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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. Its a regional thing. The area is known for it and it alwayswill be. Plus we have the benefit of rivers that are clean, clear and relatively warm compared to many other places. On top of that we have good access and safe floating water.
  2. I've spent a lot of time on the rivers and never seen anyone naked, not even any boobies looks like I'm picking the wrong steams. Agree with everything Blazerman said above. Just because so many of us prefer to have seclusion and use the river in a certain way doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to enjoy it another. It sounds like there is enforcement and people should know about it from people saying tickets were being distributed. I was on the elk on a weekend this year and it didn't look anything like that.
  3. Lancer09

    Bradford Out

    Mallett it is.
  4. Front Page is updated. Still thinking the 10th is if everyone can get them to me. My address is as follows Devin Nevels 9809 Willow Ave. Apartment 4C Kansas City, MO, 64134
  5. I have a 12. Great gun for the price so far. Been through two seasons and going into a third.
  6. Not many places where a dry and a dropper would work. I would fish any area with the hopper and follow up woth a nymph. they do like hoppers down there.
  7. Got ya plugged in! I also Pm'd Dylan, Jason, and Brian who all have participated in the last two as well.
  8. Honestly, people make crayfish flies way more complicated than they need too. A hook with some dumbell eyes, some sort of claws (either small strips of rabbit, suede, foam, or hackle), a palmered hackle body and some dubbing will catch as many fish as a fancy one will. You should be losing flies fishing craw flies if your doing it right, because that's where the craws are actually living. If you want a fancy looking one look up Brian Wise's video on Duane Hadas Creek Crawler. Dally's has the video a few months back on their blog, and you don't NEED the epoxy coating, but it does make it look better.
  9. I found one isolated spot of aquatic vegetation on Stockton this year. caught more fish off one small area than anywhere else the rest of the day.
  10. Triggs method shouldn't effect the action. It will just keep the bottom of the shank oriented downward. If you do this be sure that you get them really on the bottom of the hook. How I mentioned it puts the weight below the shank, holding the bend down, but does effect the action, which can be a good or a bad thing, depending on the action you want out of the fly. It changes the action because it puts the weight behind the bulk of the material, and the back of the fly is going to have more energy moving forward than the front of the fly.
  11. Going sparser on the laser dub should help. I can't tell what kind of hook you are using either however if there is any sort of offset in the point it will throw it off a little bit as well. If those don't help, a FEW wraps of small lead wire around the back bend of the hook should help it, but then you're messing with the action of the fly.
  12. One for every other person. right now, 7. 8 if geoff joins. And one more for anyone else.
  13. If I set the date for Sep. 10 Do you all think we could have it wrapped up by then? I don't want to rush everyone but want them by Fall Streamer Season or so. I'm leaning towards something in the deceiver family.
  14. False. they have everything to the high water mark. you can also portage on private land if there is no other safe passage Down the river provided you cause no damage and get back in the water as soon as possible. this is only true for navigable streams.
  15. Trigg has the right of it.
  16. That's about the same sauce I make. pretty good. I'm a big fan of blackened grilled fish. awful tasty.
  17. Yak hair will get that long and carries some of that translucence. The problem with those synthetics is they are so limp in the water you don't always get movement out the the material. A good bucktail can give you some crazy long hair. Try reverse tying some in on a jig head and you'll get a big profile that will just pulse like crazy in the water.
  18. Leaning towards Closing this for people who want to join around Aug. 15, and try to have flies to me by Sep. 15. It always runs a bit long, but we can get them to everyone for streamer season this fall. Links to previous swaps: #1 #2
  19. At first, I thought you were Jason Statham. Great fish!
  20. Those willing to put forth the effort to locate, hike in, and catch these fish are the anglers that deserve the effort.
  21. Your both in!
  22. Better an ugly fly that catches fish than pretty that doesn't.
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