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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. looks like just over an inch in F-ville from what I see on some weather websites so the lake will probably only hit 1126, still great for this years hatch if ACE leaves it up. The biggest problem with the lake is the fluctuation we all know it and might as well cry over spilt milk it will get the same results. By September I will bet its back down between 1116 and 1118 and that leaves little cover to no cover.
  2. Instead of worrying about Cats, I think we may have found the cure to terrorism... Simply send our X's wherever needed and let them loose on the enemy. Either they will eliminate the terrorist or the terrorist will eliminate them. Its a Win Win for the world.
  3. Always leery of "ethanol free" I Treat mine with Stabile no matter what or where I get gas. Also am certain to run the motor full speed at the end of the day plus the addition of an inline fuel filter between the tank and the engine.
  4. 1128 possible if we get the 2 to 4'' in F-ville, lets just hope they don't draw it down at Warp speed like normal. Will suck for duck hunting this winter but great for fishing. Always a double edge sword.
  5. Raising hand for fear of X-wife's Irish, Redhead, New Yorker, you would have thought I would have known better with just one of the three. I was young and stupid.
  6. Bigfoot is not invasive, he was here first and will be here long after we are gone and still be the Champ. But think about us he has given us such great Comedy shows like Finding Bigfoot and the drinking game to go with it and lets not forget his IMPORTANT role in the 6million dollar man.
  7. Nice pair of fish.
  8. You will NEVER see Big Foot the dude is the "Hide n Seek" Champion! Al, the ones in Cali (IMO) are a problem because of encroachment but also because they have become accustom to human contact, Trash cans at all the parks they learn are a food source, People feeding their cats and dogs outside, and some idiots feeding the cougars but more so the lack of prey available for them because of the constant building in to their area and the above listed activities, the cats have lost fear and started looking at humans as a source of food one way or another. Same thing with Yotes and why they are becoming a problem out there OH! and cant forget the drought the state is always in forcing animals in to close quarters with people. Seriously what are they thinking you cant put 30million people in a desert without water and expect in lean times not expect to have critters come to you for water.
  9. 12 is almost into the parking lot... PC is your best bet.
  10. From http://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Portals/50/docs/beaverlake/shorelinemanagementguide.pdf So just because you may own the DOCK does not mean you own the water and in fact the regulations say
  11. Yup Beaver Lake. I have been telling people to throw a spook its producing Bass and Striper but the key is to find the gizzard shad spawning those big girls are in their taking advantage of the shad not being to careful with their minds on something else. DEAD SEA LMAO..... I wouldn't say dead sea but would say very HUMBLEING SEA! But if you have a rabbits foot and four leaf clover in your boat and a blind squirrel it will lead you to a nut. Truth is there is one pattern for years on Beaver that produces big bass and just fish consistently and that is Day after cold front on the back side of a wind swept point will produce big bass and many species. You just have to find the right point and when you do DONT LEAVE IT.
  12. Things I worry more about than Mountain Lions. No particular order. Drunks driving boats Kids driving boats daddy bought them Wake Boaters Cougars on wake boats ( bigger predator than cougar on land ) Old women on wake boats wearing Bikini ( some things you can’t burn out of your memory ) Lightning Tornado Anyone wearing duck commander gear Pissing my wife off In other words I DON’T worry about them, I grew up in Mountain Lion country, hunted around them all the time, saw plenty and felt the presence of them, yes you will know when the hairs on the back of your neck stand up something is near. They are no more a danger or threat than a Jack Russel. Actually I take that back they are less dangerous than a Jack Russel.
  13. If it was in Arkansas he would be in violation of the law.
  14. The signs are blatantly designed to keep people away in their wording. THE LAW however is
  15. Ham there is a reason I didn't post its size and weight, im tired of the BS with catching a big fish and all that goes with it. I caught her on a Zara Spook its been my go to bait for a while now. You are one of the few who can see my personal facebook page and that's the only place her true size is posted. Only other person to know it not on my FB is Mojorig.
  16. Some say Hickory other Monte Ne, I personally have not looked but often wonder if people mistake the debris lines and Mudlines when I ask people say lots of debris ( mud) at so and so others say the mud ( farm field look ) the last is what I call a mudline. My personal definition is if I can see clear to clouding water on one side and corn being planted on the other that is the mudline.
  17. If we get the rain they keep talking about ( BIG IF ) as it has to fall in the right place I would say 1130 would be possible and I would love to see it for this years class and especially the bait fish that will both benefit. Also if it happens and the Mudline can make it to Fords Creek or Rocky Branch the Striper and Smallmouth fishing will be off the charts from my logs. I actually spent a good part of yesterday sticking my boat in places it should normally go and enjoying the sights, Lots of carp spawning, Bass in cover and even brim shooting in and out of the cover made for a real nice day of just being on the water. I have made a few phone calls this morning and if anyone is dumb enough to run up the river this weekend they better also expect to be buying a new prop at minimum from debris reports.
  18. Love those pictures.
  19. Awe yes the Book of Faces lol.
  20. Smallmouth release https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L6l4o6J0VZ0 Carp Spawning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SChpe90QWG0
  21. Sounds like Captain Obvious moment. You had a stub and he wrote you a warning so Obviously you knew it was expired and the Captain Obviously didn't pay attention or care or pay attention that fact.
  22. Write The agency and get a written response back, then you know and keep a copy of it with you so if you are checked the warden has the answer from his agency.
  23. OH they were busting shad on surface its how I found them.
  24. All I know is it was my best bass fishing day EVER on the lake, there was definitely a current and lake was rising and so were the fish some very big fish at that. May need to go play some more tomorrow and see if it holds true.
  25. Bass Bite was fantastic this morning with some very nice fish caught. Bait was Zara Spook and Zara Puppy fished off main lake points. Fish were suspended over 25 to 30ft of water and you had to have shad nearby. Deep water fish bite the day after a front just never fails
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