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Everything posted by waterpossum

  1. I think you pretty well nailed it about the walleye being in a catatonic state. Last Wednesday we fished from 6-9 pm with stick baits up by the dam. From 7:50-8:50 we were fortunate to catch four. My fishing partner got hung just before 9 (our predesignated quitting time) When I trolled over to get his bait in 3-4' of water I turned on the high beam flashlight and there were walleye laying all up and down the bank seemingly in a trance. I could get nearly on top of them before they would slowly swim off. 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. dan hufferd

      dan hufferd

      Wow very interesting. If those folks ever need help counting or collecting walleye. Count me in !


    3. dan hufferd

      dan hufferd

      That would be a neat job to have for sure !

    4. waterpossum


      That it would. I've always admired their dedication. Not the best paying job in the world, but I would think very rewarding. 








  2. The water from 215 N. is running in the 49-50 degree range. We had 4 keeper walleye last night from 7:50-8:50 stick baiting a main lake point. There are crappie to be found in the deep corp. brushpiles. Water is clear in that area.
  3. Yes it is.
  4. Saturday 12 a.m. 863.2. Sunday 8:50 a.m. 866.4 The Corp failed to loosen the cable on the fishing dock at Ruark. Now the walkway is submerged.
  5. As of 6 p.m. the mud line extends to Mutton Creek and as Dutch said the lake is rising fast.
  6. I checked the monthly forecast and the weather looks pretty good at the end of February. (granted that could change) There is an evening bite (if history repeats itself) starting about the time you plan the trip around the dam area. You won't have any trouble figuring out where to fish. There will be bank fisherman just to the west of the dam. Most boaters will be congregated off of main lake points throwing stick baits. The main bite will be probably a max of one hour. (The last half hour before dark and a half hour after dark.) If your schedule is flexible arriving on the 25th might be best.
  7. It can turn on in a hurry, esp. in the rivers if we can get some much needed rain. A nice 2" downpour should kick start the bite.
  8. Is that motor trimmed?
  9. At the present lake level and very little water flowing out of the creek arms, it would be pretty futile to run to the back of the creeks if you in fact have fishing in mind. If your not too well acquainted with the lake the primary feeder arms in the order of volume are Big Sac, Lil Sac, Turnback, Sons, Maze, and Turkey creek. Birch, Greaser and Googer and Price have limited flow under wet conditions. At present it would be a nerve racking chore to get as far as 39 on Sons and 160 on Turnback. When I was there Thursday water temp on the main lake was 36 and the majority of shad were hanging in 55' and deeper water.
  10. Last week there were some shad schools just around the corner from the Hawker ramp (main lake side) Next to impossible to fish them because of the wind. They were 35-45' deep over 55' of water.
  11. No excavation dirt around the dirt. I'm confident it's not made by any digging animal.
  12. I have been talking with a friend that used to work for MDC. He thinks it's probably ant mounds, but like the rest of you a better picture by me would help.
  13. I'll be back up there soon and will get a little better pictures. These were about a mile north of Y bridge on the west side of the lake.
  14. I was at Stockton Lake Saturday just above the high water shore line and happened on approximately 20 of these. The clay is real fine in mounds anywhere from 6 to 12 inches high and some about 2 ft. across. i have never seen fire ants around the lake, but that's what came to my mind. They were just so close to the lake I had a hard time understanding why ants would be that close to water.
  15. Probably like everyone else, and just huddled down waiting for a weather break. Plan on meeting a friend coming down from Iowa Thursday. Plan on a Friday Saturday trip. Got a feeling I may need to take a sledge hammer and chain saw.
  16. I saw Randy Blauket on Facebook the other day with a picture of 5 pretty nice bass he and another guy caught on jerkbaits. Lifes2short had some pictures on 12/29
  17. I was at the Ruark ramp yesterday afternoon about 2 p.m. and it was still usable. There was a thin ice sheet at that time that was nearly to the ramp. I'm sure it has probably extended and thickened some since then, but the duck hunters that have been launching there should have it busted up. Sorry, no info on the N. end of the lake.
  18. They used to sow millet on Grand, esp on the flats around Sycamore creek in August to attract the ducks. They did that for about 10 years, but quit it a few years back
  19. If your going to Ruark, you can go in the East campground and use the gravel ramp in the back of the cove at the south end of the park. Or Take the east road across from Son Sac Marine and follow that road east to a gravel ramp.
  20. Likewise, Merry Christmas to you and family and to all of the OA forum. Tuesday is a high of 30 degrees. I get cold just thinking about being on the water when it's that cold.
  21. - They are prolific in Grand and its tributaries, especially in the Neosho/Spring river arms during flooding. Seems the biggest are caught during the dead of winter as deep as 60' among the shad in the deep waters of the main lake. Probably the downside is they are ferocious eaters and have directly affected the channel cat population in Grand. They are one of the best eating fish there are in the 2-3 pound range. The conservation dept. is not too fond of the name locals have given them. "Mississippi whites " The meat is every bit as white or whiter than crappie filets. I would be reluctant to promote introducing this fish to Stockton. I may be off track here, but from my experience catching them, there seems to be two strains.
  22. The ends of the long main lake points would be where I try first. The lake has been undergoing a steady drop over the last couple of months. Of course the presence of the huge shad schools nearby should be taken into account. Caught a couple of small ones the last time out (about a week ago) fishing some brush for crappie off of points in 25-30' of water.
  23. I get all my crappie stuff there. Fantastic selection of all crappie baits. If you ask for it he will probably do his best to get whatever you ask for. All my spinning reels are from there.
  24. The lake is down about 864, which is about 3' below normal. If you have a pretty reliable depth finder and a little patience you can motor along in 16-20' of water with 2 or 3 buoy markers handy ) and find isolated brush (sometimes it won't be big) These are usually places that haven't been fished much. I've found over the years chances for better quality fish come from these places. so my suggestion
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