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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by techo

  1. Just started fishing again and wondering what happened to the second ramp at Aunt's Creek. They have one side completely roped off and the other is not so great with a big hole or break where it seperated. You used to get four boats in or out a time if people did it right. Any ideas on if they plan on fixing it?
  2. Going to place todays report on the end of this as I don't have anything spectacular to add other than it was nice out there. I didn't catch anything again. It seems like the Rock makes me pay my dues each time before coughing up a fish or two for me. I marked the fish on the wind blown points with the clouds of baitfish in about 25- 28 feet of water around the areas of point 11 and 12. I just couldn't get them to chase the spoon. I even tried a C-rig today without luck. Was nice getting the little Skeeter out again.
  3. Put in at Aunt's and headed toward Cape Fair. We were mostly running gas through the Skeeter to get rid of the ancient stuff. We caught nothing! Had a great time though and would rather fish and catch nothing than not fish and catch nothing. Never tried the spoon....shaky head, Texas rigged worm and of course the Eakins jig for fun! Saw two Lunds out there. They seem to be getting more popular!
  4. I know this is going to surprise many of you but we will probably put in at Aunt's Creek. Hoping for rain without the lightening!
  5. Be out there tomorrow!
  6. No room on his interests for another retirement!
  7. Nice
  8. Down about five feet from normal.
  9. Threw the jig! Caught nothing on it but was smiling the whole time. I was sure after reading the reports on here we wouldn't do well with it but tried a few deeper docks anyway. It was a bit breezy out and I am out of practice but hooked a small K dragging a C-rig with a fish doctor across a point. We went back to that spot with a drop shot and caught three more little Ks at about 45 feet. It seems they were off the bottom about five feet as we had to reel up abit to get bit. I am not sure why they bit the C-rig on bottom then we had to reel up with the drop shot? We would have caught a few more as we were getting hit....think I lost the feel and need more practice. I have two photos on the new Iphone and will try to get them posted but nothing to brag about as they were around 10-12". The little Skeeter is still hummin and I missed her.
  10. The boss and Mrs said I could go tomorrow! Be out around Aunts Creek if anyone is around. Mostly just going to work the boat but might try some of the ideas you posted! Thanks for the report!
  11. I have never rented a boat. They often post reports on here and are fisherman friendly. A friend had his boat break down and they were very helpful to him last summer. Everyone I know that has anything to say about them says positive things. I would call her up and talk to her. Great area to fish!
  12. He is a class act and one of the good ones!
  13. Thanks KC. We are looking at some land next weekend.
  14. thanks. Hate the early hours for us guys that work late but sounds like it is fun!
  15. Hey Jacob.....how deep are you pulling them from?
  16. We were looking at land there but I remember a few years back of making the mistake of going on a holiday weekend and having a hard time finding a poiunt or cove to fish.
  17. Does Pomme get as crowded and crazy as Table Rock?
  18. oh yeah....PS that little hidden bridge under the water on Flat Creek where the small mouth are hanging is off limits!
  19. Thats a bum deal...lost a couple of rods and two caps on Table Rock. One I only cast once and was a lowrider!
  20. Well my fishing brothers.....the bad news is huge budget cuts and no overtime......the good news is time for fishing! Just for the record Champ.....I golf quite a bit better than last time we "hooked" up! Going to wait until the 4th traffic dies down and next week back on the lake if the lil Skeeter is willing! Sorry about the ticker FnF!
  21. Thanks for the report. Next week will be a bit crowded I think but after that.....woohoo!
  22. To echo what everyone else is saying.....get a guide. The first year I fished the Rock...I almost gave up as we weren't catching anything. I hired Bill for a half day and told him what I wanted to learn. He drove me around the lake pointing out different things and we were off. Every year since then has been fun! The money for a guide will be saved in gas after the learning session. I fished other lakes in the past and did pretty well, BUT Table ROck is a different beast for me.
  23. RPS is never wrong!
  24. I love fishing in a nice spring/summer rain. Less boats and seems to turn the fish on!
  25. Not much to add except....if you do fish the Central Pro-Am I would link with a pro so you are almost guaranteed a seat in the tourneys. Just look for a pro and drop him a note. They are usually willing to help a guy out with a link.
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