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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Thank you! Pretty simple other than that head. just hoping BH can stick it in a big hybrids maw.... if they ever stop eating those poppers of his!
  2. Just paying back a kind gesture. You didn't have to offer some up to people!
  3. Headed the way of the Billethead.
  4. Got them today. They are by far the nicer than any flank feathers i have bought before. Will be super nice to tie with. Billet, ill get you something in the mail out sometime this week!
  5. Billet, I Would LOVE some! I'm plum out. I'll spin you up a bug or two and shoot them your way for the feathers. For shipping when I get them with your return address I'll send you a few dollars for shipping.
  6. I kind of break it down into different categories: Minnow patterns: Clousers, deceivers, and things like that. I like some minnow patterns with something like a laser dub head. Bottom fish patterns: I like, and generally have a lot of luck throwing sculpin patterns hopping on the bottom. articulated chubby muffins were one of my best flies last year for smallies. Craws: pretty much anything buggy and heavy. If you want to throw something fancy I like Duane Hada's Creek crawlers, or you can go as simple as a pair of feather claws, some dubbing and a hackle body. Top water: poppers, gurglers, crease flies, big foam hoppers. I Generally take 3 rods if i'm fishing out of my canoe, or using it to get place to place. a 6, 7, and 8 wt. Typically the clousers and slightly weighted streamers and craws and top water get fished on the 6 wt. I generally keep a 250 gr. outbound short sink tip on the 7 for throwing unweighted streamers to get them down. The 8 is kind of a catch all and sometimes throw a sinking line or floating. If i'm throwing a big heavy craw fly I like to do it on the 8 so I have a little more control of it. TLDR: Wiggle minnows. All you need.
  7. Couldn't tell you. It's been probably ten years. It was everything the two of us could do to pull her straight up from that depth. For reference, that egg singer was a half pound.
  8. I guess it's kind of similar. Pretty much just a minnow pattern that I have been fishing for a long time. Less flashy than a low fat. I have a webby hackle supporting the head, and not palmer chenille and marabou. And craft fur for the tale instead of marabou. Kind of the same premise though, just minnow patterns.
  9. Ill have to take a picture of the picture. I was probably 14. Down off the coast of Tampa i snagged on the bottom. Except it was a nurse shark. She was about 9 feet long tip to tail and 150 pounds or so and pulled straight down the entire time. we were in somewhere from 180-220 feet. when the guide cut the line at the hook the 8 ounce egg sinker shot straight up and back down on top of his head.
  10. What adapter do you tie on? I have some hmh rubes I got a while back and want to give them a shot.
  11. 4.5 inches of bottom hugging sculpin meat. On a 5 foot straight leader with a heavy sink tip line. Piss that fish off enough and they are going to eat.
  12. Look up some of the different midge patterns. Rainbow warriors and other things. Or tie some of those streamers and fish those.
  13. First few. ill be doing 2 diff flies probably.
  14. I had planned on being there. Then work really just shat on that plan. I spent all weekend reffing youth basketball.
  15. Love those belly scratchers! I may do some of their complex twist burgers. Undecided yet. did i miss a deadline?
  16. Tying warm or cold water?
  17. Ill tie either 6 or 8. Depends how many i can tie without having to go to the shop...
  18. Don't mind at all. Tie a pair for each person?
  19. No kidding. Those two fish may weigh more than all of my trout caught in my life ever.. combined.
  20. Pig! what on?
  21. Sounds like a great trip. Really jealous!
  22. Maybe shoot a pm over to Mike H, Jason R. Brian W. I know they usually hop on the summer streamer swap which I'll do again this year.
  23. And maybe the white section too.
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