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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. Seems they are putting otu BLACK SWAN decoys to keep the geese out of the ponds... So yesterday im driving past them and see 40 honkers in the pond with it and even funnier was a single bufflehead nuzzling up to the swan using it as what looked like a scratching post. When will BV learn the only way to get rid of the geese is to allow hunting. Oiling the eggs is a joke as most the geese are breeding in Jane, Pineville and Gravette...
  2. For the price and use you may want to get a aircard and a smaller laptop. I have one in my truck i use for work primarily but also for fun between jobs and when im hunting in the boat or fishing I just put it in the boat with me.
  3. Marty I actually like pools 19 and 20 at 4rivers... I just hate the walk lol... I need to run up to flight and see if it got water if it did it should be sick with ducks... With 10 days off im just going to enjoy chasing birds even if i dont get any... This year has been crazy with work and now i hope to get in more than a few hours at beaver. Dont get me wrong beaver is great at times but i miss running all the prairies in Mo and on occassion stopping off to see the Bison.
  4. Ok stop guys dangit I got 1 more day then its 10 of vacation and im itching like crazy to go hunting this threads making me want to get sick tomorrow and start early... Any reports up around Nevada or Shawnee?
  5. LOL 5 days of killing then... and when it becomes a marsh KILL THE SNIPE... Dam that reminds me i aint gone after one snipe this season yet.... im slacking
  6. Congrats and dont let them fool ya,,, 3 years and dad will have the kids out playing with bluegill and will be the fondest memories to cherrish forever... Remember though even the smallest bluegill is: This___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ big to a kid and world record for sure
  7. Leave it alone till then... Rain in the forecast so it should be fine till then.
  8. Im saying thats what its about...
  9. You need to remember the 150 yard rule from houses and roads or i should say law.... There is actually tons of places on beaver to duck hunt and it holds large numbers of ducks and a wide diversity of birds. Last year I took: Mallards Redheads Teal ( ALL THREE SPECIES ) Canvasback Widgeon Black Duck ( not coots real black ) Ring Necks Goldeneye Scaulp Ruddy Wood Ducks Gadwall Pintail Buffle Heads Canada Geese Specks Snows Spoony ( dog made me do it ) The biggest thing and key to sucess is using LONG LINES just like you would for Divers. 30 ft of line to the first decoy and then 3 to 5 feet between each decoy 12 per string and then 30 ft off the last decoy. This allows you to set you decoys much further from shore then the average guy and opens up far more potential spots. Plus it is a fast set out and take up. There is plenty of coves and points as well as a few nice islands.
  10. Now thats a sweet looking spot... congrats and get back to um.
  11. Its Papa's Farms he retired after bringing in 63 harvest so 63 years a farmer. Now he 60/40's it. Mostly so all the famdamily has a place to hunt. The man is awesome and the stories of farming and family he can tell keeps you listening. Im blessed to have in-laws like that. Only bad thing about hunting so close to Mom and Dads house is at 09:00 I can smell coffee and bacon and its hard not to pull off the birds to go get mommas cooking some days you cant lol.
  12. I work hard for birds up here, but when I go Down Home I get Lazy and enjoy being lazy. Those are my decoys 200 Silosocks 200 yards from Mom and Dads front door.. It makes it nice to be done by 9am just as Mom has Breakfast ready. Even Sammie Girl gets Lazy down home, a Flock os Specks is what has her attention, Im not even calling them their feet are down and cupped and with a limit down already and my hand no place near the gun she just watched them land.. I sent her to chase them out of the decoys for fun though. 2 days and limits each.. Lots of snows around 73 of them will not be destroying the Tundra anymore.. Sorry no picks of them it was an afternoon hunt and thats alot of cleaning.... Duck wise WE NEED COLD WEATHER... I saw a few here a few there, Lots of water in fields from recent rains and they were spread out but nothing number wise like it should be. I try and stay possitive and if we have a mild winter and they dont come down its all the more for breeding next year and Maybe then we will get the weather to move them down. Did snap this one though you can see it was in your face action
  13. Good Job Duane, Very few ducks down south Stut to Montecello is wet everyplace and few Ducks... Lots of geese though I'll be hitting Beaver a couple days this week if im lucky then its vacation time in SE AR for 3 days then back up here to pound them hard.. We need serious weather up north i talks to a buddy in Saskatoon and he said they still have 10's of thousands of birds still.
  14. Heck that will work on the big lakes on a calm day... grab some goldeneye decoys and get at them...
  15. Looks like a great hunt, How many birds is the area holding?
  17. Lol Jeb then you saw my awesome camo pattern of blue jeans and a black Columbia Jacket.. If you had ran behind the big island you would have seen the large rafts back there... Dang I wish we would have know that was eachother I would have had you swing in for some coffee and BSing... Thats the small spread btw try seeing it at full size with 24dz out.
  18. Way to go, Rare banded bird for certain.
  19. Marty, Beaver is a great lake that offers so much the most is forgetting all the crud in life and just getting pack some soul time... Wouldnt really matter if i get a fin or a feather its all about being out there. Scott
  20. I put down 6, 4 Mallards two Goldeneye and had more than enough chances kept the afternoon fun for me and my best friend. Had to go get this sailor dam thing went 200yrds then folded dead, I hate that when it happens 4 Of the 6 to dark for the full set when i left. This is what the spread looks like when i only have an afternoon hunt only 6 dozen out today The spread starts at 15yrds off shore in 8ft of water and the last of the line is 27yrds offshore in 22 ft of water. very visable spread from a long way off.
  21. Um Beaver Lake after I send you a PM lol.
  22. Nice mess there..
  23. http://www.supremecourt.gov/oral_arguments/argument_audio_detail.aspx?argument=10-218 Oral Arguements of the case to the High Court.
  24. My brother and I went out to Beaver this morning and set up on a little island we like to hunt. On the way out to the island we kept saying we really should go to another spot. Had a couple shots in the AM then when we were ready to leave we said lets go look where we thought about going. Its always so nice to pull into your guts spot to find several rafts of well over 2000 birds to each one of them there... GO WITH YOU GUT DUMMY is all we kept saying... We kicked them up and just sat there saying words a drunken sailor would be ashamed of... LOL. It happens Looks like we finally had some nice pushes though
  25. Ya they can be a pain up there. A good thaw and you should start slaughtering them
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