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Everything posted by LittleRedFisherman

  1. Hasn't been a post on the Little Red since Mine back in March...lol. Curious of any of you have been fishing the little Gem this fall, and hows it been? I plan on going there in a couple weeks!!
  2. About 8 to 10 years ago, there's a couple guys there locally that produces a show on Channell 8 called Ozark Outdoors, now they call it Arkansas Outlaws. Anyhow, ole Crowbar was just standing on top of the fall fishing below it, and was catching him some monster walleye. I remember the show, but they never showed it again, maybe didn't want to give up there secret, I'm pretty sure the falls they were fishing where the one up from the Bridge at Hardy. I forgot what bait they where using, but it worked and they were nice fish. May have been just a seasonal thing where you catch them just right. On current river, I usally jig holes and deep bend with a heavy curly tail tube jig, and also anchor in some of the better holes and still fish with creek Chubs.
  3. Great report, and great stuff!!
  4. My offseason has started, so that means despite the cold, I crank up on fishing. I have heard for years about the Walleye that is in the Spring. I"ve fished for them in the Current River in Arkansas before, but was wondering about fishing in the Spring River for them. I've always heard you can find them below the falls? I have a place in the Hardy area, so that is probably where I will consentrate on fishing for them.
  5. I have seen it done, and it they work well for browns. They can be drifted with the boat, or used just still fishing in a hole. I have been wanting to try them myself, I've seen some youtube stuff of a guide on white river using them. I love to flyfish like many on here, but I"m not to proud to chuck some bait as well....
  6. This didn't turn out like I planned, because two of the biggest groups of ducks we lit, I had my camera pointed at the bill of my hat...lol. Anyhow I'm learning about this camera, and did manage to pull out some footage.
  7. Thanks Guys! One advantage of living in the flats is I get a great sunset every night!
  8. Set the Gopro on the deck this evening and tried to do a sunset timelapse. Gonna have some fun with this camera!
  9. Thanks ollie, I'll be checking that out! I may still take my other one as well when I want to zoom in on some scenery. I played around with the timelapse I took awhile ago, I use pinnacle studio 14, pretty good editing software.
  10. Thanks! I played with it a little more this evening when I got in, I noticed on the medium camera angle it doens't get the fisheye effect like it does on 170, i think medium is 130, which is still pretty wide, may try it there first time I use it. Doing a timelapse video of the sunset as we speak out on the deck.
  11. Like some of you on here, I like to video stuff I do in the outdoors, and at work (farm) from time to time. So the other night I ordered a Gopro Hero2 outdoor edition. I see Phil uses one alot, and they look great. I was just curious what your favorite settings are when using these to video, like fishing or hunting. Tried it out yesterday out in the yard with the kids, pretty neat camera. I noticed it has a really wide angle lense setting on 170, which is what I had it on yesterday, any of you narrow it down or run it there? Thanks for any insight!!
  12. Thanks for the report, sounds like you got the zig jig method down!! I just ordered about 9 dozen zig jigs for this winter, just got into jig fishing for trout this summer on Taneycomo. I know everybody has different colors they like. I got mostly brown and orange, olive and ginger, and white for the possible shad kill in Feburary
  13. My fishing season is gonna crank up for me as well, as with my job this is my off season i'm fortunate to get. I do tend to chase trout alot more, but I also fish for smallmouth, caught several last winter, just had to adjust tactics, and paitence. I'm one that can fish all day and catch 4 or 5 fish in the winter, although there were a couple days last year were they bite really well. I do love the solitude, and the rivers do have a unique beauty to them in the winter, to me even the water looks different.
  14. What a Dandy, Congrats!!
  15. Phil, thought you might find this funny. A couple months ago a seed company that I plant some seed from had a media day, and wanted some publicity to get the word out about there variety. They heard I tried some, so i agreed to do a media thing for them. Anyhow the day of the shoot I was like, what hat should I wear as most all the other hats I wear are from competing seed companies..lol. I saw my Ozarkangler hat that I bought while down at your place for our anniversery this summer, and I was like there ya go. Anyhow, long story short during the media day, I got interviewed by Elton Robertson editor of Delta Farm Press, which is distributed all throughout the south, and he did his own story about cotton production. So low and behold when I got my mail this afternoon, my ugly mug and that hat is on the front page of the Magazine, who would of thought...lol http://deltafarmpress.com/cotton/economy-push-cotton-crop-all-you-ve-got
  16. Great Report, I would love to float Crooked Creek sometime. Guess I"m the same way, this is when I start my Fishing season it seems anymore.
  17. I cruise youtube from time to time watching fishing videos, and ran onto this. I used to pick this show up on the old TV antenna we used to have to use out here in the country, it's always been a very good outdoor show that Kentucky puts on. Here they are drifting the Cumberland river, in a rather large boat, using live bait and planer boards. The brown trout to me have a different color than the rich brown color I'm accustomed to catching out of the Little Red. Here it is, just found it interesting and entertaining, think this guy would be pretty fun to fish with...
  18. Man, that sounds fun! I'm not a novice with a flyrod anymore, but still alot to learn, have not chucked many streamers for the big browns, but that's what I'm ready to do. Depending on the weather, I'll probably work my guys till End of November, after that we call it a Winter, then I'm game for anything!!
  19. With those two 6 row pickers we have been picking anywhere from 120 to 160 acres a day, but it's a long day, been running them till 10 every night.
  20. Yes sir, duck hunt quite a bit as well, we hunt in the green timber on Black River, there's nothing like it when it's right! Would love to do that, sound like a plan!!
  21. Cotton field that is, haven't been anywhere but the seat of this cotton picker for the past month, but have taken some photo's I'd thought some of you might enjoy of some cotton farming in the Delta. I'll be off for the winter by December hopefully, then be heading to the Ozarks for some trout and smallmouth fishing, hope to have some pics of that as well!!
  22. Enjoyed the honest report, to me that's still worth the trip! I love to catch fish, but the experience alone of being on those streams just makes life grand to me. I agree with the leaves, it makes it tough. I've logged in about 170 hours on a cotton picker the last 2 weeks, and have been dreaming of my upcoming offseason as motivation to keep a grinding. I'd love to fish those streams this time of year, but no time as Harvest requires to make hay while the sun is shining. Enjoy reading reports like this as I can't be out there right now. Soon though I"ll be chasing smallies and trout all winter, can't wait. We need to hook up sometime, I fish during weekdays in the Winter!!
  23. Never underestimate the heart of a champion!! That was an incredible comback, a great show of heart, determination, and teamwork.
  24. This summer I got to fish Taney for 3 days while my wife and I were on our Anniversary in Branson. I had seen Phil use jigs to catch some great trout, so I studied up and tried them, fishing about 70 percent with jigs and the other with the flyrod. I was amazed how well this jigging worked on catching brown trout there! Anyhow in Arkansas these ZigJigs are very popular on the White River, fixing to order me some of these and try them. GotMuddy just caught a pig with one of these, i beleive he has mastered the art of using these. Here's a pretty neat video that Wildman from the AGFC aired back last winter using ZigJigs to catch some trout. Here's the http://www.agfc.com/resources/Pages/ResourcesVideos.aspxlink For some reason it doesn't go to the correct video, just go down this list of shows to the 12/17/11 show.
  25. Will do Cody! Sounds like a plan!!
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