You will NEVER see Big Foot the dude is the "Hide n Seek" Champion!
Al, the ones in Cali (IMO) are a problem because of encroachment but also because they have become accustom to human contact, Trash cans at all the parks they learn are a food source, People feeding their cats and dogs outside, and some idiots feeding the cougars but more so the lack of prey available for them because of the constant building in to their area and the above listed activities, the cats have lost fear and started looking at humans as a source of food one way or another.
Same thing with Yotes and why they are becoming a problem out there OH! and cant forget the drought the state is always in forcing animals in to close quarters with people. Seriously what are they thinking you cant put 30million people in a desert without water and expect in lean times not expect to have critters come to you for water.