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Everything posted by Lancer09

  1. No kidding. It's a freaking fly rod Senko. Anyone could literally "make" these. Why anyone would drop $15 on a dozen of those turds needs to re-think some life priorities... However if you look at the ads pictures, some SERIOUS Gill raping going in. For reak, I love fly fishing but that just pisses me off. Was that one guy nymphing with one of these with at 8wt.?
  2. From my understand, and not being an expert in theory the rods under eight feet are allowed in some tournaments but even them some tours fly not allow fly fishing. The original idea wasn't to rule out fly fishing but to keep guys from flipping with really long fly rods with a casting or spinning reEl on them instead. Though even if it is allowed it'd be hard to really covered enough water tl be practical in a tournament. But with the nature of flies and fly fishing some of those guys could probably clean up during the spawn in shallow water.
  3. RFD's are in!
  4. Except most tournaments don't allow fly rods.
  5. Why not take both lines? they don't take up much space.
  6. I saw one on Saturday that was actually in pretty good shape cruising along. Sunk back deep when it saw the boat
  7. They are flat out playing good ball. Plain and simple.
  8. Lancer09


    They did look crisp, at least the first teamers did. We will see. I think they will have a pretty good season.
  9. Even worse.... I still had a lone eye that remained with the packaging. There was only one missing. Biggest. Pet. Peeve. Ever.
  10. My buddies dad and uncle rented a G3 from lilley's on Saturday. We had a lot of fun. They were catching fish drifting gulp eggs from fall creek down to Lilley's. I had a half dozen follows on streamers when I could get a cast all the way to the bank. Was a lot of fun, and moved quite a few fish.
  11. One left to tie. Out of thread and eyes, of course.
  12. I almost did, but the subject has just been beat to death. It doesn't sound like I would agree with you, or you with me. So back to the topic at hand.
  13. If we were to motor up to fall creek or so and drift down we would probably be good then?
  14. Don't be starting all of this again.
  15. SW MO has just seen a stupid amount. Like it's crazy for real.
  16. If they do end up pushing a ton of water through and we are going to fish any way from the boat. Where would you guys recommend putting in at? I've never boated taney but, the guys are bringing down a boat and want to fish with it, sounds like it might be necessary any way. I figure they will be just drifting crawlers etc, and I'm probably going to throw some bigger streamers and see if the high water has anything stirring.
  17. These guys are starting to make it happen. Fortunately, and I guess unfortunately ESPN still has yet to really take notice. Let's keep it on the DL!
  18. Oh boy this could be a bummer. I have friends coming in town this weekend and we were going to get down and do some fishing... Not so if those flood gates are open!
  19. If you look at the flymen website they show everything getting set with CCG, honestly at that point why not just use the CCG to make your heads instead of buying these separately?
  20. Over on Dally's Blog you can see a promo of the fish spines. I talked to Jim over at Plateau about them, he said he thinks they are something like $9 for 3, which definitely isn't cheap.
  21. Look at them boys in blue!
  22. Coldwaterfisher has had to bail out so that's one less fly for everyone to tie.
  23. Everyone should have received a PM with my address, go ahead and ship those flies my way when you finish them up. Deadline is Sep. 6. The sooner everyone gets them in the sooner we get to fish them. When you send them, be sure to send a self address and posted envelope, I'd prefer not to get stuck covering shipping for everyone to get flies back. Thanks guys, I appreciate everyone participating!
  24. Yeah they will. I almost hope that Detroit wins because I think it makes Cleveland easier to catch. Detroit would be tough to catch, even if they lose a game or two.
  25. Look around and you'll see the flies everyone suggests. The biggest thing is just to use it, go fishing ssometime but don't take your spin rods. You'll be forced to learn better when you don't have that crutch sitting back in the truck.
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