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Everything posted by techo

  1. I lived in International Falls, Minnesota and fished Rainy Lake for about nine years. I placed in most of the tournaments I fished there, and I guided some for a House Boat place. I fished Table Rock for almost a year with little or mixed success. I have been to two seminars on fishing Table Rock, which helped me plan things out, but didn't bring me success. I had a guide take me out the other day (Babler) and it was an eye opening experience. The second week of May, will still be transition areas. Look for banks that change from rock to gravel or sand. Fish the ledges, humps, and drop offs. Look for long points leading into the coves. Follow them out until you find the depth they are out. Then experiment with tackle , until you find what they be eatin on. If it is windy you can never go wrong with spinners or crank baits. If it is calm, you can't go wrong dragging fish doctors around. My fav is still the spider jigs, tipped with a double tail grub. Table Rock bass fishing is a lot like Minnesota and Wisconsin walley fishing. Structure fishing! At least this is what I learned from a new friend.
  2. Not sure how long you are planning to stay, but if you grab a guide for a half day it is money well invested.
  3. We went out yesterday, but had to leave at about 3:30 PM. Tried the rogues and Eakins jigs without much success. We did manage to catch nine or ten short fish on a spinnerin in about fifteen to eighteen feet of water. Water temps ramged from 55 to 59. We put in at Cape Fair and went to marker 13, We then went back north past virgin bluff and up into the river. Lots of folk trying to snag spoon bills. The water turns brown just north of Cape Fair and doesn't clear up again until up past marker 15.
  4. Thanks for the replies.
  5. When I went to the Fishing the Ozarks seminar, Mike Webb demonstrated a fast way to untangle squirrel nests. He loosened the drag, put his thumb over the nest and cranked the reel four or five times. I don't remember the rest. I went to show the Mrs. how to untangle the mess she had and I ended up making it worse. Does anyone know the steps to fast and easy de-nesting?
  6. I have another friend that has a ZX225 and lives just north of Clever. I have a littel SX170 with a 90. Maybe we can meet up at Cape Fair someday and have a fishing day? I appreciate he fishing reports. They eliminate some of the water, or at least gives a plan of attack.
  7. Congratulations! I would like to know what you did different as well. You don't have to give the specific location out if you don't want to. If you want to that would be nice too.
  8. Please disregard last post. I found your web site. I will drop you am email.
  9. How does one get a hold of you for fishing lessons. Just to keep you out of trouble with your wife and all.
  10. Hey Cajun thanks for the report. I'm from Nixa and plan on putting in at Cape Fair tomorrow. I just missed going today when something came up at work and I had to go in for a bit. Hope to see you out there tomorrow. I will be in the little red Skeeter
  11. I think I am going to have to hire a fishing trainer as well! Most of the time, I don't do so well. I went to the Fishing the Ozarks seminar put on at Bass Pro this spring. It gave me different ideas to work on. I can't say my luck has changed a bunch though. I just have different theories. They also have a lot of seminars at Bass Pro this week. I always try to go. Webb is an awesome speaker. In any case I love fishing. I really can fish all day and catch nothing. I hate losing too much expensive tackle though!
  12. My wife brought a book last summer when we went fishing. Whever brought a book fishing? I was glad to have her along though.
  13. I agree. I am not much of a sight fisherman. They did that a lot when the salmon run in Alaska, but I usually went grayling fishing instead. I don't like the phone to ring or door bell to ring if I get a chance to spawn at my house either! I do like hitting the points and drop offs that lead in and out of the beds though. Hopefully that doesn't mess things up to much for Mr. or Mrs. fish! Thanks for the information about April.
  14. What does the water temp have to hit before they start heading to the beds?
  15. It is funny you mention that. On one of the creeks we saw a bunch of stuff that looked like a boat had overturned. We saw a pair of flip flop shoes, a pop bottle, a milk bottle, an empty gas can and other items. We searched around, but didn't find anyone overturned anywhere.
  16. This is my first fishing report. Have to give the disclaimer, that I am one of the worst bass fisherman in the world. I love it though! We put in at Cape Fair around 8:00 Am and fished unitl around 3:00 PM. It was windy and we saw white caps! Pulled a nicer keeper out of the lake around marker thirteen. It liked the rogue. Pulled two short fish out, up north of Cape Fair, past the bridge. They liked the spinner. Water temp near marker 13 was still 39 degrees and was 44 up the river. It was also very muddy looking water once you get past Virgin Bluffs and the bridge.
  17. We moved down here from Alaska in April 2006. We know a lot about long moves, but little about bass fishing as of yet! It is good to see other people new to the area. I looked for Gary Lange at the Bass Pro Fishing the Ozarks Class, but couldn't figure out who he was. I love the knowledge you can gleen from this forum!
  18. techo


    Any idea of what the water temperature was today?
  19. I was at the training too. It was very inspirational. It makes you want to jump in the boat and go right now!
  20. Bass Pro has the envelopes to send the old card back in. You will get a $50.00 rebate, It isn't as much fun as trading for something and giving another guy a break on the price of a new one though.
  21. Everyone probably already knows, but....BP has a lot of the Navioncs chips in stock. Usually my H2oC is a plug and play, but you have to actually download off of the Navionics chip. Also Table Rock is in Arkansas on the chip.
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