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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Haris122

  1. Have to say the actual fillet tastes really good though.
  2. Well I didn't quite dig a grave for it or play a bag pipe. I will consider to bring along one of my guns next time. Blowing it's head away in the park beats swinging it by the tail head first into the concrete steps at home. What caliber do you think will suffice?
  3. Well I went to Suson Park, and caught a catfish near the time of going home. I decided to keep it for my first time instead of release it, but it was still breathing for the full drive back home. While I tried to figure out what to do with it now (it had swallowed the treble hook, and it was already at home), I poured some water into a plastic bin of some kind and put it in there. Finally I decided I need to put it out, and I grabbed it and tried to smack its head on the concrete. Needless to say it was messy. Hard to believe how many times I needed to smack it to put it out. Not to sound like a sissy, but I think this will be my last time I take one back home after this, short of really needing to eat something.
  4. What types of lures were you throwing? Also, did you get any other species going for it?
  5. I noticed the restriction to single hook roostertail type lures for the winter c&r, that got me wondering if that applies during the non c&r season or if roostertails with trebles, as well as crankbait type lures are allowed during those times?
  6. Me and a friend of mine headed out to Creve Coeur Lake today in the afternoon. Water was kind of choppy with the wind being a touch too strong for the first 2 hours or so for bobber fishing for catfish, but we kept at it. My friend hooked a small channel catfish a couple hours in, after the wind stopped a little bit, then around sunset I finally hooked one up myself, but it too was really small. Put that one also back in, and left for the day. No fish to brag about, but it was fun nonetheless catching them. Judging by the size of the fish I'm thinking these weren't stocked, but born there, which is kind of cool. Granted not hard to believe some catfish in that lake are wild, with a channel connecting it to the Missouri river, but nonetheless might help explain why I've had that much luck with catfish there.
  7. Nice Bass. Were you able to tell what species of bass the one being eaten was?
  8. Haris122


    Assuming two bass are the same size, does that mean the ones with the bigger tails are more desirable cause in general they give a better fight or something?
  9. Thanks guys. I think I'll make a trip down there soon then.
  10. Sweet. I can't wait to be able to get out onto the Meramec myself. From the banks, but nonetheless.
  11. Congratulations on the good news.
  12. I've got to get out there and check meramec springs as soon as my foot gets back to normal or close to it. How hard do you think it is to fish meramec springs, if your not in condition to stand around much/have to sit while fishing for most of the time? Like bobber fishing for example, is it possible or will the current just sweep it down the stream and cause you to get snagged or in the way of other people?
  13. Anyone had any luck and pictures from the 1st (i believe) managed firearms hunt in Weldon Springs last year (2011)? The antler-less only one? I went 2 of the 3 days (had school the last day, which was Monday), and had no luck. Just wondered what the deer that did get shot looked like.
  14. Cool, thanks.I don't paddle per se, but I've got extra time these days for reading and daydreaming, so I'll try to grab one from there soon.
  15. How much are these paddler's guides and would Powder Valley Nature Center be one of the places selling them?
  16. Yeah. Hopefully I catch something this size myself at least once. And for me, it doesn't have to be a trout, I'll take carp, drum, gar, anything as long as it got hooked fair and square.
  17. So I'm from Bosnia and Herzegovina, and just surfing around I recently saw a clip of some guy catching a nice Brown Trout in the Northwestern part of it. I got no familiarity with fly fishing, so the stuff at the beginning of the video doesn't tell me a whole lot, but I did think the trout he caught was pretty cool, even though I didn't see a real vicious fight from it. Anyways, here's the link to the video of it I found on youtube, if you guys like to see.
  18. Looks awesome.
  19. I saw a pretty good pile of fish fileted, or with heads cut off like that, just a few feet in the water right on the boat ramp of an access like a year back. At the time I wasn't sure what was going on, then I heard some of you guys mention similar stuff with giggers fileting/cleaning the things right then and there.
  20. It looks like the wrong link. Personally it seems a more interesting one.
  21. I remember reading that lake 3 is generally a good bet. However I spent 5-6 hours one day this summer with catblood stinkbait stuff, and got nothing. Though I did get probing bites. I bet it didn't help though, that I was fishing it a few hours either side of noon for a good 90% of that chunk of time, before I came back to it later in the day again.
  22. Nice fish.
  23. Interesting read. Hopefully prior sperm retention wasn't just overlooked in that, cause that would kind of seem like an obvious thing to doublecheck.
  24. The original owner probably left it at his place for a couple years, it started rusting, and the guy didn't trust it anymore. So, easiest way to get rid of it without getting in trouble = dump it or toss it in a lake. Don't have to risk pulling the pin, and no one will probably find it for a long time if ever. Good thing it didn't get snagged just right to somehow activate it once the guy starts fumbling with it to remove it from his line.
  25. Since its been kind of slow on the Meramec forum, I figure I give another quick report. I went yesterday for 2 hours late in the afternoon on the meramec down near hwy 21/tesson ferry rd.. I saw a lot of activity, but then again there always seems to be late in the afternoon at this place. Anyways, I was lure fishing from shore with one rod, with one of the cheap $2 crankbaits from walmart and no takes on that. The other rod I had the catblood stuff on under a bobber, and caught a small maybe 12" blue or channel catfish. Had a few more bites on that same type of bait afterwards, but no solid takes. So that was pretty much it. Near the end I saw a small gar swimming towards me before he noticed me and high tailed it out of there. Also saw the carcass of a nice 18" or so bulky gar that probably would've given one heck of a fight. But it was dead, floating in the water. Don't know if from natural causes, or cause someone didn't like what he got on the line.
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