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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. For a long time my goal in life was to be a fishing guide. About the time I figured a was good enough was about the time when I could afford a few guide trips. When I realized what they did all day it made my day job look a lot better. For the time being I'll stick with clicking a mouse and typing on a keyboard.
  2. I don't take guide trips locally but do take them out west now and then. The last trip I took started two hours before dawn and lasted two hours past sundown. The guide worked his butt off showing us the best dry fly I ever had. The tip was $100.00 I look at it as just part of the cost.
  3. You guys are confusing pop culture with culture. By the way what is an American idol?
  4. Yea, I seen rising fish from dawn to when I left about noon. Most were sipping rather that chasing caddis. I managed one on a dry fly that was better than 18". I wonder if the big browns will migrate into the park earlier this year? In this part of the country large browns in a small stream environment is unheard of, at least I can't think of any other.
  5. I saw tricos below Tan Vat Sunday morning. What's with that.? I didn't figures they'd be out this early in the season.
  6. I muted the sound because I can't stand to listen to the stupid banter that Usually accompanies fishing videos. Did anyone notice that sweet cheeks actually knew how to fight the fish?
  7. A few more cooler tricks: Drain and top off all your coolers just before launching filling all the open areas between blocks and jugs with cubes. Designate some coolers to be not opened at all for the first three days. Only open these coolers once a day to remove ice to supply food and drink coolers. Use small coolers for beverages so the larger coolers don't have to be opened frequently. Freeze your food so that it act's like ice, I even freeze sticks of butter. As your ice melts do not drain the water till it warms enough to be useless, the slighty cool water can serve to pre-cool warm drinks before they are put into your precious remaining ice, I usually do this in the evening. As the trip progresses double wrap your trash and store it in the coolers as you empty them, put the bungy cords back on. If you do every thing just right you should have cool drink on your last day. Another suggestion would be to envolve the scouts in the menu planning. One of the few useful things I took from my scouting experience is meal planning. To this day I write out a menu for every trip. I'd guess the kids would be less likely to complain about the food if they have a say in what they are eating.
  8. "There are only two kinds of music, good and bad" Duke Ellington
  9. The behavior of some is so pathetic and predictable. I know its not fair to use stereotypes but gosh some folks make it so easy. What access did the crimes take place at?
  10. Those are some mighty fine fish. Congrats. Catching a rainbow is pretty rare, did you have it for dinner? Chance are slim that it will live much longer unless it finds some cold water. I think there is a spring branch up from myers that is stocked with rainbows. I recall someone telling me about catching rainbows below it.
  11. 20 miles is a about 8 miles too much for a two day trip for me on BB. I think there's one pool up from mayers landing that long enough to water ski on, I wouldn't do it without a trolling motor anyway.
  12. Reach up through the fishes gill with hemostats, grab the line and pull the Line and eye of the hook through the gill there by reversing the position of the hook. Then reach into the mouth and grab the hook by the bend pulling it free. When your barbless this works flawlessly. It takes a little care to not damage the gill but as long as your not a clumsy boob it can be done with all but the smallest fish. I haven't cut a line and left a hook embedded in a fish in years.
  13. Heck most every fish picture you see these days is posed the same way. Yep if you hold the fish out far enough and hide behind it any old blugill will look huge.
  14. Thanks for the link, I think I'll go this route rather than buying a poorly designed lucky craft.
  15. I'm not sur why but the morning and evening top water bite hasn't been working for me. I usually start on top then try it again every couple of hours through the day.
  16. Current water levels are about what you would see in July or August. Years ago I floated Cane Bluff to Greer in an aluminum canoe in dead low water, way way too much work.
  17. My wood strip canoe endured about 10 years of Ozark floating before I busted a crack in it going over the falls on North Fork of the White( should have walked it down) The crack is easily repairable but what put the hurt on it was not have a place to store it indoors. Sun light is a wood boats worst enemy.
  18. Lee, We should start a new thread on overall low water. I didn't intend to highjack this one.
  19. I for one am deeply disturbed about the lack of water in our rivers. The only positive I can think of is maybe just maybe if it gets low enough all the recreational jet boaters on the Gasconade and Meramec will rip the bottoms out if their boats this summer. Heck most of them are clueless about running the river anyway, they can't read the water all they can do is push down the throttle.
  20. Mend it sounds like a good idea, thanks. I'm not one for conspiracy theories but it sure seems like some marketing scoundrels figured out just how fragile they could make a Senko to sucker chumps like me into buying pack after pack. On a good day I can go through 3 packs, the cost is killing me.
  21. You'll get me off the water when you pull my rod from my cold dead hands.
  22. One of the good things about a Senko is the weight, even 4" baits cast a mile and yet they sink pretty slow. They also are easy to skip under tree branches with spinning gear.
  23. Weightless senko's are a favorite. If the darn things would hold up for more than one or two fish they would be ideal. Can anyone suggest a similar bait that would last longer?
  24. For real ????? I think I heard the same story a couple of times this spring. Will we see the same lame and fake picture? It would be cool if it was true but fool me twice, I don't think so.
  25. I've spent many hours on the BS tail water wondering what the river looked like before the up stream impoundments were put in. What I would have liked to have seen most of all is Bull Shoals it's self before the dam was built on top of it.
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