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Greasy B

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Greasy B

  1. One thing that hasn't be discussed is the fact that browns cannot be raised to catchable size efficiently in hatchery raceways. They will never lend themselves to put and take fishing. In order to reach a decent size they must be in a river. That alone justifies strict protections.
  2. Thanks for the advice Wrench. I’m kind of amazed I’m only 5 years behind the times, I’ve long given up trying to keep up with the latest products and techniques in favor of just spending time on the rivers, but I can change, I think. I’ll pick up some P-Line next time I’m in Cabela’s spending my retirement savings on gear.
  3. Yea, where in the world could a fish caught on the Alton IL river front have been stocked?
  4. Great fish, some good pictures too. I busted the bottom of my cedar strip canoe in the same spot your waving from. In hind sight I should have walked and lined the canoe, oh well.
  5. I think the Black Carp is the next species due to wreak havoc to our waters.
  6. My bait casters are rigged with 10#, the spinning rods are rigged with 8# during the majority of the season and 6# in the fall. I only use Trilene XT green, there might well be better lines but my time on the rivers is so valuable that I don't want to waste it experimenting. The Trilene is reliable and I know how it will behave. Loosing fish due to breaking line is has more to do with bad knots, frayed, kinked or old line than test. Loosing a fish because of too light a line never really happens. The heavier strength is just need to free valuable baits from snags. Frankly I don't want a line that has an incredible strength, theres a point were I just need to break off tie on a new bait and get on with fishing. Of course there is the whole issue of line diameter and sink rates but that's more than I can discuss typing into my telephone.
  7. A buddy of mine caught a half dozen fish this size out of the Mississippi River last weekend. We again tried one night this week but couldn’t find any. Fishing for White Bass/Hybrid is new to me. Is this a pretty good size for a hybrid? I recall someone posting pictures last year of some Stripers, Whites caught near St Louis. I’d love to learn a little more about this if anyone has any advice.
  8. I have a buddy who caught some good ones the other day. I don't know how to post the pictures with my phone. If I get a chance this weekend I'll post a report. I'd like to Learn more about it myself.
  9. I snagged one the other day fishing for hybrids and whites on the Mississippi.I successfully released it a less than healthy state, then I thought what's the sense.
  10. I ways enjoyed that float, you pass the mouth of Big River. Whenever I pass the juction of two streams I can't help but look up the tributary and wonder about all the miles of floating adventure it has.
  11. I recall a picture of Governor Kit Bond on a Meramec float trip about the time of the referendum. He was duded up in 70’s garb, hilarious if anyone can find it.
  12. I've had the same experience on 11 PT. Sometimes it seems like the trout just vanish. Other times when we do find fish they are bunched up in unlikely areas.
  13. I don't have a report but judging by the Gage at Big Piney the water should be perfect, probably has a little color as well. If you do end up going let me know how you do. Thanks,
  14. The only way you could not see the tag would be to not look at the fish. How could you not admire such a fish?
  15. One big fish, except on those occasional slow days when I’m just happy someone in the boat is connecting now and then. Slow pace for sure. If the fish are active I prefer to work the water. In a large river with big eddies I’ll throw into the seam as my boat passes by in faster water then do an eddy turn just at the last chance, then I work the eddy and the seam from the slow side, as long as I’m catching fish I can ride the eddy up to the head of the rifle, do a peel out and do it over several times. When I figured I’ve spooked the fish it’s time to move on. Later in the summer on the warmer rivers I’ll pick up the pace by focusing in the heads and tails of pools. Yea, 6-8 miles is a long day for me. What’s with you fellows saying you can fish all day long? You fellows be crazy…. ship, I can fish for five, maybe six hours then I need 8 hours of sleep and two bowls of Wheaties before I can do it again. (Apologies to Richard Pryor)
  16. That's a long way. When Art turns the tag in will they give him the fish's history? We looked real close for gig scars, fortunately none of the fish we caught had any.
  17. Thanks, we were a couple of miles below Sand Ford. Some pretty good looking water mixed with shallow areas of shifting sand and gravel. The shore was trashed, lots of garbage and shanties. I wonder where the fish was tagged?
  18. Al, Mitch, Thanks for the report. My nephew Art (smallie understudy) and I went out today despite the rain. It was great catching the first bass of the year. Art got a nice Smallmouth with a tag on it, cool.
  19. Bingo! I picked up a Chronarch 51E and a G-Loomis Mossy Back 6’-8” EX Fast, sweet rig. I compared the grip and thumb profile to my other set ups, just enough difference to allow me to grip more of the rod and less of the reel. Thanks,
  20. The Mid Meramec is a treasure. Like many of our rivers it suffers from a blight of misuse, overuse and mistreatment but if you work a little you can find windows of peace, solitude and some fine angling. Knowing this river and spending time on it has been one of my life’s greatest gifts.
  21. Gadzooks! Those are some fine fish. No gig marks?
  22. Thanks for giving the other side of the story Skeeter. I have a very good friend who was pro lake. We shared many a lively conversation on the subject. We're stlll best buddies and a few times a year we fish out of his place on LOZ as well as on the middle meramec.
  23. She is as cute as can be. Your a very lucky man, oh and make sure you you do the same when she takes up the the fly rod.
  24. Thanks Al, Synopsis excellence. If I were a couple of years older I would have had the opportunity to vote against the dam, I am forever indebted to those who did. The unlikely events that saved the Meramec started well before the 60’s and 70’s. If I recall correctly this was part of one of the mega rivers and harbors bills that came after the war. At the Time the Bureau of Land Management and the Corp of Engineers were in an all out race to “tame America’s rivers”. I guess the Meramec Basin project must have been a low priority to avoid the first round of dam building. Budget problems during the Korean War brought more delays. We are indeed fortunate that fate, luck and the hard work of many passionate river advocates prevailed.
  25. Yea, it looks like unloading some serious ducats on equipment is what I'm going to have to do. That was certainly the solution to all the pissing and moaning I use to do about my fly rigs.
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