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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. I will be tying one for myself. Having sent out swap flies I know it can be a pain to try to get everyone's piles right. That is why I like when everyone sends one in for themselves and I can just make the proper number of flies in each pile and don't have to worry about whose box is whose. I will send 2 or 3 for you to send off as well. Consistency is a big part of how well a fly is tied.
  2. I'll start a small mouth one when this one gets wrapped up. I know we have had one or two around here before. Then I'll have my normal Streamer one that I try to run every summer.
  3. So I need to tie 9 flies right? Just checking so I send the correct amount. 1 for each tyer and one to be sent to Phil?
  4. I am tying Hoppers. If anyone wants a specific color let me know so I can put a tag with your name on it.
  5. Lancer09

    What's Cooking?

    I've been doing a bit of Venison around the apartment lately... 1. After processing cut backstrap in half so I don't have to make a full one. 2. Thaw in red wine 3. Bring to room temp and coat in a mixture of parsley, Rosemary, and thyme. 4. Get some butter Piping hot in cast Iron. 5. Cook for a few minutes, finish for 7 minutes at 400*F in the oven. 6. Serve with Butter-Parsley potatoes. 7. Use remaining red wine in bottle for a red wine reduction sauce. 8. Accidentally delete pictures of delicious meal. Recently my now Wife and I just got back from Cabo on our Honeymoon. I did no cooking, but the resort did some specialty cooking for us. 1. Catch Fish.. 2. Try to figure out how the hell you are going to ship that much fish back to Missouri. 3. Give one set of fillets to a young guy working at the resort. 4. Find a bunch of Canadian friends (see 10) that you've been drinking at the pool with to eat with. 5. Have the resort chef cook remaining two fish instead of paying to have it done in town. 6. Enjoy. 7. Have leftovers when 12 people can't eat 4 full fillets. 8. Come home to KC and wish you were back in Cabo. I think I'll open a bar or something down there.
  6. Peak for me as well. I've tied with the smaller jaws as well, but don't own a pair myself. They do make things a LOT easier once you get down around 18. I think I'm going to pick up the Peak Jurassic vice at some point for bigger stuff. It's a pretty freaking awesome design that doesn't slip at all.
  7. I like those... I like those a lot. You using the Flymen body tubing?
  8. Have you got this in yet? I've never played with an airflo but I've heard good things. I'm interested.
  9. Digging those fatter grips! I hate when a grip feels to thin for me.
  10. Hoppers for Mic's swap: black murdich:
  11. Hopefully Bass!
  12. Couple D&D's
  13. This. This is the good stuff.
  14. I'm going to check them out down at Plateau. Brad was in town for an Ironfly a few months back down there as well.
  15. http://www.charliesflyboxinc.com/flybox/print.cfm?parentID=17 See how he ties the biots in? Try something like that and read his tips there on the left.
  16. I like 2 loose wraps and start adding pressure with the third. Hold them in place the whole time you are wrapping them. I tie the biots down fairly far up the shank. When tying them in are you having the concave side face out or in to the middle of the fly? Are you crossing them and having them splayed in a v-shape or more of the narrow, tied up against a thread bump style? Back when I tied biots in a V I always dealt with them rotating on the shank. Tying them more in line now I get less rotation and I think they look better any way.
  17. I have one that I think we could work something out for. let me know.
  18. Either are fine with me! Just let me know what you decide.
  19. I can't open that on my work computer. Any chance of just posting the actual picture?
  20. It's comedy. Watch any of the other Hank Patterson videos.... All satirical.
  21. Sorry to anyone on a phone. I tried resizing the pictures but I guess they did not save.
  22. I've come to the realization that I have way to many flies, I guess I need to get hung up more and lose a few of them. Normal trout box side A: Side B: Hoppers: Night time Taney box side A: Side B: Fish pond sushi roll that I typically carry (easier to move flies in and out of it): Drying pad on the back of the boat box: Streamers in my boat box: Random few flies in an easy to carry plano: White bass flies: Typical warm water box: I have flies stashed in my pack, and in a few other boxes or containers that are always bouncing about, but those are the main boxes I may have with me on any given trip.
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