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Stephen Hall

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Everything posted by Stephen Hall

  1. Betcha one of the many local dock builders would come up with something for you. These days you should be able to turn on the heat in the cabin with your smartphone on the way to the lake!
  2. Site looks very smooth, it's relatively speedy. All in all, a good job. I'd have the web designer fix these issues if possible http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.woolybuggerflyco.com%2F&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 might speed it up a touch. Also, I'd put a little more target research into the html <title> </title> of each file. Add a few keyword phrases and some location information. Also be more descriptive in the <a href="url" title="on hover text" and the <img src="pic" alt="image description here" tags. That way you'll get more leads from search engines. These guys are doing your keyword research for you...
  3. Hey nut, how's it going? I've hit a few nice LMB's in shallow water... 3ft, 2 ft. But always right next to a hole. Any time of day, under some overhang, White rooster-tail or dark rubber worms. I just moved here recently and this is my first fall here. All the locals say it's not on, but from my point of view... it's on. I work at a resort that has a lot of traffic from fishermen, I'll post in this topic when I hear the locals tell me they're killin it.
  4. LOL. Water is down quite a bit more since my last post. Fishing is still better on the low mile marker side of Sunrise Beach. The water over there is beautiful and blue. The water over by mm 38 is still murky. The shad are THICK, either side.
  5. Hey Becky, Nice Bass! Where'd you catch that one? I fish on Lake of the Ozarks, moved here recently from Boston. What did you teach?
  6. At least a foot gone... I've been fishing mm10 and mm38 every day this week, the week before... etc, etc. Water is very clear in the coves by mm10, lots of bait-balls. I've been catching bass with light or white rooster-tails either right along the shoreline by a drop off or running it under a bait ball as they pass(that's fun). Coves by mm38 are nowhere near as clear but definitely clearing up too. Not catching much over there and I've thrown everything but the kitchen sink at them. It seems someone already threw in the kitchen sink...
  7. Hey all. I moved to Sunrise Beach from Boston in June... I fish the lake for bass almost every day. I keep myself busy by building websites. This is my company http://urlmd.com if you're a member of this forum and need some QA on your web I'll look it over for free of course... The dog you see is Huxley, 8yrs old. Got him when I lived in Albuquerque. Ok, thats all for now.

  8. Yep, bass have been back on for a couple weeks now... caught one that was so big that at first I'd thought I snagged a log, 4 feet of water.
  9. Around mm 38, tons of submerged brush. Boat traffic was pretty heavy this last weekend.
  10. The recent code says if the jug is anchored it can be left for 24 hours, un-anchored jugs have to be checked hourly. It also says your conservation number should be on the jug. Good luck on the cats! They're biting. I hear hot dogs and chicken gizzards are working. If you're grilling chicken, try some of the fat.
  11. Not a ton of boat traffic, no crappie around my docks... the water is bath warm.
  12. I'm from New England too and I had a cute little tackle box with little tiny spinner-bait a couple months ago, when I got here. Caught a bunch of itsy bitsy bass and trout up there too. If someone told me use a rubber worm on a hook that looked like it could support a side of beef, while fishing in Vermont... I would have LMAO. Now my tiny(though somewhat bigger) tackle box has a bunch of rubber worms, crayfish, squid-looking type things, caterpillar and leeches. Accompanied by great big hooks. I'm not experienced on any rivers here but that box works very well on LOTO.
  13. MMH is a fuel propellant, which is why cooking or heating releases the toxins. Which is also why proper ventilation is recommended. There is no reason to eat them as there are hundreds of other types of mushrooms not containing toxins. Only a novice would mistake Morchella for Gyromitra and if one decides to eat a mushroom without positive identification... that's evolution baby. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Monomethylhydrazine Don't be a novice, read Mushrooms Demystified by David Arora and/or join some local fungal club.
  14. "E. coli is a Gram-negative, rod-shaped bacterium that is commonly found in the lower intestine of warm-blooded organisms (endotherms)"- Wiki Link to the role of animals in E. Coli: http://www.vetmed.wisc.edu/pbs/zoonoses/O157DT104/O157DT104index.html Deer, Pigs, Dogs, Horses... I'm not defending the obviously antiquated septic systems along the lake but, all I know is I see a dozen deer on any given morning as I drive the dirt road out of my cove. Besides weekends, that's 2 deer for every one person residing. I only see the deer on the road, I probably pass 50 others. Ever taken the side roads off 5? There are hundreds of pigs, cows and horses and most everyone has at least 1 dog. Do you pick up your dog poop every time he runs off in the grass down by the lake? Hmmmm? I cant find out much about E coli in fish poop but one study by the U of Houston showed none to close to zero E coli in Fish poop. Regardless, where do you think those 4-6 lb bass poop? Yes, there is poop in LOTO... I'm going swimming now.
  15. I'm catching bass on LOTO daily, 10-15". If you're up before dawn use black to dark blue, very dark green, etc. rubber worms. When the light comes on switch to transparent light green or light brown rubber worms. Use the light colors all day and switch back to the dark colors after sunset. My best luck comes 30 min before dawn or dusk to 30 min after. Poppers will work if you're in a relatively deep, shady cove. But, as far as my luck goes, poppers stopped working 2-3 weeks ago in my relatively shallow, very open cove. Good Luck!
  16. Home water is LOTO but my heart is in the salt water off Chappaquiddick in Martha's Vineyard.
  17. Hi Roger, I'm new too. I've been a catch and release fisherman for a long time, mostly trout fishing, but since I moved to the Lake of the Ozarks, and the locals can't say more good things about them, I think I may keep some catfish or crappie this fall. Nice to e meet you.
  18. I try not to leave any footprints either. Yeah I looked up the disc golf course there and it has 1 star That's cool, we just need to make up alternate tees and double the distance. I've played the course in Columbia once about 10 years ago, I think I scored a -5 or 6. Real nice park. I wish I could fish like I play DG but that'll come in time. I'm working around Camdenton and once this heat wave breaks I'm going to come down to Lebanon and hit some chains. I'll give you a headsup when I do, maybe we can throw 18-27 and make up some long tees.
  19. WHAT TO DO WITH UNJUST LAWS? (1) obey them; (2) amend them, but obey until successfully changed. Wherever you stand on the drug issue, the only way to effect positive change is through the proper channels. My opinion is based on a treatise by Gandhi, my own self inflicted pragmatic ideas and observation. I don't drug or drink... I'm too busy working and fishing. I believe the drug issue to be a medical one as recent studies show that addictive behavior can be genetically inherited as well as learned. Either way, statistically, incarceration has a poor rehabilitative record. Granted, the success via rehab isn't a whole lot better, it is better. BTW, mushroom hunters just helped bust a huge grow ring in MO. *giggle, sounds funny at face value
  20. Robert Randolph is insane. I've been playing guitar long time. Recently started up on the mandolin... when in Rome.
  21. I like your website... I use chrome and the page is oriented to the left. In the css, body, try align = center. :)

  22. Mr. Cricket, Thank you very-much-oh for the hospitality, I will take you up on that before too long. Going to hit Google maps and check out your neck of the woods... the trout park is at Bennett Springs? Stephen ps, You're a disc golfer ?! Sweet... I own a few records on Wisconsin. Lowest round at Bairds Creek(-17), lowest round for advanced/am at Telulah park(-8). I've measured a drive at 520' +. Rock'n'roll.
  23. Caught a 2 decent cats 2 weeks ago off a dock in a very small cove at about 12' depth using the cutoff fat from chicken breasts we were grilling. At a guess they were 3-4 lbs each. This was at night.
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