I kind of break it down into different categories:
Minnow patterns: Clousers, deceivers, and things like that. I like some minnow patterns with something like a laser dub head.
Bottom fish patterns: I like, and generally have a lot of luck throwing sculpin patterns hopping on the bottom. articulated chubby muffins were one of my best flies last year for smallies.
Craws: pretty much anything buggy and heavy. If you want to throw something fancy I like Duane Hada's Creek crawlers, or you can go as simple as a pair of feather claws, some dubbing and a hackle body.
Top water: poppers, gurglers, crease flies, big foam hoppers.
I Generally take 3 rods if i'm fishing out of my canoe, or using it to get place to place. a 6, 7, and 8 wt. Typically the clousers and slightly weighted streamers and craws and top water get fished on the 6 wt. I generally keep a 250 gr. outbound short sink tip on the 7 for throwing unweighted streamers to get them down.
The 8 is kind of a catch all and sometimes throw a sinking line or floating. If i'm throwing a big heavy craw fly I like to do it on the 8 so I have a little more control of it.
TLDR: Wiggle minnows. All you need.