Most die hard walleye guys do not keep the large walleyes. A would have to disagree with the 15-20 inch walleye being the best spawners. Or maybe that's a Bull Shoals thing. On the Mississippi river the best spawners are above the 20 inch mark. The slot limit is 15-20 inches. The attitude of keeping everything you catch or filleting a 10 pound walleye is very unimpressive to me, meaning not impressed. Yes you can do it and are allowed but not impressed with a mans ego. Intelligent fisherman know the hazards of eating larger fish compared to the smaller ones, yes the larger the fish the more mercury. So go ahead and eat as many big fish as you like. As far as why the Bass guys don't like walleye not sure why. Walleye fishing has always been more technical for me as they are creatures of the night for the most part. Bass fishing not nearly the challenge even know still plenty of fun.