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Everything posted by Gavin

  1. Mine.... 1)Mohairs & Buggers 2)Rubber Leg Stones 3)Rubber Leg Prince 4)Rubber Leg Hairs Ear 5)Egg Patterns I usually fish a 7wt with a heavy two fly nypmh rig. Big Ball indicator, a long straight leader of 8-12lb floro, lots of split shot, and 3-4x tippet. Cheers.
  2. I've got Cingular, I dont get signal in the park, but no problem on top of any of the nearby hills.
  3. Yeah, I've looked at that TU boat. Its made by Classic Accessories, a company who's main line of business is making boat & BBQ grill covers. There are so many better boats out there for virtually the same money. I'd definetly take a look at the Outcast boats....A lot of my friends have the 9' Outcast boats (fishcats, disco's & PAC's) and they are all very happy with them. Cheers.
  4. Dunno, I'd probably want one with some fatter pontoons for the Upper Buffalo and a trolling motor for flat water. Outcast Sporting Gear, and the Creek Company make some really nice boats. Think BPS has a blue heron model which is a 9' Outcast. Cheers.
  5. The larger fish tend to hold bottom, so I'd go with jigs (brown, olive, black, ginger, white) and countdown rapalas in rainbow trout, black & yellow, and black & silver. Cheers.
  6. There are three different types of "Goggleeye" in Missouri and Arkansas, Rock Bass, Ozark Bass, and Shadow Bass, but they resemle each other closely. Cheers.
  7. Justin @ Sunburst Ranch has offered to shuttle us on the Bryant before but I've never taken him up on it. I believe Riverside offers shuttles but I've never stayed there. Cheers.
  8. Where and how do you plan to use it and how much gear do you intend to bring? Depending on the answer, a different pontoon, canoe, kayak, or jon boat might be a better choice. Cheers.
  9. On a subsurface fly, I'd go with color and size... because they have to see it before they can eat it. On a surface fly size and shape are more important than color because a surface fly is viewed with the sky as its background, and I think the fish key on the siloette, not the color. Cheers.
  10. I'd go with the following 1. Action 2. Color (Natural vs.Supernormal, Flashy v. Drab, etc) 3. Form (Size & Shape)
  11. Phil, well take a link. Thank you also for your support of our club. http://www.ozarkflyfishers.org/ Gavin
  12. High water doesnt necessarilly mean bad fishing. A rise usually gets the big fish moving. Wish I could be down there. Cheers.
  13. Dunno, I landed a 27" rainbow with a 7' 2wt once but I wouldnt want to do it again. IMO, a 6 or a 7wt is fine for large trout and bass, but I'd probably go with a 9wt for carp because they can and do get a lot bigger. A 9wt also makes a great stick for gulf coast salwater fishing (redfish, snook, baby tarpon, etc.) Considering the length of the runs that carp make, the drag on your reel might be more important than your rod. Get one with a disc drag. Cheers.
  14. If I could have only one rod......make it a 9' 6wt with a medium fast action. Cheers.
  15. Illegal
  16. MoCarp, thanks for your opinion, however, the point you bring up is moot. Its a given fact that people have spread non-native game fish and non-native nuisance species all over the place (I draw a distinction between the two). Its nice to think that we can turn back the clock, eliminate the non-natives, and restore the natives, but in most situations that is not feasable. Best we can do is manage the the resource as it exists. In this situation, I see nothing wrong with introducing Florida's. As Al said, its probably a waste of money, but if they want to try it I dont have a problem with it. The person who instigated it will either be lauded as hero or thought of as a fool, but its probably not going to create a negative impact on the resource. Cheers.
  17. I'm not sure if LMB are native to Brushy Creek but if LMB are already in Brushy Creek who cares if they stock unless the stocking effort will displace other beneficial or unique species. Florida Largemouth just dont belong in the same category of non-native species as the Zebra Mussel, Asian Carp, or Didymo. Cheers.
  18. It depends on how you define success. Bennett has more amenities than any of the other trout parks but IMO the park & the river below dont offer much in the way of scenic beauty, and wade access below the park is poor. The main attraction is fising for trout in an urban park type setting and easy access to hotel rooms and restaurants. Montauk has fewer amenities and a rustic feel. The fishing is a little tougher, but it also offers some incredible scenery, and miles of wadeable trout water below the park. Fishing below the park is often better than the fishing in the park due to its status as a Blue Ribbon Trout area (Flies and artificials only, 1 fish>18" limit in the 8-9 miles of water from the Park Boundary to Cedar Grove Bridge). Cheers.
  19. I dont think they are sea runs. The look like lake run fish probably from Lake Ontario or Lake Michigan. Some of the great lakes tributaries have some impressive fall runs of browns, brookies, and salmon. Cheers.
  20. The Little Piney can be tough. I've fished about every inch of that creek and its usually a long way to go between spots that hold fish. The gravel miners & farmers (cattle & erosion) have done a lot of damage to that creek so its not unusual to have to travel a couple hundred yards or a mile between places with good habitat. Keep moving and find good habitat, you will find fish. Cheers.
  21. A 7wt does the trick for me. Cheers.
  22. Assembling a graphite rod isnt very difficult. Online sources are pretty good, but if your in St. Louis, Tom Hargrove is a good resource for advice, components, quality cork, etc. and the custom rods he makes are works of art. He also does a rod building course for St. Louis County Parks every spring. Might be worth enrolling in. Cheers.
  23. Forsythian, I love ya too man! We can always count on you to remind us that fishing IS a blood sport. When we are we going fishing? Gavin
  24. A couple Memorial Days ago, my friend John Walker and I took a trip to Ontario. It was a little hot out so we elected do some warmwater fly fishing instead of going after trout on the Grand River Tailwater. We met out guide Ken Collins at his shop in Fergus (Grand River Troutfitters) and he drove us to a river a couple hours north of his place for a 21 kilometer float in persuit of big smallies and musky. We got our share of big smallies and exhausted ourselves casting 15" long "Half a Chicken" Musky Flies with Ken's 12wt but only one Musky was hooked (Unfortunately, It was hooked on a 7wt with 3x tippet, not Ken's Musky Tackle). Anyway, after a long day on the water. Ken suggested that we head over to a different stretch of the river (about an hour away) and hit the evening hex hatch. My friend John is notorious for what we call "Walkering" fish. I.E. catching fish while dragging a fly behind him, taking a leak, falling down, falling out of a boat, not looking etc., etc...John's fished with Ken a few times in the past, and they know each other well and Ken's a great guide, but a very intense person... Anyway, we got to the spot about two hours before dusk and we could see swarms of hex spinners hovering up at tree top level! Didnt take long before they started dropping and we were into fish. Frankly, the fishing was so easy that John decided mess with Ken by "Walkering" a bunch of fish. He looked for a hex spinner on the water, cast his imitation next to it, then looked straight at Ken and told him "I'm not looking anymore because every time I dont look I catch a fish". Then he heard the "gulp" set the hook and caugth one, then another. Pretty soon both of us are casting out, looking away, and catching some really nice smallmouth! Ken was livid.. he just couldnt get over the fact that we were catching fish "without paying attention"!
  25. SKMO, I'm sure youll find out that I can and will complain about anything MDC does that I dont agree with. At the moment, I think we have to many MDC owned boat ramps. No boat ramp = Fewer motor boats and fewer floaters, and thats fine by me. Cheers.
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