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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. Yea, I was half joking, an adhesieve would never stick to it. A fiberglass river John really doesn't need it anyway. A drift boat might be worth it especially a wood/fiberglass drift boat. For an aluminum boat you would have the strength the original hull and the slickness of the UHMMW, that would work. Seems to me you would need some kind of interface to prevent the fasteners from imposing fatigue on the aluminum.
  2. UHMMW, now it makes sense. Wonder If I could attach that to my Shawnee?
  3. Select an item, add to cart and the 15% shows up.
  4. Thanks for the heads up. I'm finally stocked up on zipp n ziggys
  5. Too late. We have them,They are a problem and we do put up with that kind of crap.
  6. I can imagine one scenario: I boat manufacturer rep is trying to get a contract from a law enforcement agency, maybe water patrol. The rep claims his boat can go where no other can. The rep then demonstrates that his boat can in fact go where no other would dare, he wins a lucrative contract that justifies trashing a single boat.That reminds me, a while back I seen Mo Water Patrol run up Meramec in a sparkling new River Pro.
  7. It's too late they are already here. The only difference between these follows and some I’ve run across in the Ozarks is these guys don’t mind putting 10 years of wear and tear on their boat in 5 minutes. There’s plenty of stupid to go around.
  8. I'm going to try to use the low water as an opportunity to fish the main stem Gasconade on the hunch that recreational power boat traffic has slowed down. Maybe just maybe enough clown boats have eaten rocks to scare the owners into parking them for the season.
  9. I'm not sure of the volumn of water from this spring but it's unlikely it has enough to sustain trout. Fact is most every spring capable or that should be developed to support trout already does. however there is an existing swale in Maramec Spring Park that has both the available water and head pressure to be developed into a small version of the catch and release stream at montauk. It just needs a hydrologist and a budget and of course a desire.
  10. One thing is evident from the responses, proximity to water directly relates to the amount of time spent fishing. I guess the second and third consideration would be family and financial. Other than some fair to middling local Bluegill lakes all my fishing involves a road trip. I had to break the year down by season to come up with a guesstimate. A three day New Years trip to White River usually starts the cycle. Typically one weekend in each Jan, Feb and March trout fishing. A few trips fishing for pre-spawn Smallmouth between mid march and mid April. The next two months are spent Bluegill fishing, maybe three weekend destination trips and fifteen or twenty evenings at local lakes. In the summer my goal is three weekends a month but I usually fall short. Half of September has been spent trout fishing out west, twelve glorious days in paradise. A mix of trout and Smallmouth fishing closes the year out. I came up with about 65 days, maybe 15 of those being three hour evening trips.
  11. It looks like there really isn’t a front coming through just a change in the weather pattern back to what we would normally see this time of year. The way I look at it is when they say there is a 40% chance of rain what they really mean is there’s a 100% chance of rain and a 40% chance it will rain on you. Remember the golden rule: never cancel a trip because of a forecast only cancel because of actual weather.
  12. Thanks, wish I could come down. Maybe next year.
  13. Yep it happened to me, found a wonderful women who doesn't nag at all. I try to be cosiderate and spend as much time as possible with her, since she doesn't bitch at me thats pretty easy. I'm loving life.
  14. My buddy's and I tried to play golf last night, the golf course was closed. Folks running the course had more sense than us.
  15. Once again a voice of reason speaks out in a discussion rife with parroted statements, thanks Wrench.
  16. 15 minutes of every hour spent neck deep in the river should make the temps bearable. Jumping in and out of the water on Tablerock would be a bit harder, probably best to just stay in the water.
  17. Look at all those happy people on the river, surely there must be someone doing something wrong. A great group having a good time. sometimes there are things more important than fishing. Good for you!
  18. If you want to throw bugs that are big enough to keep the sunfish from eating your fly every time it hits the water go with the 7 wt. False casting more than once is a waste of time and energy.
  19. A few days of complaining isn’t too bad, a fisherman can live with that. For a while I had to deal with complaining most of the month with just a few days of peace. I had to make a decision, what can I live without a wife or rivers, rivers won. Now all is right with the world and I have fallen back into the routine I’ve had most of my life, plan on Wednesday, pack on Thursday, leave on Friday, Saturday and Sunday on the river, unpack Monday, laundry Tuesday, Wednesday start the routine over. The wonderful woman who is now in my life understands how I choose to live and is 100% supportive.
  20. Yea, that's the point. If your seeing the kind of behavior previously described what the hell are you doing there. Sure I'm upset that the river morons have stolen my ability to enjoy certain streams for three months a year but I'm no less upset that high powered recreational boat traffic has stolen my ability to enjoy mainstem rivers for three months a year. For what is worth I spent the last three weekends on two very popular rivers and seen no such behavior, most of the time I seen no one at all.
  21. Can't argue with too much of that. What did busting a handful of chumps do? Got a handful of chumps off the water that's about it. What if everyone on the river got busted? A couple of hundred chumps off the the water, countless chumps are willing to replace them the next day. I'm afraid a more fundemental change is needed. How about eliminating raft rentals? Eliminating all rentals? It's private enterprise that profits from these people maybe it's private enterprises problem. I'm not too sure of a lot of things in this world but I'm pretty sure throwing a few people in jail isn't helping. You'd have to throw everyone in jail and close down the rentals.
  22. I don't know. Dropping lake 33 may concentrate the fish, make them easier to find. Sounds interesting, the upper third if 33 is silted in and very shallow, I'm courious to see what it wlll look like when drawn down. If MDC had the budget lake 33 would be a good candidate for renovation.
  23. Isn't cool when the fish go crazy feeding. I'm not sure just what triggers it but it's a bit more complcated than just the time of day or the weather.
  24. Yea me too. I can fish half a day and only change lures a few times, I could be missing what the fish really want but I doubt it. Excellent fish.
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