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Feathers and Fins

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Everything posted by Feathers and Fins

  1. Another tragedy that could have been avoided by simply obeying the law. From Page 28 of the Boaters Guide
  2. I heard a certain Allman Brothers song in my head while reading this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TCOiIl7Xu3w
  3. I HOPE I am wrong but man the set-up from Stanis is there and the scene of him reading the letter and his look just makes me think they will have Stanis as the sender. Granted in the books we don't know for sure who sent it but Ramsey was the prime suspect followed by Sansa.
  4. Thanks Jim, its a progression from simple bucktails, And yes I even tie for bass.
  5. I just watched the trailer for this next week, Jon sitting with a letter in front of him ( Stanis Letter I assume ) If they use that instead of the Pink letter I will be pissed pink letter is a major part of the story. But I can see it already playing out where He gets it, decides to support Stanis which is breaking the vows and the Watch kills him for it. Man I hope im wrong.
  6. I have seen that and heard the "Harp" theory for a long time, but it has no relevance to Jon or Dany and proof of their legitimacy and that is how the great houses would look at it especially when Ned admitted to being a traitor. Also why Aegon could just be a pretender as he would have one of the Blackfire Swords and the great houses would know that. It will all come down to Howland Reed and what he says. Interestingly his words could start a civil war as well. But if we go with the Dornish Master Plan combined with High Sparrow and the faith backing of Dany and Little Finger (if he is the true Targaryen supporter) then the civil war would be a minor issue basically Many Houses against the Lannisters ( see Tyrions Dream ). I THINK Jamie is Azorahi right now but in the back of my head I think it might also be Tyrion. Evidence and hints at both. I hope this weeks episode sheds more light on it. Lord Knows GRRM can't get the books out so we will have to have the shows to do it.
  7. Three things I always keep in mind when playing detective with this story is 1. Prophecy 2.Dreams 3. Magic Whenever im looking at a Stark or Targaryen you have to as they have 1 or all three. And Dragon dreams is Targaryen.
  8. Its easy to discount Harrenhal if we talk only about the show. But if we talk purely Book its impossible to not talk about it as it has loomed in each book. I keep it at forefront because I believe at some point in the reveals on the show and probably books there will be a flashback from Howland Reed or Maybe a complete admission he knew of Brandon and Ashara as well as Rhaegar and Lyanna. He is the Key and Martin has said he will appear. Nothing on the show gets done without GRRM approval and he did refuse Movie offers so he could have the control and ability to keep it close to the books, even said he knew he would have to consolidate characters for it. Hell is grimier concordance by his own admission is over 1million words (If a character farted they put him in it and who he was and what house etc). As for the Actors Martin did fill them in so they would know a secret about the character he even insisted on Sean Bean being Ned. Yes he could have filled them in with false info wouldn't shock me but I also doubt it as he wanted them to able to act with emotion.
  9. Wow a lot of thought there, love different theories but there is major problems in it. No offenses here and please do the same to mine as this is why I love the books and show its a giant Crime Scene and the fans have to play detective, finding and eliminating evidence. One thing the show does not do is go over the Tournament at Harrenhal, I believe they don't as it would give a lot of the storyline away or at very least explain it to the point people would see things coming. I would guess 80% of people watching the show haven't read the books or don't want to for fear of spoilers. Just read comments online and you can see that. HBO wants to surprise people. So to answer your questions and theories. Yes and No, Brandon was at the tournament at Harrenhal so was Ashara. Barristan says that during the tournament someone dishonored her and got her pregnant. Ned was to busy keeping Howland from killing squires and drinking with him. (Books) Ned when Jon is going to the wall tells him they will discuss his mother next they meet. This would be an oath breaker and we know Ned wont break a oath. (Show) Sean says in an interview (big slip up) he is NOT Jons father (Real Life) Jon could still be a twin of Dany and I have not ruled it out 100% more like 80%. Brandon was first in line to Winterfell so had he not been killed he would have been Lord of Winterfell. Actually it was Little Finger who started the entire war of the 5 kings. It would take me to long to go in to all of it but he is the one who started it and has been moving the chess pieces the entire time. Probably one of my favorite characters and everyone hates him because of how evil he appears. But short version; He and Liza poisoned John Arroyn, this is calculated to get Ned to KL which he knows is not a political man. He was the one who put the ancestry book in neds hands to see the twinsest. He then kept feeding Ned info to look like Lannister plot. He got lucky with the dagger but used it to get Cat thinking Lannisters. Robert getting killed he knew as well with the wine. Bammmm Joffrey arrest Ned and then WAR. TWO houses put to war by him. Banners called in multiple houses now at war. Stannis was sent the letter by Ned and bet Littlefinger new about it so a little manipulation and now Baratheon fighting eachother in field. BOOM 3 houses at war. Stannis wins and Littlefinger makes the deal with Roose Bolton NOW we have 4 houses at war, tULLYS WERE WITH STARKS SO 5 houses. The guy is an absolute genius. One coldhands just combined and removed a lot of plots to make it happen. They have been doing it for a while (Jorah taking on Jon Connington grey-scale for instance) Killed off at Red Wedding so we have to believe in books also. Just like they just did this weekend in burning you know who. That is the pisser-offer of the show to me. I want to see the long story as to why. And finally We know nothing about her early childhood book or show, its all based off Viserys. He has lied to her so many times plus he married her off to Drogo (A targaryens first duty is the bloodline with his sister) He could NOT have continued it without his sisters blood as they are the last two Targs and her the last female. Him lying to her also protects his legitimacy to the throne. Rhaegar would have had it before Viserys and Rhaegars kids before Viserys, both Rhaegars kids being killed at Kings Landing would leave Dany as the only true Error to the throne so again in his interest to Marry her off and to make her believe she is his younger sister. Its twisted but so is he. Ok and You also have to Look at Dany and Jons approximate birth date. This is where it gets really interesting. Brandon to be Jons father it would be about 9 to 11 months or so to the sack of KL. But the Trident battle to Tower of Joy is about 6 to 8 months timeline perfectly fitting for Dany being born there and Brandon to Ashara. I have really worked on time line with Roberts Rebellion and its hard as hell to do but I think I have it to within a few weeks to max a month.
  10. There are no fish left in the lake and I sure wouldn't be fishing Ford or Cedar Creek no way no how and sure wouldn't be point 4 to point 1.
  11. Jim I have been tying a ton of them this year, I have a good friend in Mass that is using them for striper and other friends around the country using them. This is my most popular one. Its a double hook rig and pulsates in the mid section when paused and when swimming it has great motion.
  12. If there was ever a place the good lord made a Canoe for it is this area. People get caught up in the Big Bass Boat craze but there is many days I miss my canoe and kayak. If you are afraid of Boat price on an edumicaters budget I suggest a Tracker, No haggle on price and monthly payments that are low. Bradford in Springdale is great. Or you can come by Hook Line and Sinker in Rogers and see what is there also. You may want to get a Missouri License as well and visit Roaring River or even Taneycomo for trout. There is no way to fish all the Ozark waters properly in a lifetime or even two. But stay away from the ELK during summer with the kids just a friendly word.
  13. Three CG Dragons right now. Still a Egg in Westros (and I bet Little Finger ) knows about it and where it is plus potential ice dragons North of the wall and Maybe one at Winterfell. They could really take Dragons to a major role if they would. Hell it would be better than Dorne.
  14. I agree, I often have thought through the show if ABC, NBC, CBS or any of them had a cable network similar to HBO they could have made the show and their revenue is much high and we could have got 20 episodes or more a year and really covered the entire storyline. There is to many for HBO on their Budget to do. But I also have to wonder did HBO spend to much budget on going to places around the world to shoot when they could have shot on a Studio lot for many of the scenes and spent more money on storylines and CG.
  15. Ham its one series you should buy and keep on hand for review. It really is like a great mystery and playing detective is a blast. The show is more like a misleading clue that you have to follow to weed out the bad clues or hidden clues in the books. After S5 E6 I had to go read Book 1 again. Its a lot of fun on the porch at night with a good cigar and glass of Bourbon or Sweet Tea. My way to unwind.
  16. No laws against polygamy in Westros though not commonly practiced that we know of and why not Sister Marrying was practiced so why not two wives. I doubt Tywin knew about much of anything about his kids he didn't know about the twinsest or Tyrion high intelligence. Its hinted at in the Main books but also the companion books a little. Brutus of tarth lmfao I think of her more like HULK of Tarth. I am really not sure where the story is going with her it could go a few places but I really need the next book to draw any conclusion though she has a major part with Lady Stone Cold Stark so I do see why she and Sansa are together. It does fit in to my theory. Screw her killing RoboMountain I want Clegan-Bowl.
  17. Go-pro Record Call Fish and Game if he harasses you, Not only is it against the law law its against state constitution Upload video after to Youtube and here
  18. Game of Thrones is ongoing with many mysteries involved, to me that is part of the fun. I have held off throwing too much out there about it but at this time with the show outrunning the books I don’t think anything I can say beyond this point is a spoiler as no one knows what will come. So Now I am going to put out some of my “Theories” about where the show and books are going. I will try to use facts as we know them when possible and also just theories to where it will go. I am just curious how close I might be in the end. Enjoy the read and feel free to comment as to what you think might happen. First one of the most important events for Game of Thrones show viewers is to understand there was a tournament held just prior to Roberts Rebellion, known as the Tournament at Harrenhal. This tournament actually set in motion many things that triggered the Rebellion. Much of what I believe is based off events that happened there and the consequences. To set things right it was Not Rhaegar taking Lyanna that set off the Rebellion but The Mad King Killing the Starks then ordering John Aaron to Kill his two wards Ned and Robert that started the rebellion. Daenerys Daenerys; Parents will end up being a massive shock R+L= D ! Yes I believe after looking at a lot of evidence that Daenerys parents are actually Rhaegar and Lyanna. To understand this you have to be a book reader there is many dreams and prophecies they have conveniently left out of the show. So I am going to touch on them here. Daenerys Dream: “First: Her thighs were slick with blood. She closed her eyes and whimpered. As if in answer, there was a hideous ripping sound and the crackling of some great fire. I believe this to be a dream of her birth which is backed up by Ned’s description; Ned upon finding Lyanna in the bed of blood after the Kings Guard was defeated at the Tower of Joy. Lyanna had a given birth she was covered in blood, she whimpered for Ned during the battle then when asking Ned to keep a promise. The ripping sounds were Ned tearing down the Tower of Joy and the smell of fire would be Wildfire. Getting back to Ned, he does not go Straight to Kings Landing or even Winterfell but to Starfall after the battle at the Tower of Joy (Supposedly to tell them about Arthur’s death) and to return “Arthurs sword” House DAYNE is in DORNE. Dorne is very important to the next dream of Daenerys as she remembered: thoughts of strangely remembering the scent of a Lemon tree outside her door! How could that be? She had to have been in Dorne to smell Lemons which are in DORNE. All things are pointing to her Birth not being at Dragonstone but actually at the Tower of joy. In Ned’s dream after being wounded he dreamt of the battle at The Tower of Joy, Why is this so important? Because the Greatest of the Kings Guard were there including the Lord Commander of the Kings Guard. (Actually cut out of HBO’s show but in the books) No matter what child was born there it is very important to remember the Three Kings Guard who were there 3 of them and why would they be there? Rhaegar is dead so no reason to be there? Aerys is Dead so why be there? Only Ned and Howland Reed survived the battle and know what Ned left with from the Tower of Joy. Was it one baby or twins? If twins it would be R+L=D&J. Now wouldn’t that be mind blowing Dany and Jon are twins. Lyanna is buried in the crypts of Winterfell a place reserved for Lords and Kings of the North not for women so Lyanna being buried there with Neds adherences to tradition and Gods Lyanna would have had to be a Queen to be buried there. Granted this could be simply a tie in to Jon but Martin is very good at making you think one thing then doing something else. Yet another Ned Protection is when NED refused to have any part and resigned as hand of the King when they wanted to kill Dany. Was Ned still trying to fulfill an oath to Lyanna? Barristan Selmy was also at that small council, Yes the show left it out. Barristan also was opposed to the Killing of Dany, We all know he later went on to serve Dany. I should note he was at war with Rhaegar at the Trident and it is possible that he told Barristan that Dany was his child. Probably not Girl nor Boy he may or may not have known that but he would know about child to be born, so it makes sense that Sir Barristan would seek her out. Also at the Small Council meeting Peter (Little finger) Baelish argued against using a “faceless man” A faceless man is a guaranteed death, Instead Varys sent word to poison her. Yet Jorah managed to prevent it, assumingly on the order of Varys as Jorah would have had to known about the poison and who had it and Varys would be the only one to know this, well maybe the only one Little finger may well have known also. Further evidence is that Maester Aemon (did not die at the wall like in the show) but actually died on route to Meereen to Dany with Sam and Gilly as companions. Why is this important? We know Rhaegar sent many letters to him regarding the prince that was promised. It is highly likely he told him he believed it to be Dany. Had John been his son then Aemon would never have left the Wall breaking his oath or Sam also breaking his oath. (HBO changed this from the book) Jon Snow If Dany was the child of Rhaegar and Lyanna then who is Jon Snows Parents? Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne or (B+A=J) Remember Ned did tell Jon he was a STARK. Now you have to go back to the Great Tournament at Harrenhal to understand this one. That tournament had many consequences. We all know that when Rhaegar won the tournament he crowned Lyanna and this is where the R+L=J theory comes in. Obviously Rhaegar loved her and she married him (speculation) in front of the Heart tree and they spent a lot of time at the Tower of Joy right after. But at the Great Tournament it is said that Ashara Dayne was taken advantage of by a Stark. Ned was busy with Howland Reed, who was a friend of Lyanna so no way it was Ned. But Brandon was free to play. My belief in this also goes back to the Battle at the Tower of Joy. Ned left and went to Dorne as I said before; and Ashara and Ned conspired to protect both the children. Ashara soon committed suicide supposedly but no body was ever found, in AWOIAF Martin has often said without proof of death there is no proof of death. I believe Ashara took Dany to Dragonstone possibly or wherever Viserys was and then she left to Asshai where she became Quaithe to look after Dany and Ned took Jon to look after him. Now you must look at Quaithes Prophecy to Dany to understand this as well as what happens when Daenerys is wandering lost, starving, and alone in the Dothraki Sea, she slips into a restless sleep and hears Quaithe's original instructions again. She then sees Quaithe, whose mask is made of starlight, and the stars whisper in a woman's voice That is important as it is House Daynes sigil. And finally and hate to say it but Dear Old Ned or I should say Sean accidently slipped up and said he was not Jon’s Father in an interview (whoooppppps) but even more telling was he told Jon that he would tell him about his mother when they met next. Ned would never betray Lyanna NEVER so that tells me Jon is not the R+L=J. And here is my Prediction for Jon, he does die at the wall and becomes COLD HANDS! Jon (show) has already done some of the Cold Hands story only as Jon. This goes with HBO combining characters and plot lines. How will we ever know for sure? Howland Reed knows and is still alive and I believe him to be the High Sparrow in the (show) His loyalty to Ned and Lyanna seem to fit everything the Sparrow is doing to the Lannisters. Little Finger is feeding the knowledge to the people needed to make bad things happen to them as well. He also knows what Ned did, that the Kids of Jamie and Cersie are just that. Why is Little finger doing everything he is? I believe him NOT Varys to be the one trying to restore the Targaryens to power. Everything he has done has been designed to destroy major houses and weaken them yet the only house he has not messed with is Martell a Known supporter of the Targaryens . House Baelish is aligned with house Arroyn which up until Roberts Rebellion were staunch supporters of the Targaryens. Now even more to it is when the Targaryens were taken away from Dragon Stone it was Willem Darry who did it his loyalty is FIRST to the Targaryens but secondly to HOUSE BAELISH. Now let’s look at what Little Finger has done, He has weakened major opposition houses, Stark, Barratheon,Lannister and Tyrell. Their armies are severely weakened and house in turmoil. He is now Lord of Harrenhal and for all purposes the Vale two major areas that have been unharmed. If he is allied with Dorne then he has the three most powerful houses allied with him or under his control. He knows the Dragons are real and he knows History very well and what will happen when Dany returns. For him to have in place the Powers to support her would put him in even a better position of power. I doubt he wants the throne himself as he is all too familiar with what comes with it, but to be given major lands and titles with the wealth, now that would interest him. He literally can have his cake and eat it too, and we all know he likes that. Finally going back to Quaithe; remember her warning to Dany. The glass candles are burning. Soon comes the pale mare, and after her the others. Kraken and dark flame, lion and griffin, the sun's son and the mummer's dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal. Now HBO has killed some of this it appears (Pale Mare) (Kraken and Dark Flame) but we still have the Lion, Griffin the suns sun and the Mummers Dragon. Trust none of them. Remember the Undying. Beware the perfumed seneschal.[ I believe they also shot down the (Griffin and Suns Sun) the Young Griff story basically. So we are left with Mummers Dragon and Perfumed Seneschal I believe the Mummer is Vary’s and the Lion is Jamie (see tyrions dream about the battle of the second trident): That night Tyrion Lannister dreamed of a battle that turned the hills of Westeros as red as blood. He was in the midst of it, dealing death with an axe as big as he was, fighting side by side with Barristan the Bold and Bittersteel as dragons wheeled across the sky above them. In the dream he had two heads, both noseless. His father led the enemy, so he slew him once again. Then he killed his brother Jaime, hacking at his face until it was a red ruin, laughing every time he struck a blow. Only when the fight was finished did he realize that his second head was weeping Ok; Dany is R+L=D = Mother of a lot of names but true Ruler of Wes oh hell the World Jon is B+A= J = Cold Hands Tyrion = Just awesome and now taking it to a new level and yes he is a Targaryen (Mad King is his daddy) Little Finger = Targaryen Supporter Vary’s = Mummers dragon Sansa = Lady Stone Heart Jamie = Azor ahai Bran = The new Bran the Builder Arya = I have no clue but I hope she goes back to Westros gets in trouble claim trial by Combat and we get Clegan Bowl. So there are my theories to date, they may be all wrong which would not bother me at all. I have often had to rethink things with each new book and that is what makes it so much fun. I have much more about other characters but wanted to keep it to the main three Dany, Jon and Tyrion. But in doing so Little Finger had to be talked about as I believe as Evil has he has been portrayed that he is actually a HERO.
  19. Ya what the hell HBO has already done enough damage to a lot of theory and plot lines and the description for Sunday Night is out so might as well. Its a long read but I will post it.
  20. Lance you have no idea how bad I want to say my theory on Jon. I may post my entire theory Before Sunday simply because of the show doing so much not in the books and they may reveal it Sunday. One of the Big things I hate about HBO doing it before the books are done is it spoils the Mystery. I like how other shows have diverged from the books you can see why and how come but this one there is no reasoning to see.
  21. Na he wont Warg to a Dragon. GRRM writes about struggles and that would be way to easy with where Jon's storyline has been. But GRRM loves to use Dreams and Prophecy and they are as if not more important to his writings than anything. But he also warns you have to be careful with them. If you can align a "green dream" up with a known fact it proves it to be true but interpreting one before it happens is difficult. Probably the best is Brans dreams we know he has them and they come true. This sets up a very interesting situation when it comes to Jon. If you are a Book Reader, Bran has the dream of Jon: Finally he looked North. He saw the Wall shining like a blue crystal, and his brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled him. Then the Three Eyed Raven told him: Now you know, the crow whispered as it sat on his shoulder. Now you know why you must live. "Why?" Bran said, not understanding, falling, falling. Because winter is coming. This clearly shows Jon is dead. And knowing Brans dreams come true we must assume it as well. This is the one area that throws many off as it is possible Jon could be brought back to life by one of several ways thus releasing him from his Vows and allowing for him to Become the Man as Maester Aemon said to him. The other thought is he is just simply dead and Martin is done with him and now shifts all the importance to BRAN.
  22. I aint touching R+L till after this weekend then I will. Made a promise to myself I will not fire off spoilers till HBO caught up with the books. But I have a theory and the evidence to back it. Though I may be wrong Ive been working on it a long time and it keeps getting stronger and stronger. For Jon, All the Starks children are capable of warging, so the theory he wargs to Ghost makes most sense. Then he will be brought back by someone. I am not worried about him as there is POV chapters already known in the next book and his contract extended to S7. Granted Martin could kill him off at any time though for fun.
  23. It is all about the Dagger. The dagger was originally Little fingers but he lost it to a bet to King Robert. Little finger used his knowledge of this to make it look like he lost it to Tyrion. But when Cat and Tyrion were on the way to the Vale Tyrion told Cat he NEVER bets against family. At that point she knew it was not him. So could it have been Little Finger? No as the Dagger was kept with Roberts stuff and Little Finger could not get to it. So what about Jamie and Cersie? Well they had the conversation and both denied it to each other and they wouldn’t lie to each other if anything they were completely honest with each other. Probably the only person Cersie will not lie to is Jamie. But the best evidence is at Joffreys wedding when he said he is no stranger to Valaryain Steel and Tyrion makes the comment about THE Dagger in a veiled way and it sets Joffrey off. Tyrion had figured it out. Why did Joffrey do it. Robert had made an offhand comment that he knew Bran would be a cripple and it was better to be dead than a cripple and Joffrey heard this and would do it to impress his father.
  24. Compared to there you must feel like you are in the Land of Milk and Honey up here. There is to many streams, rivers, creeks and lakes that you can wet a line in. One of the Best Books is "Flyfishers Guide to Missouri and Arkansas by Dan Limbaugh and Larry Kinder" It is a fabulous book that really talks about the area waters, though it might be more fly fishing related you get great maps and information on the area.
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