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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. Same person just wearing a different face lol. Oh Ham you should go read the reviews its hilarious. Facebook Game of Thrones ill send you the link I love reading them and laughing at them. Sansa story has pissed me off most, HELLO ITS JANES story. But I can kinda see where its going with the Littlefinger master plan in mind.
  2. After this weekend I will post my theory. But we do know or have reason to believe,Rhaegar did not take Lyanna captive, They fell in love and she went with him, think of it as eloping. Lyanna was no typical woman and there is much speculation she was actually the (Knight of the Laughing Tree). Rhaegar was actually sent to find the knight but could not. This is highly suspicious as his tracking abilities and honor was well known so him not finding the knight is interesting. With his quest to fulfill the prophecy of the "Prince that was Promised" and not being able to have any more kids with Elia it maes since that had he discovered Lyanna to be that knight that is why he named her "Queen of love and beauty", Shortly after the "alleged kidnapping took place" I find it very hard to believe Lyanna could be abducted without a fight and a fight would surely bring others. Further there is hinting that They Married in front of a Heart Tree with Sir Arthur Dayne and Oswell Went present and Barristan Selmy later states Rhaegar loved Lyanna (Only way he could know that is Rhaegar told him ) before the trident. As to Jon, They better do Pink Letter my god that would be sacrilege not to, but its very late in this season for them to do it then FOR THE WATCH in the same show. EP 10 this weekend and don't see how they can do both in an hour. But he needs to learn something come on 50 episodes and he is still the biggest idiot around. Also for EP 10 how are they going to do Dany's Drogon Layer and creek as well as Quaithe to meeting Darth's in such a short time? They could but already in the trailer I have seen to much to be able to do both those stories true justice unless they carry them through to next season. But Arya will Kill Meryn Trant, I know the HBO fans hate her this year (or more her storyline) but the show is sticking pretty close to the Mercy Chapter and I love it.
  3. HBO's Game of Thrones. Amazing people can talk about something other than the Nedrig but they can
  4. Ham you need to read them all or go to YOUTUBE and listen to them, the stories are so awesome and some off the Youtubers have done great work with them and the artwork. Knowing the History and Lore and back stories helps a lot. Start out with the Tournament at Harrenhal it will help with GOT.
  5. Oh and ill through a thought out there. Varys is missing, my guess is next episode at the end we will see Jamie and company leave Dorne and as they leave we will see Varys and Doran. If this happens THEN I will buy the Varys as trying to restore the Targs, if not I have a theory who really is the supporter of Targarian restoration.
  6. Holding off till after next weeks show, but I have a large theory based off books ASOIAF and Martins other writings. You have to take it all in its entirety. But three weeks without Teets??? is HBO slipping lol. I should post the Meme I did the last couple weeks.
  7. Ham, the Unsullied were never trained for close-quarters combat like this. They are trained to fight large armies in open areas much like Spartans. If they can lock shields stand side by side they are almost unbeatable. Basically designed to fight wars against other armies not fight terrorist in small confined areas in small groups. Yes Martin likes the spotlight no doubt about it. But if you look at his writing speed for the series he is on par with the other books. Plus he has others who are helping him write because he created a world with history and cannon so when he writes one he has other people reviewing it to be sure he sticks to history and cannon. To me im appreciative of that as it creates something most Authors don't do and that pay attention to detail. I suspect though knowing Martin he will let the series finish and then write the final book with a completely different ending. I wouldn't be surprised one bit at all to see him pull off the ultimate in screw-you he is famous for being unpredictable and keeping secrets in fact the title of his last book was changed ( was it a misleading clue or a real clue ) Compressing the stories is ok so long as they don't over compress, HBO has left out some VERY important things or barely touched on them. My personal thought is this was done to try and keep the story unpredictable but sadly because of compressing storylines and character roles they have made predictable. After next weeks episode I will post My theory ive been keeping notes and working on for a long time. Like I said love a mystery and playing detective from the first book has been great fun.
  8. I'm a book and companion books reader, and seeing what D&D have been doing It was predictable. Problem with a TV show is it starts getting very predictable because they cut out so much storyline to make it fit on the show, Purely from the book standpoint there is no way to predict what is about to happen just theories. I love a good mystery and the books are that. I've been a good boy and not fired off spoilers and will hold off till the end of this season but then im letting go with a bunch of my theories on what will happen. Last two shows were ok but the Camera on the Hardhome battle was way to shaky and fast it was like they were trying to cram a lot in to the battle insteasd of slowing it down and steady cam to give a good battle. Last night was no different its like they want the big expensive scene and CGI but then they blow it on lousy camera work. Arya's story I know everyone is bitching about but its actually done closest to the books of them all and very good, but again im a book reader and understand her story and its backstory.
  9. Heh Game of Thrones was predictable tonight. But shark week is coming.
  10. 12 BRIDGE is the most popular site on the lake for night fishing, you could also try tying up to a tree in Cedar or Fords Creek maybe even Indian Creek. Last option is hit docks that are well lit.
  11. Corps ramp at Lost Bridge South is a good one $4.00 per day as is Dam Site same price. Slips I have no clue on the price. Stripers "should" be from point 4 to the dam by then.
  12. Well Ness few women served overseas in ww2 none in combat to my knowledge. So ya I would say it was a fair assessment of the men coming home wanting to well you know, and the statistics prove it lol. As to them holding back before hand. Birth Control was abstinence and that was not practiced all that much even during the depression and after the war yes economy was good and they were happy to be home and families glad they were home. It was a good time. Oh and it was BEEHIVE hair due lol.
  13. Please explain to me how I was Harsh in my opinion of Boomers. As I did say How is teaching their children things like that a harsh opinion? What is wrong with teaching kids to hold a door for a woman or address them with a Yes sir or No Maam or taking their hat off inside a bad thing? Please explain. I then went on to say That would be my generation and from what I have seen from many my age it is the truth. But you say you are a boomer and my criticism was not of the Boomers but my generation. So I am failing to see how you can be offended by my opinion of my own generation. Now Ness brought up I would disagree with the dates though it is said 1945 to 1964 to be specific on the Boomer "Generation" I will and always have used the definition of (Boomer) as described to me by one of my History teachers. As he put it "Boomers" "Were children that could be directly attributed to kids being born after the father returned from WW2 1945 to 1950 at most" I agree with his definition of that as the factor for the large spike in births during that period was due to the parent coming home. No different than a Hurricane knocking out power or more recently the east coast black out. Though society tends to try and lump categories by generation for whatever reason (probably ease) the true "Boomers" were in that time because of a specific reason. Much like the generations before was called "The Greatest Generation" because of the sacrifice they made during WW2 again a specific age group for a specific event. My Father, Mother and 2 Aunts and 2 Uncles fit in to that time frame and I would call them "Boomers" However 4 more Uncles and Aunts do not and there is clearly a difference in how they raised their kids though they had the same parents as either my mother or father. Social changes as they aged were much more forgiving and excuse based than based on accepting responsibility for your actions and the consequences that comes from your actions.
  14. It's slowed way down, RPS and I were out yesterday I got out at 4am and had 3 shorts before dawn, Picked up RPS and ran to Rocky Branch and pulled brooders along with tossing top water to no avail. Ran to a few other spots picked up a few short walleye, a nice brim and a decent smallie. When said smallie spit the bait at the boat a striper rolled on the bait he spit (go figure) tried for a bit on stripers and though we marked them no takers. No wind to speak of yesterday combined with big bright moon probably was not our best friend. Most the striper fleet does however seem to be located around Rocky Branch and I know some are fishing Clifty and point 4. Tis the time of year they are scattered give them another month and they will be from point 4 to the dam and a little easier to find.
  15. Im not sure what you are defining as a "baby-boomer" those are kids born 1946 to 1948 dependent on when their father got home and from the war and met/married or did the nasty with the "Boomers" mother. Most if not all the Boomer I know taught their children the common morals ( Holding a door for a woman or elder, Yes Mam No sir etc, walking on the right side of an isle, Hat off inside and so on ) I believe however the boomers children were the ones who have lost the "Social Graces" as they decided they would not enforce the harsh penalties and consequences for failures that their parents did. This has then past on to their children. Personally I believe a Belt, Whip and Switch were the best teachers I had growing up. They were the cure for ADHD, Swearing, Disrespect and so many other social issues of today. They were better than any visit to a doctor and only needed on most occasion to be prescribed one time. They were so effective even Principles had one often with holes cut in it to aid in sound effects and if they used it then when you got home you got one of the first three from your parent. Imagine that Not only was your Parent a Doctor but so was your teachers and principle and they knew the cure for whatever (stupid illness) you had. They knew how to fix stupid.
  16. Rocky is fine actually in a great place for launching but the fish in the area need glasses lol. Boat traffic shut it down for us also we had great top water going until people started motoring around. I know I preach it but when top water is going on shut the darn big motor off and take advantage of it. It keeps reminding me of why I hate weekends this time of year. Trick is get out early and pray no one comes by with their motor on.
  17. Nope unless you are under 12 years old lol. Somehow someone has started a rumor that I heard a few times this week that people must wear a vest while in a boat at all times. Now the PC Police and the "We think we know it all Police" are informing everyone they must wear them. So unless your 12 or under with a few exception as listed on pg 30 of the boating regulations http://www.boat-ed.com/assets/pdf/handbook/ar_handbook_entire.pdf the answer is you were a victim of a big mouth with a extender for her sphincter.
  18. After being in the shop the last few days and knowing they were making water flow and it killing me inside it was nice to get out again. I called NPierce yesterday and said "Wanna do duck hunter hours" and of course he was willing. The stripers on the other hand were in serious need of glasses, had numerous big fish miss multiple times saw a couple well in the 20lb class but we did manage a pair of smaller just keeper size fish. But for me the highlight was being treated to watching a Mother and her Fawn walking the shore then stopping to feed a her child, I can't think of a greater way to spend the day then good top water excitement a good friend and seeing nature alive and well in the area I call home.
  19. Dan, the lure you were catching them on in front of Monte Ne???? Remember it? USE IT NOW!
  20. I just want them to put one of them Webcam thingys at Prairie Creek so I can sit at home or in the store and watch it, especially at home on my big screen it would be hilarious.
  21. Stumpy that is a great tactic, the other one is just wait a month or two for the Hoppers to show up then throwing out something small that floats under trees or brush will fill a live well full of Spots. Not to mention put a few jugs out loaded with the hoppers and clean up on the blue cats.
  22. Did you go where I told you and eyes popped out when the graph lit up?
  23. I got under it and slapped it as I did, Bigger profile boats wont fit
  24. they better be from the current at 12 bridge today.
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