to many times at Stockton. I fish it a handful of times a year yet, the word gets out to the ruddies that I am on the lake and here they come. Surreal.
  12. Does that count as a double? Lol.
  13. Welcome back DAVIS.
  14. Real fine job on that video LRF. Looks like my kind of weather.
  15. Welcome brother.
  16. Really gonna have to agree with you on that!!
  17. Feel for you folks down south/southwest of St.Louis. Hate to imagine what the first snowstorm of the season with 10+ plus inches would do here. Wish you all well.
  18. L R F, I see you're one of the good guys. Tip my cap to you.
  19. Good job !
  20. Never been on the James and those pics sure make me want to see it. Thanks.
  21. Happy Thanksgiving.
  22. Seems the river temp is actually irrelevant from the COE. Good job getting the info zarra.
  23. Thanks for sharing your day with us Al.
  24. Man that was funny.
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