One big fish, except on those occasional slow days when I’m just happy someone in the boat is connecting now and then.
Slow pace for sure. If the fish are active I prefer to work the water. In a large river with big eddies I’ll throw into the seam as my boat passes by in faster water then do an eddy turn just at the last chance, then I work the eddy and the seam from the slow side, as long as I’m catching fish I can ride the eddy up to the head of the rifle, do a peel out and do it over several times. When I figured I’ve spooked the fish it’s time to move on. Later in the summer on the warmer rivers I’ll pick up the pace by focusing in the heads and tails of pools. Yea, 6-8 miles is a long day for me.
What’s with you fellows saying you can fish all day long? You fellows be crazy…. ship, I can fish for five, maybe six hours then I need 8 hours of sleep and two bowls of Wheaties before I can do it again.
(Apologies to Richard Pryor)